Resident Evil 4 thread

This might be the best action game ever created and I have no idea how it succeeded.

On paper it sounds terrible.
>Escort missions
>Cheesy Dialog

But somehow, this game made me love every bit of it. How is that possible? what did this game do to make it so good?

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back then people didn't browse youtube spoiling every aspect of a game before buying it, we just bought it because it was a new fucking resident evil. nobody cared about QTEs and they didn't even have a name back then. also every resident evil game has cheesy dialogue you underage piece of shit.

>QTE's didn't have a name back then.

Hahahah Shenmue would like a word with you.

just because every game has it, doesn't mean it's good. Sure it's endearing, but besides that it really takes you out of the experience.

you absolute fucking retard. i didn't say they didn't exist, i said they didn't have a name because nobody was that autistic back then and people simply saw it as another part of the gameplay.

>most notably Shenmue (Sega, 1999) for the Dreamcast introduced QTEs in the modern form of cut scene interludes in an otherwise more interactive game.[5] Shenmue's director Yu Suzuki is credited with coining the phrase "Quick Time Event"

It must be hard being as uneducated as you are.

user. I'm not saying I disliked those parts of this game. I'm saying that they are good and fun even though every other game that has those elements I dislike. This thread is for discussing what made Resident Evil 4 the best game in the action genre, not starting fights over the internet.

holy fucking shit, i can't even believe there are people like you in this world. you've never heard of research? retrospect? giving a name to something that was once nameless? they had to give it a name because it started becoming prevalant. but you are too young to remember, that they didn't have a name back then. i really wish people like you would just sit and think for a moment before posting.

fuck off fagt. u sound like a liberal queer

>Shenmue's director Yu Suzuki is credited with coining the phrase "Quick Time Event",[5] which were included in the game as to provide "a fusion of gameplay and movie" and create cinematic experience to the player.[6] The game's manual called them "quick timer events", but the phrase became popularized as "quick time events" since its release.[7][8] Since this period, several other games on modern console and game systems have included QTEs or similar mechanics.

Literally says right there that Shemue and it's director coined the phrase.

I could also dig up old episodes of Extended Play/X-play where they threw the phrase around if you want.

It was more of an adventure game than a horror game but the horror that was there made it a very tense experience.

Why do I still come to this website during the summer

i'm older than you by at least 6 years.

Hey at least the final boss isn't a QTE

You must 31 then lol. Get a life old man, your 401k and stock options are waiting.

when resident evil 4 was released, QTE's where starting to be a trope in the industry. They where often poorly implemented in games by using QTE's as a replacement for gameplay. But in resident evil 4 they where used as something to increase the tension and make you more immersed in the role of Leon Kennedy.

Yeah, but they don't work the way they do in modern games. The game practically tells you when you are going to have to run or simple has them so you don't drop your guard during cutscenes and they don't overstay their welcome. Today they replace gameplay or are use in a terrible manner.

>Escort missions
Done right. You do have to keep an eye out for Ashley but it's part of the gameplay and she isn't useless the whole game and she obeys so you don't have to babysit.

>Cheesy Dialog
The same kind of cheese you find in guilty pleasure movies. Dumb but entertaining. Cheesy but memorable.

that's not my point. nobody called them QTEs back then. i didn't start hearing that term until at least 2009. people just said button mashing.

Fuck. Why do I even try. I was trying to have a thread about a game that I just beat and liked very much, but instead it devolved into a shit flinging contest. Why do I even come to this website. I just want to talk about games but clearly no one else feels the same.

Cheesy dialogue is a RE trademark. The QTE's may be shit but they weren't as overused back when the game came out, so people didn't have half a decade of devs putting that shit everywhere to fuel their bitter hatred.

I'm trying to get the hang of the controls but it feels awkward

Sorry. To answer your question OP, it's because all the pieces came together to work really well.

The QTE's were done in a non-intrusive and occasionally inventive ways.

The escort missions are actually only about 1/3rd of the game and usually you can just stuff Ashley into a box or closet. also playiong as her was a nice change of pace

And the dialog is just funny and enjoyable. It made Leon more relatable and cooler somehow.

come back after september

>reddit spacing

keep spouting memes you learned five months ago, newfag.

I'm in the middle of playing through it again, just got to chapter 5. What was your favorite loadout? I tend to stick with the blacktail, first shotgun and the bolt action rifle. Broken Butterfly for bosses though

Nigga I just spaced out his 3 points for readability, shut up.

look me in the eye and tell me that the threads these last few months haven't been noticably worse than average

they haven't, and your mother likes to suck on my cock.

I like the
>red 9
>Riot Shotgun
>semi auto rifle
I stuck through that my whole playthrough. I'm going to try some other weapons in NG+

>The QTE's were done in a non-intrusive
Don't. RE4 is one of my favourite shooters but that's an outright lie.

You should try a starter weapons only run on NG+
Maybe on professional difficulty? The starting pistol pops like every other head off when fully upgraded it's fucking nuts

When will people realize that Matilda is the actual best pistol in the game?
>fast RoF if you get swarmed

Massive fucking tits.