>we will never have FFXIV on a comfy handheld because of Sony
Thanks for being backwards, anti-crossplay cunts, Sony
Final Fantasy XIV
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don't thank us. thank our premium meats, melty cheese and flaky crust!
Will Doma and Ala Mhigo ever be real explorable cities?
I want to explore M'naggo's ass.
why the fuck doesn't the story quest level you to 70 naturally. fucking retarded having to stop for an hour and a half to pvp so you can keep doing the quest.
>tfw autism made you do all the sideq uests in SB, but still had to do an extra dungeon to hit 70
Sidequests exp is fucking garbage.
tfw pvp isn't even fun because you get the same xp for losing as you do winning
>no incentive to win
MS is only open to crossplay stuff because their shit is failing, before they wanted exclusive Xbox servers for exclusively Xbox players only if XIV was to come onto it.
>not being in que while doing the MSQ at all times
Well doma is literally a pile of rubble. Ala mhigo i am assuming we will build up over the patches in the residential zone.
>Troubadour doesn't work on BRD casting it
I guess I saved the party so I might as well just die
The games already held back by the ps4 we don't need it held back even more by the switch
>tfw no Nhaama
Kys tranny
So now that SCH sucks, do I level AST or WHM?
Seriously they need to give some sort of bonus for winning since it's the only decent way to level post msq people are basically just running around semi afk waiting for their free exp
White mage also blows. So...
You go back to playing F/GO and grail Serenity
>Xaela are the sun
>Raena are the moon
>Dusk Mother = Xaela
>Dawn Father = Raen
This is confusing the shit out of me
AST is on top but will probably be flooded with SCHs switching so WHM might be a better bet at this point if your looking for a static spot
There's the mounts for having X amount of wins, I suppose that's incentive for some people. That said those people probably already have them.
>White mage also blows
Not even remotely true
Back in to the cuck shed, white mage.
A pity too, since the game is clunky and ugly enough it may as well be a handheld game.
Raen are also just wanna be clones of Xaela, proving they are in fact inferior.
But people are only doing it for exp they're not going to keep grinding for mounts once they're leveled and the few who do want the mounts are getting fucked over by the afks giving an exp incentive would solve everything and actually make it feel rewarding
>Sadu will never rape the shit out of the brother most radiant
>cuck memer doesn't know that WHM can shit out dps right now
They've taken SCH spot
>tfw if you play female xaela he hits on you and gives you dialogue options
Told him to bugger off, I don't want no one from worst tribe with me.
Sorry to ruin it, but he does that if you do any female
Well thats just fucking stupid.
That means not a single npc recognizes your race and calls you an outsider constantly even though you are a xaela. 10/10 writing here yoshi.
>tfw all these potential waifus and husbandos this xpac
>still no favor/romance system
Why hasn't yoshi made this priority? This game is full of weebs who would eat it up.
So what's the fastest way to get my fresh Samuroth to 60? Is it still dungeoneering?
Cause your character can marry another adventurer and thats probably whats intended or as gosetsu says one of your fishing buddies.
tfw no gf
>hits on you
>dialogue options
I only remember the quip about "you try prancing around etherically with boots full of water"
I don't mind so much in frontlines because it's all a clusterfuck anyways, but if they gave a 50% win bonus to wolf's den it would be in a perfect spot. Frontlines is faster xp anyways
I was genuinely annoyed when Hien talked to my Xaela as if it was anything but a Xaela. Fucking retarded.
If you're a DPS just queue up for dungeons while doing the MSQ. It will pop eventually and you'll get the extra exp alongside the MSQ exp. I didn't run into a single wall during the entire MSQ because I was always at least a level ahead.
A few threads back an user said he gives you an extra line about how if you were male you would be perfect for his tribe if your xaela, not sure if its true or not
Exactly, if you can have alisaie have 3 different dialogue options based on whether you did coil, started coil but never finished, or just never did coil how can you not just have 1 additional line every now and then to recognize my race.
Healers get several unique story lines in fact when y'shtola gets injured, so why when you released an entire zone clearly focused around the race didn't you think to implement a few lines here and there.
>new gathering skills basically just all help you gather lower level items more effectively
Who came up with this
Jesus fuck
Weebs don't eat up the current marriage system, and yoshis said he'd like to add the favor system for real but its the lowest priority
Well thats cause most weebs are introverts and never talk to another person outside of basic interactions in instances. So getting married of course is way too far out.
That being said I wouldn't get married cause thats weird and bordering the erp line bullshit but have no issues if the game lets me fuck yugiri.
Remind me of those Alisiae options, again?
Don't fix what isn't broken?
I only married to get marriage exclusive gear and bird
>but have no issues if the game lets me fuck yugiri.
Which is the point, in fact imagine how much they could make if they sold a ring or something to start it in the cash shop
the ring is sorta nice while leveling to have an extra teleport to your partner
What are the benefits to being married?
>Its 3:30 in the morning
>I'm finishing up the MSQ
>I'm tired as fuck and want to go to bed
>But I'll be damned if I stop at the fucking quest named STORMBLOOD to go to bed
By god I am so tired
They aren't really options but are different. I think it's whether she dislikes you, is indifferent to you, or calls you a friend.
I had jsut started coil and never finished it but I know the dialogue option shows up in HW. Apparently estinien does something similar and yugiri addresses you differently if you've unlocked ninja or you haven't.
PotD to 60, PvP after
I'm under the assumption taking on an adventurer life essentially severs your ties with the tribes classing you as an outsider
Most of the issue is you can't really have some minor backstory choices about where you came from
potd until 60 then you can fucking frontlines to 70 because nobody is forming FATE groups because instances are gay
So if you could just stab Nidhoggs eyes to destroy them why didn't they do it when they pulled them out of Estinen instead of throwing them down a cliff that any retarded faggot with climbing gear could retrieve.
>Sidequest in which you can profess your love for one of the npcs
>You get relationship quests added much like the Mandermeme questlines
PotD until 60 then pvp to 70 assuming you don't have msq to do, and even if you do you'll probably have to do some pvp anyway since msq and side quests don't give enough to make it to 70
If you are an outcast there'd be even more dialogue options that'd make sense.
I do know what you mean though, that was honestly the best feature about gw2 was building your background story for your character and then playing it out. Then the story gets boring as fuck once that part is over.
ff14 with its huge focus on story I don't know why they don't give us options for our character instead of random dialogue options that affect nothing and serve no purpose.
The problem is they don't even recognize you as an Au Ra. Like Hien trying to explain to you Xaela life and at the same time pretending you aren't one.
Or the Warrior Questline
>Your character and Sadu doing some retarded and funny RomCom shenanigans
>tfw staying up just to finish the msq so I don't have to deal with it again
It's shit, I miss HW story already
Because they threw it into somewhere were no normal person could ever go because the aether would rip them apart
too bad we werent thinking about lolascians
as for the stabbing, they were still pumped up with aether a the time and thats probably like setting off a mini nuke
>tfw they already added the basics in to romance the innkeepers during the valentines event
Just do it yoshi you hack
Is Sadu in the war class quests?!
I don't care much for Lizards, but she was pretty cool
>fight Ivon coeurlfist
>see all his the sick moves
>MNK are stuck with shit like Riddle of fire, One lm punch and Tackle mastery
>basics in to romance the innkeepers
>romancing mother mione
>elezen girl on girl action
No but another Lizard, the entire questline is basically Curious Gorge falling in love with a Xaela that eventually climaxes into some really clichéd disgusting display of love.
The last quest was really fun.
first episode of the documentary is out
It's nice of them to include Heavensward in every purchase of Stormblood (at least on Steam) but fuck me if I didn't make an idiot out of myself looking for it.
Also, why is Quarrymill such a hotspot?
Speaking of romance what do you think will happen with the game as time goes on? We are really quickly dealing with all the problems. Could we potentially see some fire emblem tier things where we fight our kid who is from the future or something?
Well, look at it this way. If player Xaela characters were treated as belonging to one of the tribes how would they explain that their name Sephiroth Strife of Mephiles The'dark?
so the anantas are hemaprodite?
>The way he hit on Cirina before we leabe
Nigga is thirsty as fuck.
>people said this would be different from heavensward
>its the same shit
>msq, 2 sundeons 70, 2 ex primals and seals farming
>they are probably adding omega normal and ex version in the next weeks
>that eventually climaxes into some really clichéd disgusting display of love.
sounds like every Wuxia film ever
Palace of the Dead is a very good grinding spot and the dungeon queue NPC is in Quarrymill. Look it up.
>mother mione
She was the best part of the valentines event
>hit on
I wouldn't even call that hitting on, that's just yelling out PLS B IN LONDON
name they chose for themselves after leaving, their adventurer names
Location of Palace of the Dead, best place to grind exp for non-tank/healers pre-60
You gave yourself a new name because the eorzean plebs couldn't pronounce it right
No they work on monstergirl rules they capture and rape men and the children come out anata
There are 51 tribes, the most since would we'd be from the tribe that is entirely made up of survivors/outcast of the other tribes that way we could have any name.
Well that's something.
I was already wondering where and how one can get there.
What does one ilm punch do now? I really love the animation it had
>Need to heal actual HP and not overheals to get lillies
>Actually punished for using their regens abilities
>Lilies get used on any of their most used abilities so they can't safe up
>Confession stacks are just pure RNG bullshit and unreliable
We know. You'd know too if you looked into it instead of going in blind other than the word of some randoms.
It's more played as a comedic effect.
Like Gorge and the Xaela girl channeling their LB's towards the big bad with the difference that Gorge shoots hearts towards the guy while the girl does a regular channeling.
Basically the big bad was defeated by the power of love.
There's tons of tribes and races are distributed throughout eorza they could have been born in a city and never seen the steppes themselves
but one of the ananta asks why would you need a male to reproduce...
Technically its 3 dungeons
>Yoshi said they were going out of their way to make the villain completely reprehensible this time, since there was an issue with Baelsar/Thordan being too sympathetic
>Zenos is still somehow the most likable character
Are they doing this on porpoise?
So what's the name of the quest where I fight Lyse?
So I know to switch to MNK ahead of time.
She's still pure and hasn't had it explained to her yet
Thordan was a fag though.
Zenos is a true friend.
it'll be a lvl 69 quest and right after you save krile. Or you could just always just view the cutscene later