Sup Forums says this game is bad

>Sup Forums says this game is bad
>buy it
>its actually amazing

Other urls found in this thread:

It's pretty fun, although Defiance Bay is a weak spot that gets boring.

Where you at?

Plot is kinda boring bar first arc

Gameplay is fun tho

>game about encounters
>you get no exp for encounters

I just reached the catacombs for the first time and I am not having any fun. Encounters are a pain in the ass because the controls require constant micromanagement and there's no way to remember every character's abilities. You can't even tell characters to hold position or attack closest, and good luck ambushing people with stealth.

Am I missing something? The world isn't particularly interesting and the plot isn't strong enough on its own so far.

t. didn't play the game



NEVER EVER trust Sup Forums.

>Am I missing something?
You're not, the game is shit.

Just ignore the fanfiction tier writing on the backer characters with the golden names.

Apparently, they went back on this after all the complaints? Or was that someone memeing me on Sup Forums?


It's alright but is way overshadowed by Divinity:OS

Oh, yeah. Press tab to see all interactives and don't click on the golden plated NPCs. Those are backer characters.

>The world isn't particularly interesting and the plot isn't strong enough on its own so far

Yeah, I'd say people who enjoy the game are mainly in it for the dungeon crawling and combat. The writing is weak as fuck for an Obsidian game. I went in expecting something along the lines of Mask of the Betrayer, but ended up being very disappointed.

>Overall Positive
>Recently: Negative as fuck

Holy fuck thats scummy.
They really didnt want to sell their game at a discount? Can't they discuss that with Valve and leave it the same rather than make an 'illusion' of it being cheaper?

The pacing is pretty fucked, but other than that it's a fun game.

Luckily Obsidian acknowledged that the pacing was bad and the writing was inconsistent, and promised to do better for the sequel. Apparently the game got rushed out the door without an editing phase for the writing, which explains a lot, especially the pointless loredumps at the endgame.

the backlash is severe, paradox said they cant change the pricing back until the steam sale is over!

On normal difficulty its ok, I pretty much only need to use abilities in boss battles. But yeah I was already overwhelmed by the amount of spells Durance and Aloth had, then I got Hiravias who has another 20 spells and I don't even. I hate the way the game dumps so many spells on you, I find its quicker to google a spell effect I need than go searching through them all to see if it exists.

This is fucking stupid. They didn't raise the prices during the sale, they raised them well before the sale. And even then they only raised them in a few shithole regions like Russia and Brazil to bring them more in line with American prices. US prices weren't changed at all.

But of course all gamers are complete retards so everyone took the bait and spammed negative reviews because of fake outrage, so now the price changes are being changed back anyway.

The only thing Original Sin overshadows Pillars of Eternity at is in the superior combat system.
Pillars is superior everywhere else.

Fucking casuals.

Go play Diablo if using 10 different spells per character is too hard for you. If you were even born back when Baldur's Gate was released it would have blown your peanut brain.

desu Paradox and their
>20 DLCs for Grand Strategy game at 20$ each
is full jew tier. I absolutely adore EU series and HoI series but fuck Paradox.

I was surprised by the amount of backlash it got, it only affects 3rd worlders

That's a completely unrelated subject to the price changes though.

Every Paradox fan learned years ago that you should buy the base game and pirate all the DLC. I'm still playing CK2 with all DLC and I never paid anything after the base game.

Don't underestimate the power of a bunch of Russians with an internet connection and an axe to grind, or the stupidity of outraged bandwagon hoppers.

Nigger I played both BGs before I played PoE. In BG there are a lot of spells but they are not all dumped on you at once like in PoE. They are given to you in the form of scrolls that you can find in the world or sold by merchants. And you can usually tell how good a spell is by how expensive it is in the shop.

>Paradox jews gamers again
is anyone surprised by this?

>you should buy the base game and pirate all the DLC
can you do that with steam tho?


The only game you can't do that with is Stellaris. I've been told that they added some sort of new DRM thing to that game. I wouldn't know since I don't play Stellaris though.

For every other game it works just fine, Steam or no Steam.

Fuck, Stellaris is the one game I wanted to buy

You should try Googling it, there probably is some way to pirate the DLC. Like I said I don't have Stellaris, so I'm just telling you what I heard.

>amecian education

Yeah, the game was rough early on but the patches and expac made it pretty damn greath.

If they can keep the quality of WM in deadfires it should be a pretty damn fine game.

What are you playing as, OP?

Deadfire looks pretty fucking sweet.

I'm a bit hesitant about the whole "everything is a per-encounter ability" approach, but I guess I'll have to see how that works out in the actual game. Apart from that, the only thing I'm worried about is the writing. Everyone knows Obsidian is capable of good writing, but they fucked it up in PoE1 so there's no guarantee there. As long as the writing doesn't shit itself, I'm pretty much 100% convinced that it'll be a very good game.

What exactly was wrong with the writing? Other than it being too wordy.

a lot of characters were just lore dispensers. The only character that didn't feel like a lore dispenser was Thaos and Iselmyr.

Being wordy wasn't the issue in my opinion. Wordy isn't bad as long as the words are used well. To use a classic example, Planescape Torment was very wordy but it was still well-written, and my favorite area of the game was actually one of the wordiest (the Sensate area).

The problem is that the pacing and distribution of content is unbalanced. This can be seen in the quests (an oft-cited example is the Defiance Bay questline, where you can get locked into a specific faction within the span of two quests without even realizing there's a choice to be made, while on the other hand being given the runaround to all different areas of the city to solve everyone's problems before you're allowed to progress. So the game both rushes you into things and stalls your progress at the same time. More relevant to the writing, this can also be seen in the way the lore is dished out. For pretty much the entire middle part of the game, you're just chasing after the Leaden Key and their grandmaster Thaos with the vague notion that they can stop you from going insane like Maerwald did. The how and why of things is barely mentioned, and while you get some hints that larger things are happening, you never get anything concrete. Then, you get to Twin Elms and suddenly every main-quest NPC you talk to has no purpose but to explain the entire game's lore to you. This is who the Gods are and what they want from you. This is what Thaos is doing and why you need to stop him. Characters like the Dryad twins at the temple place literally have no purpose but to stop you and force lore through your throat in lengthy conversations.

This also affects the companions NPCs. Almost all of them are primarily lore dispensers. Durance tells you about Magran and the Godhammer, Eder tells you about Eothas and the Dyrwood, Kana Rua tells you about Ruatai. Pallegine tells you about the Republics, Sagani tells you about her Iniut village, etc. Thankfully, the better-written ones actually have a story and personality besides that, but some, like Pallegina, Kana Rua and Sagani are little more than "Hello, I am from this culture and this is what that culture is like. I may have some issues with this culture which I will tell you about." They have their character quest which also neatly ties into their cultural background, and that's it. Apart from some amusing one-liners now and then, they basically have no personality besides how they fit (or don't fit) in with their native culture which they're loredumping about.

>Almost all of them are primarily lore dispensers

This. Durance in particular is the worst offender.

Durance has the advantage that his lore is both interesting and relevant. Which is far more than you can say about the likes of Palagina or Sagani.

>his lore is both interesting and relevant.

Is it?

>talk to me about magran
>talk to me about ashfall
>talk to me about dyrwood
>talk to me about aedyr
>talk to me about readceras
>talk to me about the hollowborn

People rightfully critique the lore dumps throughout the game while praising Durance for being an interesting character. Kind of odd, seeing as, outside of his questline, he's not much more than a walking exposition machine. I guess people are really tickled by the fact that he says "whore" a lot.

For my part, I felt the plot had no kind of emotional relevance to me. I didn't particularly care about the Dyrwood or the Hollowborn. I wasn't especially motivated to stop Thaos or the Leaden Key. The 'twist' about the gods fell completely flat.

Obsidian games (usually) have key moments in the story where your character meets an important NPC and you have a lengthy conversation, and these are honestly some of the best moments in their games. Talking to Atris in KotOR 2 or Myrkul in MotB are great set pieces that both reveal critical aspects of the story while giving you a great chance to roleplay your character. Pillars lacked a single one of these moments.

The thing is that the whole situation with Magran and the Godhammer and the war between Readceras and Dyrwood are very relevant to the setting of the game, unlike Palagina's Republics or Sagani's village in the middle of Satan's frozen asshole. Kana might actually have been a better character if he was in Deadfire instead of PoE1, because then his lore would at least have some relevance to the game instead of being about the culture of some sharkniggers on the other side of the world. Also, Durance's conversations aren't straight-up loredumps because they're not one-way streets. You regularly get to interject with your own comments or even call out inconsistencies in his stories, while the only time you can call out the other NPCs is when it's about their feelings and their character quest, but not when they're talking about the lore.

I'm not saying Durance doesn't loredump, because he does dump a lot of lore. I'm just saying that his loredumps are far more enjoyable than those of most other NPCs.

Yeah, it is.

kind of funny that kids these days complain about lore machines when any person or npc worth their salt will have exposition on things they know really well. It all smells like people who have attention spans not suited for lengthy responses or roll their eyes every time their parents decide to teach them an important history lesson. They stare back at me giving me metal image of "that's great dad but i need to check my twitter and facebook account now because I have nothing better to do"

please show me an example of a cRPG before PoE that had as much lore exposition as PoE does.

Go ahead. I'll wait.

>The thing is that the whole situation with Magran and the Godhammer and the war between Readceras and Dyrwood are very relevant to the setting of the game

I guess you're right about relevant. Unfortunately he's not at all interesting when most of the shit he says is something along the lines of "world is a fuck kill em all dyrwood is da best."

>You regularly get to interject with your own comments or even call out inconsistencies in his stories

No, this only ever really applies to the conversations regarding his quest. All the times you 'interject' it just moves the conversation forward. The purges and the Hollowborn are only two of the many things things you can ask about that allow you to say something in direct opposition to his own viewpoint.

If you want to look at a well done character that's interesting to talk to, Grieving Mother and Zahua are examples of that.

t. underage who has never played Baldur's Gate, Arcanum, Betrayal at Krondor, or any of the other actually good CRPGs

PoE is fucking dogshit compared to any of those

got a kek out of me
2 points out of 10 for trying

stop being a grognard

It's a matter of whether it's suitable.

Having a character expound on the customs of their homeland with very little provocation in the middle of exploring a dungeon is just tedious, especially when you have nothing to relate it to other than that character, and when that lore is the only thing the character relates to. I mean, what's Sagani's personality? I don't have a fucking clue, other than that she misses her family, which isn't even an actual personality trait. It's telling that I can tell you more about Sagani's hometown, which has absolutely zero relation to the actual game, than about Sagani herself, a character that's been with me for most of the game.

Exposition isn't bad, but exposition without relevant context that's mostly dumped on the player in one big chunk is bad.

>most of the shit he says is something along the lines of "world is a fuck kill em all dyrwood is da best."
I hate to tell you, but if that's really what you think you either didn't read or it's literally 2deep4u.

>The purges and the Hollowborn are only two of the many things things you can ask about that allow you to say something in direct opposition to his own viewpoint.
Again, not true. There are many times where you can question his motives, his religion, his relation to Magran, etc. Sure he'll usually ignore you or tell you you're wrong, but that's because he's very dogmatic in his ways and the conversations with him can be used to give the player a clear view of that. Of course some of this is related to his quest, but that's also because, unlike the rest, his quest is an ongoing thing that's almost entirely dialogue, and not just a sidequest that you take a minute to complete once you find the right locations, like every other character quest.

>Grieving Mother and Zahua are examples of that.
I'll give you Zahua, but Grieving Mother is awful. Yes, her story is interesting, but she only has the one story and nothing besides it. She's barely even a character.

Oops, the second half of that comment was for

>kill the same enemy 3 times
>never get xp for killing that creature type for the rest of the game


You don't need to remember all the abilities, only the good one because let's be honest a lot of them aren't even worth casting
For example I'm playing a druid and at spell level 3 I can either cast the storm spell that last forever, does tons of damage and stun enemies or worse spells
Just identify the good spells, the rest are shit or so situational you'll pretty much never use them. Per encounter abilities seems even worse desu, not once did they feel like they made a huge difference (except spiritshift because it hits like a truck even with medium might)

The problem isn't the XP, it's you treating the game like Diablo.

That said, the encounter design was pretty bad for most of the game.

>when it isn't suitable
>right after a huge battle Viconia in Baldur's Gate 2 decides to question our relationship because shes annoyed with something
fuck off I am busy looting!

Maybe they shouldn't put enemies fucking everywhere then. You can't go five minutes without fighting some shit

>I hate to tell you, but if that's really what you think you either didn't read or it's literally 2deep4u.

Nah mate, you probably played the game a while ago and don't remember. I literally just finished a playthrough a couple days ago and it really struck me how utterly one dimensional his dialogue can be.

>tell me about the saints war
>eothas needed to die. eothasians needed to die
>tell me about the hollowborn
>wichts need to die
>tell me about readceras
>it's a nation that needs to die
>tell me magran
>her enemies need to die
>tell me about ashfall
>they made guns there, which is great because mages need to die

He's a violent character, which is fitting for a priest of Magran, but it's like the writers decided to not give us any options to ask about shit he actually LIKES. The only thing he actually seems to approve of is the Dyrwood. Most of his responses boil down to "It's bad and I hate it."

>There are many times where you can question his motives, his religion, his relation to Magran

Yeah, in his quest conversations. All the other times you either get the option to tell him
>You might be right. [Rational]
>But that's wrong! [Passionate]
>I'll be sure not to get on your bad side, then. [Clever]

His dialogue desperately needed some pruning to make talking to him not a complete chore.

Planescape: Torment

>His dialogue desperately needed some pruning to make talking to him not a complete chore.
The game at almost no editing that's why

>He's a violent character
Yes, but reducing all his opinions down to "shit needs to be dead" is ignorant. I don't believe for a moment that you actually read his dialogues if you honestly think that. There's a more subtlety to it and it all ties into his relationship with Magran and the cult of Durance. Besides, shit like "Wichts need to be dead" is hardly a controversial opinion, considering how many of them you can slaughter during the game.

>give us any options to ask about shit he actually LIKES
He's a bitter old asshole that's spent half his life being angry at the world. Do you really expect him to pull an Eder and talk about how much he likes puppies?

It really sounds less like you have valid issues and more like reading a conversation that goes on for more than a few paragraphs is just too much work for you.

The game recieved major updates since it got released. They improved the combat quite a bit. Sup Forums doesn't get to play with the updates because they pirated it when it came out and still think it's bad.

>it's like the writers decided to not give us any options to ask about shit he actually LIKES
Take him to the Salty Mast to find out what he likes.

Both are poorly written garbage if the story is your only concern. At least Divinity has fun combat.

every time

>Sup Forums says this game is good
>buy it
>its actually shit

>Yes, but reducing all his opinions down to "shit needs to be dead" is ignorant

Give me break for paraphrasing a bit, dummy. Yes, his opinions mostly revolve around reacting to things with violence. That's a major character trait for him, and that's part of what makes him so uninteresting. Going to ask him what he thinks about a certain situation? Gee I wonder what he recommends in order to resolve it.

>He's a bitter old asshole that's spent half his life being angry at the world.

Yeah, and it's all on the surface for you to see. Talk to him once and you pretty much have the gist of it exactly what kind of character he is. Whereas with Eder, he actually seems happy and positive most of the time, but there are various moments where you can see he's actually somewhat cynical and jaded (it's telling that you didn't notice this).

I think it's significant that some of Durance's best moments are when you're not talking to him, but when he interjects during a conversation you're having with someone else, like with the Leaden Key operative nervous about having his mind read. He's actually genuinely entertaining then.

Tyranny is about four times better.

If you never played an Infinity Engine game before, perhaps.

I remember PoE as Loading Screens: The Game. The game takes longer to load new scenes as you have more save files. Mine got close to 20 seconds per loading screen as I got further in the game.

>want to go to stronghold to rest at specific inn and get bonuses
>fast travel to stronghold
>loading screen (20 seconds)
>enter inn
>loading screen (20 seconds)
>short loading time
>exit inn
>loading screen (20 seconds)
>fast travel back to where you were
>loading screen (20 seconds)

It's not worth it

Oh God no, fuck off with that lie. Tyranny is dogshit. Pillars is at least adequate or passable.

same experience

Remember to leave a negative review, user. They can't keep getting away with it.

>people who don't like rpgs discuss rpgs

>having more than 3 saves at any given time
fucking savestate bastards!

all the characters look like they have downs syndrome, its a fucking sjw retard game plus too many niggy nogs in the game high fantasy is white god damnit

>if you like rpgs you must enjoy every shitty release

Sorry nig, but you are wrong.

Tyranny has none of the system problems that Pillars does, has an actually usable magic system, and classes that aren't piles of dogshit, AND a story that actually makes sense.

>I like rpgs, just not any of the ones released in the last 20 years
>totally not a nostalgiafag though

>TFW you bought Siege of Dragonspear during the sale and you're settling in to load up your BG1 character and run through that and then carry into BG2
Disappointed on the shit discount on PSTEE but I'll bide my time. Maybe the winter sale will have it for $10. I will genuinely be surprised if Dragonspear is worse than PoE or Tranny. Beating either one in writing isn't a very high bar but even if it fails at that they'll have to be pretty spectacular to fuck up on the IE combat.

>Give me break for paraphrasing a bit, dummy.
No, I won't. Not if "paraphrasing" means dumbing everything down until it sounds silly. That's one of the cheapest tricks in the book,and betrays taht you're either struggling to come up with reasons to hate the character or haven't properly read his dialogues.

If you want to argue about his dialogues, argue about what he actually says. Don't make up your own dumbed-down version and then complain it's dumb.

>That's a major character trait for him, and that's part of what makes him so uninteresting.
So because he's a violent character, he's uninteresting. Yes, let's ignore the quality of his writing, the fact that he has more character and motivation than literally any other companion in the game, or the fact that, no, not every conversation is about killing and violence. That's just your own dumbed down version. Let's ignore all that, and hate the character simply because on the surface he's a violent man who mistakenly believes that more violence will solve all his problems.

I know, >opinions and all that, but your opinions are pretty fucking retarded.

>(it's telling that you didn't notice this)
Again with making shit up. We aren't even discussing Eder, so why am I suddenly accused of not noticing a major aspect of his character? This is a really pathetic attempt at reinforcing your own bullshit argument. It also further proves my claim that you are a fucking moron by thinking someone wouldn't notice that Eder is jaded as fuck, when literally the first time you have a conversation with him he's making cynical quips about a tree full of his hanged neighbors.

I like you

Sup Forums is tsundere for games. If they shit on a game real real hard they actually love it.

The hard part is figuring out if they're shitting on a game because they secretly like it, or because it's actually shit.

How many times are we going to have this thread?

until someone agrees it is a good game

Who are you quoting?

I've done nothing but used the in game conversations as examples of what I'm talking about. Meanwhile all you're saying is that you don't think I properly read his dialogue. And that's fine, but if you're not going to discuss this in good faith, you might as well not respond.

I'm seriously looking through your post for some sort of attempt at an argument. Give me something. You can't just say
>But it's good!
and expect me to concede.

I'm not quoting you

PoE was okay, but I really hated all the backer content and couldn't disable it.

>oh a NPC, I wonder if he has a quest
>some fags gay OC

I mean I think they had different highlights indicating they were backer content, but I honestly didn't give a fuck anymore. I bet some of them were well-written maybe, but I just didn't care anymore after the first one.

>Sup Forums tells me this game is actually great
>buy it
>its actually trash

>clicking on gold tag npcs
you ruined it for yourself!

>used the in game conversations as examples of what I'm talking about
No, you haven't. You used dumbed down, imagined versions of conversations. "tell me about the saints war - eothas needed to die. eothasians needed to die" is not an ingame conversation, it's the dumb """paraphrased""" version you're using to make the game look dumb.

That's my point, you idiot. You can't argue about a character by making up a bunch shit and then going "this character is bad because I don't like this one major character trait." Especially considering that apparently you think Grieving Mother is much better.

it was ok, nothing special

problem is it comes out alongside Divinity OS which offered a far better combat system and multiplayer, these singleplayer CRPG's these days are shit in comparison, i want multiplayer like you'd get in an actual D&D session, and sadly the old CRPG's have terrible multiplayer system because of their age.

have you made it into the third act yet? The second really drags, but the third is like working a second job.

>Divinity OS

tell me about this game Sup Forums

The third goes by too fast to really drag, especially if you don't get bogged down with all the sidequests in Twin Elms.

>i want multiplayer like you'd get in an actual D&D session
Check out Div:OS2.

>pillars is downloading a 3 gig update
>I can't figure out what it is

Sawyer noticed they forgot to put an accent mark on one reference of whamphyryes in a different unrelated creature in the bestiary and that necessitated pushing out a 3 gig patch to everyone.