Zero Escape

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fuck, Phi is so hot in that one

Why is it only coming out for PS4 now?

too bad the game will never be good
still mad

Best girl

same game but on PS4, fuck you user, got me all hyped for nothing

VLR is bad

Post your best memes

Yeah she's extremely hot.


Post your favourite music. I've always been a fan of the 999 version of Morphogenetic Sorrow, I like how it sounds kind of weak and pathetic compared to the other versions, makes it fit well with the final puzzle

>getting the worst entry of the series for a system where you can't even play the first two games.


you can tho

ZTD is THE perfect argument as to why stories should remain on cliffhangers. It's such a shame to say.

>ZTD is THE perfect argument as to why stories should remain on cliffhangers. It's such a shame to say.
UH, what?
It didn't need to be on a cliffhanger at all. It literally just needed a writer who knew what the fuck he was doing and gave a satisfying ending. The game could have been amazing if it followed it previous plots straight from the last game.

No, we should have just enjoyed the ride of the first two games. Good things don't last and I was a fool for thinking that the third game was going to be good.

>tfw post-ZTD Jumpy probably got cucked by a SHIFTing himself from another timeline

What's this game about anons, I saw it on steam sale should I try it?

Well shieet.


No, just play the first two and make up the last one in your head.

No. Don't play ZTD. It isn't worth it.

It might only be worth it if you play 999 and VLR but even then, ZTD is just shitty. Just avoid it.

play 999

Go pick up the Nonary Game bundle, it has the first two games (Remake of 999 and VLR).

I don't hate ZTD as much as other people and enjoyed it for what it was/some of the funny bullshit that happens in it, but I would not play it until you play the other games.


From 999:

From VLR:

From ZTD: it's the best arrangement, shame it was in such a shit game.

Yeah, it's pretty great, everyone says the 3rd is shit but it's not, this is one those things where people on the internet pretend there is no middle ground and anything that isn't amazing must be shit. They are just mad that it wasn't exactly how they wanted it to be.
It has it's problems sure but it's still a lot of fun


Emulate 999; if you like it, go for the rest.
Don't expect anything other than memes out of ZTD though.


This. It's not THAT bad, but it's still disappointing. I thought Delta twist was clever.

>almost one year later
who /SnakeisBrother/ here?



>hey this suspicious fuck was here the whole time but it never affected anything and nobody ever mentioned it outside of a couple of hints
Delete this.


Where is Self?


>hey this virus slows down our perception exactly to not notice moon's gravity even though every time I make a small hop I jump 10 meters high
>also, I have no eye
VLR was also full of stupid moments, too.


I thought the reason Sigma didn't jump high is that

He's old as fuck, that's why Phi was doing amazing Ninja kicks

Does Kyle still exist in the ZTD True Ending timeline?



I thought "The old man in the wheelchair" was some odd American saying I wasn't aware of

This. It's not as good as the two games before it hype it up to be because the author is a fucking hack. But it's still quite enjoyable and ties up some loose ends.
999 and VLR are still miles better.

If I remember my physics right, the height is linearly dependent on gravity, so every jump should be 6 times higher than what you'd expect on Earth.

Both 999 and VLR had stupid moments. I don't think people will argue this although, this is Sup Forums so they probably will. However, both 999 and VLR built up to something. With 999, it was the fact that you were always using the morphogenetic fields to connect to Akane, solve puzzles and save her. With VLR You realized you could jump to alternate timelines to gather info to progress further in a given timeline and to save everyone from the bombs with the ultimate resolution to supposedly happen in ZTD. ZTD doesn't build up to shit except There is a random terrorist lol, try to stop them. Of that, you don't even get a real resolution. It's just pointless.

Honestly I could handle getting a lackluster ending to the series after the previous two built it up so much and after spending so much time thinking there'd never be a third game. Probably what steams my beans the most at this point is that Uchi forgot Kyle entirely and the complete lack of an epilogue for team Sigma. That was fucking horse shit. One of the most interesting twists in the series and it goes nowhere.

So should I play ZTD?

I already play both 999 and VLR and it was a fun ride. but ZTD seems awful with this cutscene shit instead of the old and classic visual novel style so idk

It's pretty bad; if you were really looking forward to VLR's followup, don't bother.

There's a thing that bother's me with VLR. why they need sigma and phi to do that time travel shit?

I mean junpei and clover were there and they can use that power too so....akane was a esper too right? so she can use that power too so why sigma and phi?

I won't tell you to not play it, but unlike 999 and VLR where it is constantly debated to which game is better, ZTD is at the bottom of the list without question. You may get some enjoyment out of it from the puzzles and a lot of the absurdity that occurs in it, but do not expect a good follow-up to what VLR built.

Just do it.


I think the idea was the more people that can use it in one place the stronger it is

Akane is cute! CUTE!!

*Manipulative Murderer

one can be both.

I would literally die for her

Well the game explain that, but the idea behind the "stronger esper take the power of weaker espers" is that sigma and phi can do the timeline travel so my question still solid I think

Akane is inconsistent! INCONSISTENT!

I don't fucking care anymore who is this child in ZTD???

why is he using a mask??

Why is junpei so fucking edgy???

Flee from this thread, my child, don't read the spoiler tags.

>Why is junpei so fucking edgy???

He's leatherman in disguise

He grew up

He's a small guy

So they basically make junpei a fucking egdy because reasons?
he was my favorite character I'm mad now
plus he was a fucking nice guy in VLR
so is he the assassin? or idk the son of the assassin?

for Q

I don't care anymore I think I gonna see the ending in youtube or something

I just couldn't deal with how ugly and terribly animated ZTD was, so I refunded it after about an hour.
VLR had so much charm, but ZTD was so terribly done in terms of presentation.

And reading about the plot and how everything ends, I didn't really feel like I've missed out something important.

Phi is best.

>ZTD is THE perfect argument as to why stories should remain on cliffhangers.
Absolutely not.
You just shouldn't try to come up with more unnecessarily convoluted try-hard shit after pulling off two nice stories.

i never played this shit and im not a waifufag but holy shit that girl is 10/10

>liking the inconsistent murderer over Luna or Phi
really forces you to ponder


>Yoko Taro self-insert in Zero Escape 4
Would buy.

Junpei got shithurt because Akane disappeared, so he became babby's first OC while looking for her, but he also wants to marry her despite his edginess.
It's as stupid as it sounds.

>not a waifufag
Phi is actually a very believable character, it's why people like her.
Sure, occasionally she's the deus ex machina, but not more than the player itself, which makes her feel like another human player at times.

I'm still mindfucked from the first series.

How did that bitch arranged the 2nd game when they've grown into adults if the point of the game was for the MC to send back A FUCKING SUDOKU answer across TIME AND SPACE to save HER in the past? She should have gotten roasted before she could even grow up to plan that game.

What actually happened was that Junpei started working with Seven to find Akane and Aoi and to destroy Free The Soul's HQ, but while working, he saw a bunch of fucked up shit and became an alcoholic.

>better graphics than PC



Fuck, I gotta buy the Steam version now

She's hot

look up "Casual Loop"

This entire series is built on bootstrap paradoxes. All three games have them.

why does ztd have such high ratings if Sup Forums shits on it so much?

Yeah, I've pretty much given up on understanding all the paradoxes halfway through the explanation. It was too C O M P L E X for me.

Seven had to endure the hardest mindfucked. He had lived the alternative past where she died and ended up in the future where she lived.



It's amazing how 99% of the fan-content of the game was born in the 2 weeks after release. 1 month after, every single joke was something "old".

I played 999 on the DS a long time ago and am currently downloading the Steam bundle to play VLR, what's wrong with Zero Time Dilemma?

Casuals whom bought it as their first Zero Escape game. ZTD isnt bad on its own, just mediocre. Of course those casual don't play puzzle like games and are always ALWAYS blown away by time travel stories and the like

>elevator scene

it's still an enjoyable experience, but it is definitely the weakest because it drops the ball on a ton of story points

It's not as good as the first two games, and doesn't really answer a lot of the questions from the end of VLR, making for a disappointing resolution to the series.

>those models
>those animations
Changing to a cinematic approach was totally a good idea, not like thats the biggest of this game's problems

>junpei a fucking egdy
You would become an edgelord too if you went through all the bullshit and betrayals he had.