*obstructs thine passageway*

*obstructs thine passageway*

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That's as basic an input as you can get.

then why can the fighting game professionals still only do it like 50% of the time, hmmm?

Did you not see the MvCI demo? This motion is dead

Nice inputs but can you do THIS?

nigga, I can do it 95% of the time and I can't even win an online match


You're a fucking idiot if you really this this is true.

This is now a shitposting thread.

Forward then quarter circle, there I just red-pilled you on shoryu motions.

I can do it 100% of the time. I am now a fighting game professional, EVO2k17 here we cum.

Seriously, the problem with a Z input is the explanation itself. It's literally f, (n), d, d/f. The "Z" part is what throws people off. It's not exactly a true Z motion as it implies you need to do a QCD after hitting f.

Man I remember when I struggle with these.
Good times.

To be fair the "Z" is bullshit, just having it show forward, down to down-forward would help a bunch of people out

Nice try, now watch and learn.

That's not artificial difficulty, this is.

Challenger appears

*does combos*

someone start to complain about the pretzel input

I assume anyone who makes a braindead rant on fightan ran into either that or a charge input.
It may be the only genre that filters casuals on controls alone.

Unblockble or 50/50?

The image describing the Shoryuken is baffling until you realize it just means:
>let go of forward so stick resets to neutral
>immediately input hadouken manouver (down, slide to forward + punch)

Which is easy. I just don't understand why it's written as a little Z move.

more like

Hail to the king...

fiddy fiddy

Post arcade stick

Pic not related

More like Jack-off Amirite.

tfw want to buy Rev2 and CF but have to save up money to upgrade my shitty PC

Imagine trying to do this on a dpad


I still like playing as Venom, but my favorite incarnation will always be AC+ Venom. Everything about that version of Venom was dope.

Step aside kiddo.

why would a square gate be an impediment to doing circular motions? do you ride the gate like a neanderthal

don't get the pc version, it's dead. get the ps4 one. learn from my mistakes.

>watch someone do the first part
>then they press jab three times in a row

but it is a z. I've always done it as a z, you go forward then diagonal to down then forward. going back to neutral and wasting is a waste of time and would make you free on jumpins, just snap a z

>tfw trying to explain electric wind god fist to a normie

>don't get the pc version of rev 2
Absolutely right. I got the game, spent all day refining my Sin combos in practice only to get in and see literally 0 people online. I sat in the ranked match making for 20 minutes before giving up. Now I just use it to play with friends and keep my fightstick free of dust.

the funniest thing is that fucking vampire savior on fightcade is more active than R2 on pc.

if you want to play this game you have to play on ps4. period.

Even a normie can understand how a WGF and EWGF differ as long as they also understand frame(rate)s.


This. As someone who can pull off a DP input quite easily, the image representation of it is fucking retarded.

>wonder what this characters finisher is
>check move list
>three full circles and drive
And I never managed to do it in a match

>can do it flawlessly when facing right, only 10% of the the time when facing left
Why do they even bother?

>using a joystick over d pad
>wannabe pro cucks willingly gimp themselves using a fighting stick

What are you talking about.

Amen brother

>using a d pad over joystick
>too poor to be in the fgc so i'll stick with a normie input device

Get ready for Tryhard: The Post.

That doesn't look THAT bad.

I've almost never played Tekken but this looks like something I'd more or less get down in 5 minutes. It's literally just a DP motion, only you return the stick to neutral before you hit down.

I use a pad but I always feel like a stick would greatly help with doing motions. Too bad I'm a poorfag.

>using a joystick not because you want the arcade experience but because all the "pros" do
>gimping yourself for no reason
>a lot of money
heh, alright kiddo. dpad is superior for precise inputs.

>full circle motion grab super
>jumps and whiffs

This shit always gives me the creeps, but lately i've been wondering what it would be like to run your fingers through the shit. Could be satisfying if shit moved around like a bunch of leaves.

That's not how it works, people don't use ranked match because the amount of people who play this game in the states isn't that high per area. You have to seek out your local community or communities near enough. People, most often all of the time, play in player match rooms with room IDs that you can't see, because they don't want to play with a 0 bar who doesn't know how to block or whatever.

Is it just easier to do with an Arcade stick or something? Because I have a bitch of a time doing it on a pad.

why is a dp hard to do in tekken


I don't play on a stick. Or a pad.


I've been doing fightan on a pad since the early days of the PS2. I was good enough with it, but I can tell you my input speed improved drastically just days after getting my stick. This isn't the case for everyone, but it worked for me and I'm glad I got it.


Skullgirls is my first fighting game. Using keyboard. QCs and DPs are easy as getting dicks but anything more than that is a pain in the ass. Is stick that bad? I feel like these more complex inputs would be a lot easier on a more free-form device.

t..shitter who only play SFV

There's no 1 in that motion you retard.

the only time this input should be difficult is on a 360 d-pad

Not either of you, but keyboards are superior for precise inputs.
They just rarely get supported properly.

How good would something like this be if I wanted to buy something cheap?


>I've almost never played Tekken but this looks like something I'd more or less get down in 5 minutes. It's literally just a DP motion, only you return the stick to neutral before you hit down.

The input itself is not hard but getting it out as an electric is. As soon as you hit down-forward, you have to hit your right punch button. One frame too early or one frame too late and you fuck it up and get a non-electric version. Now even this is not THAT hard after practice. But practice is practice. It's hard to translate that into a real match where you have to do clutch electrics, especially the ones out of a sidestep (You do a sidestep by pressing up-up or down-down). Also one reason why it's hard is that in Tekken you can't buffer it while you are blocking. You have to start the input as soon as you are free to move again.

I think this is one of those moves that easier to do with a d-pad because the time it takes to go from forward to neutral is less on a d-pad.

What the fuck is that

>that kid that could do standing 720s on a keyboard

Fuck you asshole.
No wonder people hate the FGC tards like you.

I was just trying to figure it out.


I just downloaded Vsav and been playing it on a keyboard and I feel like Even DPs are kinda tough for me, honestly. I doubt I'd be able to pull off 360s or do any actual combos.

How the fuck do you know number notation but you don't know what the fuck a DP is?

>precise inputs on a pad
>has to claw-grip
>$100 dollar stick is the default for a stick worth your time
>koreans "pros" definitely don't use stick
>"watashi-wa 09'er desu"


I don't have anywhere else to post this gem.

What about this one, Sup Forums? It's only 2 buttons.

Thanks for the input, user. I thought there was something I was forgetting with the Just Frame input.

I still think I could get it in practice mode at least consistently with a bit of practice.

No one plays ranked in arcsys games.

You can find open room most of the time, otherwise just use the discord to find someone to play. Its pretty large.

It's even easier on keyboard.

Yes but I can also do it on keyboard just fine.

Your naivety makes me nostalgic for 2001.

The inputs are easy for QCF and DP, you just have to slur your finger movement like you're playing piano; holding your original input as you move to the next feels really natural.

It's a major bitch if you have to do it 4 times in a row and fast enough so you don't jump, though. I probably would be easier if I set up my movement keys like a hitbox but having the space bar be up fucked up my menu navigation and made it weird to control.

>You do a sidestep by pressing up-up or down-down

>1 frame
those niggers

You don't need to neutral in a dp

Sanwa buttons are $3 a piece. Buy a cheap stick and replace the buttons. Saved yourself $150-$200. Mini stick too small, get one size bigger.

You sidestep by tapping up or down kouhai

What's a "cheap stick"?

Yeah that's why I put brackets around it, most people end up going back to neutral as they go for the down. Also trying to draw a parallel with Tekken crouchdashing, which has proper notation and none of the Z garbage for a DP.

>modern fighters

Get on my fucking level.

Get a Brooks PCB, buy 8 Sanwa 30mm buttons, buy a Sanwa or a Fanta stick (make sure to buy a proper harness to connect it to the PCB if required), buy some pre-crimped cables for the buttons, acquire a USB cable (make sure it's the proper types for the selected PCB and platform of play) and then put the entire thing inside a shoebox like a true nigga.

The Hori Fighting Stick Mini or the Qanba Drone.

RTS should have simple controls


That's just Deadly Rave, it's fucking piss easy. That's like one of the easiest supers in every game it's in.

If the Dragon Punch is supposed to emulate the uppercut motion of the move, then why isn't it half circle down-back-to-up-foward + Punch?
And why isn't Hadouken Forward, Back to half circle forward + Punch?
And why isn't Hurricane kick a 360° rotation + kick?

Post more combos

I miss BR

Is there anything harder than this?

That input looks easy

had no idea Jack-o had a better version of her special

That's just fucking Deadly Rave again come on how fucking casual can Sup Forums be?

For what fucking purpose?

In my case trying to do 632146 often becomes 63216 so doing tyrant raves or rtls is impossible,

I can do that on keyboard with input buffering. I have no idea how would you do that on any controller without any kind of buffer like landing or jab cancel. You're talking about tager grab super, right?