How do you get friends from online games?

how do you get friends from online games?
i have been playing games forever and i have no friends.

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you have to be likeable

actually talk to people maybe

Just act like yourself

>use anime girl avatar
>s-s-stutter a lot

be likeable or be really good or both

Show off your penis

No idea, wish I knew that myself.

I'd like to know as well

How do you get friends irl? Jk I'm in my thirties and realized friends are highly overrated

>How do you get friends irl?
i dont...

Got to make them and stick with them when you're younger, I've been told.
Since I'm too old for new friends, I've given up on that.

You missed out. I made all my friends back in 2001 on TFC and we've been playing games together since. You need to play a game with dedicated servers.
Or just shitpost in popular discord servers until people start recognising your name.

Dunno they just add me and talk to me

>want to play coop/MP game
>have no friends
>with randoms its no fun
anyone want to play killing floor? its free

are you a twink that promises boipussy or something?

Im 34 and I work with my oldest friend that I've known since we were ten. He's becoming a giant douche. EventI ally complete selfishness kicks in and everyone starts looking out for themselves and their family. It's natural.

Just be good or be nice. I'm good and nice so I make lots of friends and always have someone to play with.

>Or just shitpost in popular discord servers until people start recognising your name.
Terrible idea

>online friends

just die

No I'm just good at video games and nice in chat

You post your ID in a Sup Forums thread, and say what game you want to play. Like so.
Add me only if you want to play Melty Blood (CCCaster) together.

n-no, i-its not as if i came into this thread to make f-friend, b-baka

-Just be yourself
-Have confidence
-Don't be that tryhard jokester in the group
-Don't be that random person who sends game invites to everyone (try messaging first)
-Try to control your autism if your having a bad game

thats all i can think of right now. if anyone wants to add anything go right ahead.