Where is the fucking game?It is the 23rd and i can't seem to find it.
Where is the fucking game?It is the 23rd and i can't seem to find it
who would release a game during steam sale, even if it's f2p
it opens in 15 minutes
You lie.
>had an account in TSW for ages
>didn't even get a beta invite
Is the head start only for beta invitees?
>Is the head start only for beta invitees?
What head start?The servers should be wiped so everyone can start from the beginning.
ye it got delayed
The one mentioned in OP's image. I don't know anything about it myself, I haven't been really following it.
if you own TSW on your funcom account youll get the headstart.
Where the fuck are you downloading from, did i miss the download link on the official page?
i found the link on le reddit
Yes, it's right on the official site.
thanks user
What is this? Is it an mmo?
Thanks, i found it by myself once i knew it was out there.
Yeah, it was right at the top.
Oh, okay then. Time to remember which of my emails I had it registered on.
>What is this? Is it an mmo?
It's an MMO that should've been made into a co-op single game where you can have AI help you or friends.
So is the rehashed combat actually any good?
I don't really care.I just want to play trough the story lines.I mean i played Scarlet Blade for the boobs so why not play this for the story if it is free?
Where is my fucking game funcom?
It would still be a bonus.
I have The Secret World Ultimate on Steam but never installed, is it a completely separate game or?
yes but its f2p and if you own TSW you get the headstart for free also
The account page is supposed to 403 until launch, r-right?
What's the difference between TSW and Legends?
they changed everything to make it more accessible. its now action combat and there is a lvling system. i dont know much more
Legends has revamped, more action-oriented combat, and the MMO part is made into some sort of GW1-like lobby system.
Cash shop, money grubbing and gouging.
Elaborate on the gouging thing. Doesn't Legends only charge for cosmetics? Legit question, I haven't researched it.
I remember being put off by DLC pricing in TSW, it seemed like way too little content for the price. And paid cosmetics/boosts existed as well.
hes talking out his ass, but since its f2p he cant be that wrong
Are you fucking serious that I need to download another goddamn client to join the headstart? what the hell, man?
Is there any reason to keep the original game installed now that this is coming out?
And they have the worst fucking patcher ever.
-All dungeon loot is rng based lock boxes (you can buy keys for them and will have to because you get a small amount per day)
- Have to pay to trade with players
- Have to use a psuedo stock exchange to buy in-game currency
- Can pay for skill points and weapon upgrades
- Have to pay to get more storage space and faster running speed, with increments each trime you pay. Same for unlocking weapons.
- All loot is RNG based, enemies drop loot boxes which need bought keys.
That's... actually pretty terrible. Cancelling the download, thanks for the warning.
I was in the beta and many other ex-beta players will confirm this.
Imagine if they won't add the chipmunk costume in. That would be terrible because I couldn't be mercenary, the mascot man
it's dead, jim
>got a beta invite
>the launcher wouldn't let me log in
funcom made some good games but fuck them, they cant even rerelease their old shit properly
So you don't get any of those dungeon keys for free?
So the only way to get new gear for free is quest rewards?
RNG based gear. You do missions for a rng bag that might give you a new item you need.
Then you have to wait 3 actual days to redo that mission.
You get 12 dungeon keys per day, each key opens one boxed dropped by a boss monster. You burn through 6 a dungeon. Run two dungeons a day and then...fuck all.
Loot drop is low, so you mostly get exp for your weapon.
I see. I never really grinded dungeons in the original, so daily 12 keys is not a problem for me.
Do you think it'll be terribly annoying to just play through the story without paying a dime?
Should be fine, although gear might hold you abck a bit. Tokyo is not out until after the steam release, so the story ends before you got tokyo.
PVP is just 1 map at the moment and dungeons have no elite or nightmare modes. Cabals also got fucked over in this with some pay shit but I don't know much about that.
sounds absolutely terrible, shame that this game will be remembered as the final nail in funcom's coffin
I dropped the original back in Egypt, so I at least might trudge through that+transylvania.
Thanks for the info, user.
It's awful and the new combat is just as bad as the original.
It all seems tacked on and TSW is just being used to get more funding for Conan Exiles.
>Conan Exiles.
I completely forgot about that game. Is it still popular?
Early Access Open World Survival Game...
Reviews are mixed
Ah the neverwinter route
Way to put people off toplay their content
one playthrough wonder
I enjoyed the secret world, but only its investigation quests where you had to solve puzzles and shit. The whole MMO aspect was fucking cancer. Is this more cancer or more cool illuminaty stories and hard puzzles?
Me personally the individual weapon gimmicks hamper the combat.
In the end I went with the weapon that required the least amount of micromanagement. A hammer is straightforward whereas rifles are pure shit as they keep hurting you.
Lots of rng or trying to not fuck yourself up using your weapon.
Check out this page to see how each gimmick performs:
Takes some getting used to but seems alright. Assault rifles are garbage tier.
What's the thing with the least time to kill right now so I can blast through everything?
>funcom will never take all the content and make the game a singleplayer RPG/adventure game
Just do it and keep releasing more DLC you faggots
AoEs are broken in the beginning areas because
>do attack that does 9 damage to 1 target
>or do attack that does 9 damage to 5 enemies around you
Swords works well for that
i dont understand why they dont just put all these restrictions behind an optional subscription.
Swords work well and the chi mechanic is better than some of the other gimmicks.
There are classes now so you can't use any weapon combination (unless you grind shit loads or pay shit loads).
Go assassin class and try and get used to elementalism.
Elemental isnt so bad when its in your secondary slot.
If you want to be a masochist go assault rifle/blood
Fucking hell, balance is utterly borked right now.
Do I get anything if i paid for the old Secret world?
you get to redownload the same game and start from scratch
You can transfer items to legends
Is he ok?
Weapon pages unlocked, saving you time and possibly money.
Poseidon has him now
The writing in this game was fucking atrocious
For a game that has awful combat and relies on its quests, story and puzzles, it sure felt like I'm reading some watch dogs tier "I'm 14 and writing a book about the badass illuminati" shit
probably considering he's got some underwater equipment he's probably dived enough to know how to handle himself in that situation
Should have said the voice acting is shit in order for your bait to work
>Dual Pistols' gimmick
They better have good base damage
It's not bait.
I had to quit the game when I tried it some years ago because I couldn't take the awful fanfiction tier writing and dialogue anymore. It was so fucking cringey, like reading some shit on fanfiction.net written by a 15 year old edge lord.
Be specific
i own the game in steam but never played it. no head start for me i assume
Not cool man.
Illuminati are supposed to be memelords, as the mission handler says it, the purpose of life could be found on fourth page of google search hidden amongst shit results.
i think you get the headstart, just use the account information of the account that has tsw on it.