Vete a la verga.
No puto no, A la verga cabrón.
>being such a shit tier brown race you speak a foreign language of a people who invaded you
>your "culture" is just a bastardization of theirs
>have literally zero identity outside of the one you've appropriated from your rapist
pathetic people desu
Fuck off Sup Forums
Hey, it would be nice if we used this stereotype less.
hola lil nigga
>being such a shit tier brown race you speak a foreign language of a people who invaded you
This just reminds me of Native Americans. I kinda feel bad for them, but at least they have loads of money because casinos.
Wait, are we talking about America or Mexico?
Only some rezzes do, others are literally the poorest places in the entire US. Pine Ridge makes Detroit look like a decent city.
I'm Mexican and hate Mexican culture in real life, but I love seeing it used in the media. Sombreros, ponchos, mariachi music, and day of the dead shit are aesthetic as fuck.
>Anglo nation speaks English
nice banter there, José.
Yeah man being a fucking gringo must suck dick
Wena, ql.
triggered. can we not
Hey gringo what's the difference between gringos and bacteria?
If you leave bacteria alone for 200 years it might develop some sort of culture
Hola arriba bueno
Tacos y tortillas amigo
Fuck your cheeto man and fuck you Sup Forums
Is beheading children considered culture now?
Asian faggot here, I fucking love Sombreros and Ponchos. It's all thanks to Clint Eastwood.
You have to go back.
As much as school shootings gringo.
Hard shell taco is authentic mexican cuisine
no joke a "friend" of mine stripped me of my admin powers because we got in a disagreement over the mexican costume in SMO
me and everyone else in the discord server crawled up his ass and he reinstated the powers, but claimed that me having admin permissions was "dangerous"
At least you're part of a discord server, every single one I've joined has had me kicked or banned and I didn't even do anything that would be deemed bad.
This is Mexican Peach. Say something nice to her.
does't look mexican
need brown hair,skin and hair
French fries do not belong in a burrito.
her sideburns are thicker than mine.
I'd take a Mexican majority over a black or Muslim one any day.
Daily reminder
Fucking chicanos
when will they learn?
She is not even mexican, she has a spic name but she is from Canada
>WTF i love mexico now
>based beaners!
was this post really necessary
i'd rather not have any. mexicans are just as bad as blacks, only marginally more intelligent which makes them more dangerous
Well that's just embarrassing
Something, something, Mexicans cutting off their own kinds heads.
the same applies to north americans ???
>when a Drumpfkin talks about intelligence
You must have an Einstein-level IQ, right?
Is Mexico known for anything but tequila, drug cartels, mass graves of kids, mariachi bands, margaritas, walled-in resorts, that city from Sicario, Guillermo del Toro, sombreros, migrant labor, the Alamo, George Lopez, and Breaking Bad?
Estoy usando el interneto.
yeah, mayans, aztecs, the food, the women, the music, there's a lot to choose from.
>the music
I already got mariachi bands
>the food
See tequila and margaritas. Did forget tacos, though
>every single one I've joined has had me kicked or banned
>didn't even do anything that would be deemed bad
something doesn't add up here
>tequila is food
>all the music from Mexico is mariachi
the U.S. was founded by Anglos and appropriately uses English as its lingua franca, and clearly has a culture rooted in English political theory and thought.
try again, spic.
>the women, the music
>implying we are talking about the English
Intenta de nuevo, hombre. Who else has invaded my country lately? Hmm....
>the food
>rice and beans peasant food Mexishits only know from the Spanish
wow such cultured delicacies
>there are people in this thread, right now, who don't unironically like mariachi music
>I've never had good Mexican food
cheap knockoff of German folk music.
Hook me up senpai, I'm interested
well, isnt it the same for mexico? spanish people came and conquered whole south america.
english people came and conquered whole north america.
you can't argue with retards, it's a waste of time. even more so on the internet.
I eat so much damn Mexican whenever I hear mariachis I immediately get hungry
no, because the US is consistent with its founding population, whereas the Mexican state is a cheap imitation of foreign culture and language. not similar at all.
nothing of value was lost in the US, but the Mexcrement not only lost their native identity, but made no attempt at its revival like the Jews at least did with Israel.
hence, pathetic people.
>tfw Nicaragua will never be in a video game because of Memexico
Don't mention Peace Walker
Who cares about niggeragua?
Menendez from blackops 2 bro
>being butthurt because his land only knows about burgers
Come on bruh
Me apparently. It has a pyramid on its flag.
Is that game any good? I stopped at MW2
mexican indigenous were actually wiped out and the bit of surviving population was assimilated and another little bit is still living in mexican jungles. Mexicans actually had an holocaust not like the fake one the jews keep crying about,
Someone post the May the 4th pic.
Dont blame the irrelevance of your country on others user it's not cool
>Shitting on Mexican food
Now you're going too far
Name 1 (ONE) good mexican videogame character that isn't a luchador, cholo or a cactus.
Elvis (god hand)
Hola pinche putita
Angel from KOF
Decoy Octopus
Necalli and T. Hawk from SF
>Necalli and T. Hawk from SF
>Decoy Octopus
>Angel from KOF
This meme again.
>This meme again.
Where's the meme
>names one
¡Hola! ¿Qué tal, chiquitín?
ke ase
Was he looking for wall inspiration?
>when people "appropriate" latino culture spics either like it or don't give a shit
>when people "appropriate" other "cultures" other non-whites, like blacks, bitch and moan
learn to read dumb dumb
This thread is making me hungry for enchiladas
fuck all of you
What is it with white people always speaking for minorities then claiming said minorities are the ones who are offended?
Mexico is the second worst latin american country after Brazil.
Argentina and Paraguay are the best.
Chris Redfield retconned, kid
Since when was Chris a spic?
Fuck OFF, Sup Forumstards.
In RE7, some anons were talking about it in one RE thread.
American white people have a "White Savior Complex" going on, and it's fucking ridiculous
The White Man's Burden is a thing.