Vidya Buyfag thread?
What'cha waiting on Sup Forumsirgins?
Vidya Buyfag thread?
What'cha waiting on Sup Forumsirgins?
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Mcfucking kill yourself
Fucking playasia.
Cringe hard
That's really fucking rude man, you should apologize
WHY exactly are you cringing? What the fuck are you going on about?
Only this but fuck I have nomoney right now.
I guess I'll eating tuna for a month.
This. Excited.
Waiting on the Prime1 Lady Maria, releases next June/July
Is this thing ever getting an english version? It took ages for Bloodborne Official Artworks to get released in the west even though it had english text along Jap from the get-go.
Any good cooking video games?
>Cheap shit Ikea display.
Go to /toy/ gore threads and quickly learn your mistakes user, this isnt a joke and it will save you thousands in damage.
I have this and the white version preordered.
>buying fucking plastic toys in your 20s
that's pretty pathetic lmao
It's not playasia. The actual manufacturer delayed it to July. Amiami was delayed too.
Not Op, but are really that bad?
I have him user. He's the best figma i've owned so far, i only really own Zelda + YGO stuff, but the poses you can get out of him are amazing. Easy too.
That is pretty much the goto. It's even recommended in Sup Forums's buyfag guide.
Got these coming in the mail, along with a Camilla scale & 2 Gravity Rush Figma down the pipeline.
I probably should invest in a glass display case to mitigate dust, but I don't have the cash for it right now, so I'm stuck using some wood bookshelves at the moment. Might clean out the closet and knock the walls down to expand the room and add more shelving for shit.
OP here. Detolfs are fine you fuck. They only implode if you're a moron who puts the supports in backwards.
is gunpla vidyya? I've been slowly working my way through the real grade line, pic related is next.
I'm thirty and buy plastic toys. Are you, dare I ask, mad?
I hope you ordered that 1:1 millennium puzzle
Yup. Puzzle box too. They got delayed by a month though, kinda sucks. Excited to see how they look.
>He says while posting on a video game board
>They are fine.
>They are the go to's.
Yes, for people not willing to spend the money on proper display and safety and all you collect is Craneking figures.
>Is it that bad.
Its not bad bad, but its not good when you can spend just a bit more money for a display far safer and much more elegant to the eye.
But as I said, Ive seen them shatter, and ive seen them buckle and gore threads teach you a lot about safety.
Most of my collection is figma/Nendoroid shit anyway. Though i must agree, i wouldn't put anything heavy inside.
I mainly got a detolf because, as you can see, i don't have a huge amount of space. Planning on changing this room up so i can get something better.
Cooking mama
Dragon's Crown
Odin Sphere
Okami....well you get food and looks nice but is not very related.
Last thing I got was the Thunder Force V ship. It was really expensive (since it was an exclusive a long time ago) but I'm happy with it. Waiting for my Figma Iron Fossil in August.
Still working on having enough cash to justify getting a PS4 and Persona 5 steelbook.
Please wish me luck! I need all the luck I can get.
Only mai waifu
Assblasted poorfag
Is that an Ikea curio cabinet? I'm in the market for a couple to display some Halloween III masks and other collectibles in my home theater room.
5 art books showed up at my doorstep today.
Wait, are detolfs unstable? I bought one a few weeks ago but haven't gotten around to assembling it yet. I don't it crashing down on all my figures (paid $200 for an Emilia one)...
Waiting for this and Jehuty
I don't ever reveal my power level...
Does Sup Forums want more?
Poorfag here, looking for a cheap but decent looking cabinet to display my figures. Got any recommendations.
Seriously I need photos of that fucking megaman Zero.
Very badly.
>I don't ever reveal my power level...
>says while revealing his power level
That being said, that's a pretty sick collection.
Where to cop those cases?
Only for pic related.
It's this figure:
Apparently there was a special edition released only in certain Nipponland stores that came with the gun, too.
It comes fully assembled, save for the arm. I never assembled the arm. The entire figure is a hollow and somewhat soft plastic, not hard like ABS or PVC, and is somewhat like some dog chew toys. I never managed to get the saber on him. I read you'd need a heatgun or hair dryer to make the wrist socket more malleable to plop the hand in there.
But the thought of doing that makes me sweat bullets.
Charged my camera just enough for the big shot of the main 4 bookcases. I got other stuff still in boxes that aren't displayed (~15 JoJo SAS figures, and many other misc figures sitting on a second set of 2 bookcases).
If you want a Zero pic, you'll have to wait a bit, I'm trying to get my camera's battery pack charged up a bit more, but the charging process is slow as fuck.
I have this one. Looks really good imo, but the shoulder stickers tend to peel off and the shield connection is flimsy on mine.
There's a removable cardboard insert in the glass doors that has a white laminated side and a black laminated side. I removed them to have clear displays, obviously.
I will note though, out of the box, they simply don't look this good. The doors Ikea provides will always leave an air gap, and I painstakingly measured and sourced 3M weatherproof foam tape to line the bookcase and the doors to make a dust-resistant seal. None of my figures inside the glass case ever see a spec of dust due to this.
Yeesh what a waste of money
Depends on the quantity of figures you want to display.
IKEA stuff is what most people go for.
Some people like Detolfs, but I really dislike their fragility and the impossibility to make it really dust resistant.
I went with several Ikea bookcases with glass doors. See:
Hey user , thanks in advance for the info.
About the pics, I'll be waiting so take your time.
There's no need to rush.
You got it wrong, newfag, this the assigned Sup Forums ausiliary board, fuck with your shitty manchild hobbies no one cares about you fucking cuck.
Cry me river.
>EB Games cancelled my TP Link amiibo
I hate my stupid leaf country
Well just this but it's seems is delayed to september.
Oh sorry forgot pic
One little RX-78-2 isn't gonna cut it. Cases like those demand more gunpla.
is this a healthy mix?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but by any chance do you like Megaman?
Yeah, I know. I got quite a few model kits I've never assembled, mostly cars. I want to make the model kits, but I don't want to half ass and just assemble them and put on stickers. I want to go all the way with the painting and such, but honestly haven't had enough time.
I did buy an airbrush recently to try my hand at casemodding first. The enamel clearcoat I got from Testor's Model Master Series apparently yellows on white paint over time, so I had to use rattle-can clear coat and got way more orange peel than i'd like. I'm going to go through the process on smoothing it out with 3M rubbing compound and such kinda soon here.
Case is originally a Node202.
Here's one. He's a bit dusty since he's too tall to go in the case.
Nice, that one was a bit too much but I liked this one better anyway. Also got an Isabelle reprint today.
I bought some tiny gashapons, characters from Capcom games, I don't know what to with those.
I can't buy a statue unless it has huge doughy knockers or a thick fuckable ass with budding wide hips.
Nice. Did you assemble the shelves yourself into the wall?
What kind of glass box is that for your master edition botw box?
Yes, actually my father did it in 2011 and I helped him.
Oh damn, that Rei Mikamura from G Gundam. Didn't know that figure existed. I had thought only Domon and Master Asia had figmas, but besides Gunpla, G Gundam didn't have figures.
You are my nigga
>the eye patch thing is castoff
fucking pre-ordered
That's actually pretty damn awesome. The 2x4 studs normally act as vital structural supports for walls and the house in general. You and your dad really did well in making it seamless with the wall. I'd actually want to attempt to do that one day, but for now I'm doing the best I can with Ikea furniture.
Check the fanbook user.
The shelf below the Dio vs Jotaro thing is supposed to hold the ~15 JoJo SAS figs I have, but I never got around to actually taking them all out of the box and posing them.
I already did asshole.
bought it too
Boxes I haven't packed and labeled or unboxed figures shelf.
Waiting on this right now.
My nigga.
How do i not suck at putting figures together? All I want is an objecting Phoenix Wright
Are you talking about gunpla-like-figures or garage kits?
Man, zelda isn't even a good game
>That Zelda
>The wink
>The Triforce
>The bow
You couldn't decide either, huh?
Yes, figma's and light weight things are fine, but I see a rather heavy Zelda statue on shelf high up, it needs to be on the bottom.
The figma
Watchu recommend then. Not giving you sass, I'm just really curious since I'm moving to a new place soon so I need display cabinets.
Fuck me, I'm not used to this phone
Id recognise that IKEA display anywhere fag
Personal taste, and personal safety, there is no real recommendation outside of knowing what you buy. Its like buying a proper bookshelf, you can get them cheap and the wood bows, or you can get a thick wood one, or you can get one with a door.
Same for display cases, you can get store grade displays, or antique looking ones. Go and look around and decide something that works for you and where you live. Or, you want super secure, build your own with tinted glass and steel. I know a guy who did that for his gundam collection, he put a bowling ball inside to show why he used metal plates for shelving inside.
See this: If you want an commercial off the shelf solution.
Truly patrician tier display cases are handmade, like this user's:
Some day the mood will strike
Til then, care to post the boxes?
Your collection's impeccable and I'm super jelly