The Hudson River, two years ago...
The Hudson River, two years ago
It was bad, it was so bad MGS3 sales suffered for it.
thats one fluffy pooch
Remove yourself from the gene pool.
MGS3 was bad all by itself
I remember when I tried to be cool on Sup Forums
kek, fuck off, nice dead thread.
You remembered to do your annual playthrough on April 29, right?
I remembered to bang your mom.
>Be young
>Not even really familiar with game release dates or anything like that
>One day buy MGS2 at gamestop because really liked MGS1.
>Fucking amazing, had a blast
>Years later just walking around in Gamestop
>See Snake Eater
>It's only $10
>Holy shit there's another MGS game?!
>Play the shit out of it
Games were so fun back then.
You also lived under a rock back then too.
summer Sup Forums is worst Sup Forums
This user is worst user.
That's not what your mom said last night
You're right, she said what a tiny cock.
>This user's mom is such a slut she cums from even a tiny cock
If only he implied he wasn't a dicklet.
I am oldfag it was the same with me and mega man games. Every month i'd walk to the local game rental place with my mom and there would be a new mega man game like Christmas every month
awww hes sooo cyute i jist wanna pick it up and snuzfuck him!
Damn, that doggo looks comfy as fuck. Would cuddle with and play weebshit
>it was so bad MGS3 was made because of it
elements of MGS3 were due to the backlash of of some of MGS2's designs