How were you supposed to know to throw a bomb inside?
How were you supposed to know to throw a bomb inside?
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because i followed a guide untill the end
>Map is full with flower bombs
They never explained the mechanics.They just expect you figure it out randomly.
Fucking Nintendo
Area introduces bombs gee I wonder.
Yeah but what impetus was there to throw one inside the vase?
All holes in OoT are for throwing bombs at
Because the level design directs you to throw a bomb in the big hole.
The only thing you can throw, and have just acquired having reached the Goron home is bombs, and there are ledges above that make throwing bombs even more obvious.
it doesn't matter, you didn't need to in order to complete the game
though, that's besides the fact that the whole level is based around bombing shit
You were supposed to see it and feel the destructive impulse to blow it up.
I didn't know english and was 10 years old...
And I did it.
WTF is wrong with "young gamers"?
I believe there was a Goron NPC who hinted at it. Not 100% sure though.
Either way, I and almost everyone simply tried intuitively. Can't explain why we natually get the urge to bomb every hole/opening we see.
How were you to know a bomb could shatter that huge vase? In fact it's impossible to break it.
There wasn't.
You weren't. The heart piece is a reward for people curious enough to try lobbing a bomb. It wasn't required to finish the game.
How would you know if you didn't try?
Your used to breaking pots at this point so most people assume to blow it up given how the path leads you to bomb flowers
If there's a large moving hole in a game calling for a lot of attention in an area full of bombs, you try to bomb that hole. That's videogame basics, my man.
>thing is stationary when you first get there
>game draws focus to it when it starts moving around
>you get the ability to lift bomb flowers in the area at the same time
>it's not even required to beat the game
Shit OP, I didn't speak a single bit of english when I played this and I still had the curiosity to throw a bomb into it.
The REAL question is how are you supposed to assume that a heart piece will come out if you get the right face??
Won't most people get a small rupee and assume it's nothing important.
that's the allure, you got rupees, but your dickass friend down the street got a heart.
how did he do it? the sense of mystery that video games lack today is how he got it. And faggots like OP thinking he has to 100% a game in a single run has ruined that.
Are you going to this every day? I will kill you, fucker.
Most people know what gambling and slot machines are. So the assumption would actually be there's different rewards from different results.
They typically aren't sheltered pussies.
>Literally "Try Everything Until Something Works: The Game"
>"But how was I supposed to figure it out?"
Nintendo literally used to design Zelda games so that you could ask a friend if you were stuck and get the answers so they didn't have to make them easier.
>"how was I supposed to know I had to walk up and slightly to the left to get a sword?"
By caring about imagination and curiosity, because at the time you weren't the withering husk of a man that you are now.
Tell me, what's wrong with having a fortune teller, like TP? You can just ignore it and throw bombs at everything like an autist if you really want to. That's what I did with the gossip stone in SS.
Just like how all holes in Banjo Kazooie are for pooping/shooting eggs into, no matter how illogical it seems.
I was able to figure it out when I saw a large hole on the top of it and I wondered "What would happen if I threw a bomb in here?"
>Having a functional brain.
>Not being subhuman.
>IQ greater than a single digit.
Pretty much any of these is all it takes, really.
>Nintendo literally used to design Zelda games so that you could ask a friend if you were stuck
And that was literally code for "Buy our game guides and call our expensive game help hotline that charges more than most phone porn lines"
Goron city has the best bombs, believe me.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how good are you at solving video game puzzles?
I would put myself at a 7
>bomb flowers all around
>moving thing with giant hole on top
Outside of knowing what gambling is, you'd just do it more to see if you would get something else. At some point, you're bound to catch on that the game drawing focus to the different faces means that they affect what you get from the pot. It's that inherent desire for most people that they didn't stop after just one try.
Its more about exploring interactions and running out of ideas.
I remember walking this area 1000x times until I came up with the thought that maybe theres a connection with flower bomb and that thing.
this is where I dropped the game
there. is. no. way. to. KNOW! awful game
Because of how the deku tree conditioned the way you play, your first thought should be too jump into it.
The fire arrows were such fucking bullshit.
To get them you are required to shoot the sun from a very specific spot at a very specific time of the day with basically nothing to help you if you miss/forget about that random grave stone with the vague clue on it.
I shot fucking arrows after reading the grave, but I interpreted the message as having to stand in-between the pillars as you fire. Nothing happened, obviously, and assumed this was something that would be relevant later in the game like a million other things you encounter but can't use until you unlock something.
Got to the end of Shadow Temple and I'm fucking stuck for hours because there is no hint or anything that you need Fire Arrows to get across a chasm right at the end of the temple. You exit the temple, the map that typically tells you where to go next? It tells you to go back into the Shadow Temple. There is NO direction if you don't immediately and intuitively pick up the fire arrows after the Water Temple.
That was sloppy game design.
And then when that doesn't work?
It also fucking sucks that the Shadow Temple is the area you unlock the Hover Boots, so you're looking for a way across the chasm with them like you'd expect. But just fall short by a tiny amount.
Can use you fire magic or bombs, it HAS to be the Fire Arrows.
>Got to the end of Shadow Temple and I'm fucking stuck for hours because there is no hint or anything that you need Fire Arrows to get across a chasm right at the end of the temple.
no you don't, regular arrows blow up the bombs. I hope this ruins your life forever
I played through OOT 3 times and only on the third did I miss the fire arrows
I spent an hour trying to figure out what I did wrong, even though I already knew what to do. Fucking garbage.
No they don't, I tried that and looked it up on a guide. You need fire arrows.
your guide is wrong, and my yearly playthroughs of OoT where I've shot the bombs with a regular arrow must be mistaken including the few times I reached that exact point with no magic because of the invisible stalfos fight just before that.
>tfw vidya help hotlines will never exist again
I tried to jump inside it on my second playthrough, it is hard, but Link just come back from where you jumped, as far as I remember.
your life is now ruined
I somehow exploited my way into the fire temple trying to figure out the right way to get in.
I beat the game, and I've still never opened up the goron shop or the door in the chief's room.
I made this thread to troll, but after 33 posters nobody has yet to mention the obvious tip-off that tells you. It never fails to amaze me just how stupid the pretentious are. Truly Dunning-Kruger Syndrome is alive and well here. Maybe I'm just outside of my time and have finally grown disenchanted with Sup Forums...
There's a hole, throw thing in hole Jesus Christ how retarded can people be.
>at video game puzzles
You must sweat when you have to make room in the fridge for leftovers.
By not being a stupid idiot and having played a game before in your life.
Play games and mess around and discover stuff you ape.
I get what you mean, but OoT was redesigned a few times.
From my research the Shadow Temple was supposed to be the Wind Temple, so it makes sense that the floating boots were the prize for that dungeon.
But it was redesigned... so you'd need the Lens of Truth to beat it.
The original Shadow Temple was supposed to be the Bottom of the Well. That's why there is a plothole (time looping) to access it. Ice Cavern was supposed to be Ice Temple, but then they created the Water Temple.
The medals should be equipped with the bow and arrow, so the Fire Arrow was the power of the Fire medallion imbued into the arrows...
That's why the Light, ice and fire arrows are in strange places.
Also I do think that Gerudo training grounds were supposed to be the Earth Temple, and that there was a Light Temple that Nintendo didn't even start to develop.
Things that are out of order or don't follow a good design are these:
Forest Temple.
Ice Cavern.
Zora's ice not melting.
Bottom of the Well.
Gerudo Training Grounds.
All these stuff was rearranged/missing when Ocarina of Time was redesigned. Also the "Forest Temple" breaks the rules of magic... originally it was supposed to be as follow: Fire/Ice/Wind/Earth/Light/Dark(or shadow)/Spirit.
Wind got changed to Forest (which is not a element), I can prove that with three things: the wind nature of Lost Woods (which we see in a much better way in Breath of the Wild), the Farore Wind, which was supposed to be the Wind medallion power and the Forest medallion symbol, that is actually a fan/wind thing.
>that thing is moving alot
>the game provides me with a ton if these bombs, ill to throw one inside
Are you fucking retarded? Your retarded thinking is why games are dumbed down for retards these days.
Then why did they do that with BOTW when there is no more help hotlines
I can figure out most puzzles, some I just need to consult a guide for. Atleast I'm not as a bad as game grumps
Hmm, I wonder if I can throw a bomb inside that giant pot?
>world is full of precious metals like gold yet user uses none of them
get it together
There's a fucking hole in it, you numbnut.
>buy a razor
>don't know how to shave
>"well goddamn it I guess I have to call this expensive shave help hotline now. Thanks, Gillette"
Some of the torches are lit, and some aren't. So, you light all of them to make them match, because that's what you've done to torches in the Deku tree.
This starts the vase spinning. Now it's moving, it's a target. It wouldn't move if you couldn't interact with it! So you've got the ability to throw bomb plants recently and there's a hole in the top so you put those together and you're done.
IIRC there was a platform/plank which goes over the pot or at least within throwing distance.
Any curious child would have tried to see what would happen if you try to throw something in there.
Nowadays kids need a LPer to have everything shown to them.
I shot fucking arrows after reading the grave, but I interpreted the message as having to stand in-between the pillars as you fire
Why? Are you legitimately retarded?
"When water fills the lake, shoot for the morning light."
So when the lake is full, shoot an arrow at the sun when it comes above the horizon. Nothing else. Don't just add shit for no random reason. You stupid ass people are the reason that retail workers hate their jobs
Retail workers should hate their jobs, to be fair. You should never be content asking "Cash or credit" 40+ hours a week.
Whenever you shame someone for being poor, you admit that their job is necessary but that they should be poor. You're a Trumponian egomaniac who fetishizes money because it's the only measure you have of attempting to quantify that your life isn't worthless.
If that's what you got out of my post you have some deep-seated self-esteem issues that you need to address.
Mechanically im great at games, but actually figuring them out and anything that requires thought i fall apart on.
Believe me, Im worse than dsp. i just don't bitch about it
Oh disregard. I thought you were saying that retail workers deserve to hate their jobs or something. Because not everyone has the luxury of choosing a better job. But yeah I guess you're right, though you could trivialize any job like that.
>Not throwing everything and it's mother into it
The will to prove you can actually aim good enough to throw the bomb in the hole
Check my 7
8½ - 9.
Only times I tend to get stuck in a puzzle is when I'm A) Overthinking a relatively simple puzzle, or B) Missed an obvious hint or element just by looking to wrong direction.
Pic very related.