>GOTY gameplay
>GOTY music
>GOTY story
>GOTY character design
>will lose the actual GOTY award to an open world meme game.
is this the end of the gaming industry?
>GOTY gameplay
>GOTY music
>GOTY story
>GOTY character design
>will lose the actual GOTY award to an open world meme game.
is this the end of the gaming industry?
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's a Nier shitpost thread
You dodged a bullet 2B. Had Ace Combat 7 come out your ost would have been blazed.
Zelda will win it on the single fact that it is a Zelda game.
A Taro game will never win GOTY because it's too Japanese and the multiple playthrough meme
the gameplay was very mediocre, had it not been for the waifu and fapbait, nobody would give a shit about this game
Thank you my friend
Nier was fun but I would t call it flawless GOTY material, that's just being presumptuous
It IS an open world meme game
Implying Zelda will win GOTY.
GOTY goes to the current flavor of the month game because peoples attention is so low. Expect GOTY to be a fall-holiday season game like every year.
>GOTY gameplay
>GOTY music
It's great, but we've had better this year.
>GOTY story
>GOTY character design
You got at least one.
>GOTY music
>It's great, but we've had better this year.
Any examples?
Right one looks better.
Not really up to date on it, but last time I saw a streamer play this, it looked boring as fuck. All he did was fire his minion/turret thingy and slash the enemy once at close range.
>we've had better this year
objectively wrong
Remove the bait character waifu and no one would be discussing the game or saying stupid shit like what u just posted OP
Even if the music is the greatest of this year (it's not), shit gameplay and mediocre story dragging the game down.
>GOTY character design
I just see lazy fanservice.
Does this game appeal only to pubescent losers?
>Does this game appeal only to pubescent losers?
Why don't you ask yourself instead of bugging the rest of us, post pubescent winners?
still no examples
The game is kinda boring actually. There ar elike, 2 actual bossfights in the game. The music is good, but it doesn't fit in, except the kono mamaja dame thing the robots started singing in sync when adam was born.
I don't understand obsession with story, in any medium. Ambiance and themes are what matter, not some flowchart that's shaped by those things.
>weeb trash
This is true. Honestly, the highlight of the game was self destructing and getting wet in the seweres, adjusting the camera, and fap once
worst combat in a platinum game
good music but nothing to brag about
average story and downright mediocre character design
go home
>moving goal post
>worst combat in a platinum game
Even the shovelware ones?
it's slightly above shovelware
It's almost as if the game in the right was a niche game made by what's essentially an indie japanese developer with extremely low budget for industry standards.
>Caring about graphics.
>"the music isn't good weebs! There's been way better this year!"
>oh yeah? Like what for example?
bottom kek
Some areas looked legit like some 2007-x360 games.
The level design is also borderline playable. I don't know what people see in this game.
Maybe you're right, the niche fanbase got what they wnated i guess.
As a writer, I can say the story is fucking amazing. Very few narratives know how to foreshadow stuff as well as Automata does.
The story suffers a bit from having too much side-stuff that should have been in the game (You only really understand the fucked up, hearth-clenching relation 2B and 9S has after reading the side stuff), but the narrative is still extremely solid by any standards, and the themes the story tackles are both good and extremely well developed.
Very few games manage to actually tackle philosophy.
Again, >caring for graphics.
The level design I understand, but since when have open-world RPGs got good level design? It's just not the kind of thing you play this genre for.
>but since when have open-world RPGs got good level design?
Xenoblade, from the top of my head. Although some areas felt really dumb.
>caring about graphics
spotted the normie
>GOTY gameplay
>how to instantly recognize a shitpost in less than 3 seconds
>Nier is not an open world meme game
Never played it, heard it was great.
Still, you gotta admit it's the majority. IF they manage to, props for them, but it's not a priority as much as good characters and story (in this order).
>meme weeb trash vs. meme AAA blockbuster trash
Whoever wins we all lose.
Nier gameplay is extremely fun, what you're on about?
>too much side-stuff that should have been in the game
This is a love/hate thing for me. Sidequests were infinitely better compared to NieR 1, but you can miss the interesting stuff locked to them.
Also why the FUCK are there about 4 Automata threads up? Did something happen?
>top seller on steam
fuck off shilling your normie game
>Still, you gotta admit it's the majority
Dude sorry but Golden Sun also had pretty good level design. I guess the majority is still corect though. And yes is houldnt judge a jrpg by it'S open world level design.
Literally this, desu this game is somewhere at average in most aspects, only soundtrack and writing is god-tier, seriously these 2 things are amazing.
>muh guhrayphecs
>art style by an indie dev
Really makes you think huh
>niche game sequel to a game that nobody played
>normie game
kys weeb
Writing is the most important thing for an RPG, so Nier accomplishes its goal.
Gameplay is nothing amazing, but it's not a failure either. It's perfectly fitting for the game and does what it needs to do.
>I like the story, music gameplay and I found the message at the end was extremely wholesome making Nier Automata a massive expression of the media as an art form
Maybe I'm just weird.
>He doesn't know about the filter
>He complains about weebs on Sup Forums
Try to not out yourself as a newfag. Lurk more.
>falling for the obvious bait
fuck off newfag
its sad
but true, name a better game from this year.
>boring mediocre hack and slash+hacking mini game "combat"
>half decent music i will admit
>"le 2 deep 4 u "story about how cool being human is
>"lets make them look black and white because it's sad and edgy just like the story!"
yep, this is the end of the gaming industry where a bad game like this is praised for months on end
Opinions, man. It's personally my GOTY, but holy shit some people don't like it and that's okay. The meanings you derive from games differ from everyone else.
You're ok man, think that you're arguing against
>kys weeb shitposters
>graphicwhores shitposters
>not even play vidya anymore shitposters
The game is made for an extremely specific kind of audience and executes its concept to perfection, making things that no other game has tried before. It was an amazing experience for a video game, really.
>reddit spacing
>he doesn't know about the ''>Desu, KYS Weeb bait'' that people were throwing when the filter first came around
desu senpai you kinda have to go back.
>I was pretending to be retarded
Platinum juggler should lose gameplay award to a TPS
>top seller on steam
Fucking normalfag in denial.
Nier is Souls-tier now, enjoy the subsequent streamlining and casualization
>Yoko Taro
>indie developer
The music wasn't better than Zelda's, I'm sorry that you can only enjoy the most blatant melodies and arrangements and not impressionistic arrangements of said melodies.
Thats Sup Forums word filter (to desu) you faggot.
Of all things, stop calling it RPG, since you dont have any fucking choice (the only one choice that matters and do something more than 'game over' or 'whatever, doesnt matter anyway' results is at the end of the game) throughout game and calling consequent chapters routes is retarded as fuck (most of the non-weeb players wont find out the true beauty of the writing). Seriously Im mad they didnt developed REAL routes in-game, there is so much place to develop it
Yeah I'm sure people have actual opinions as to why they don't like them. But these don't seem based on anything viable, I get other reasons why people don't like them (combat not as engaging, difficulty levels are kinda silly), but yeah. Opinions are opinions.
Probably. But hopefully those opinions don't make it out of Sup Forums
Nigga i am a big Zelda fan, but BotW had 2 things that it Lacked:
The climax and the Music.
In fact, i can only remember quite clearyl a handful of tracks in the game. The Vah Ruta dungeon one, the ''lost Woods'' ost that also plays in labyrinths, the kaakriko village ost (not because it's good, but because it is literalyl the first ever Zelda OST where i had to turn down the volume because it was annoying) and the dragon roost island remix.
The hyrule castle music was pretty good too, but it got kinda tirign after a while.
In short, BotW has masterful Sound, but ''just'' decent Music. It fits the game i guess.
>itt:another "Sup Forums doesn´t game anymore because it got mainstream success"-thread
inb4 "Well, now that some time has passed, we finally realize how shit this game everyone loved in the first 2 months of release is"
>it's an user will pretend that nobody was calling this game the shitty weeb fapbait """game""" it was since day 1 episode
It lacked many more, especially proper dungeons (shrines are way too short, they should be merged and end up being 25 instead of over 100). And by proper dungeons i mean the place where you goddamn fight outside overworld - I prepared a lot for first divine beast then i found out thats just shrine gimmick with a mini-boss at the end. That felt really bad.
>i watched that one analysis video too guys!
Best song in BOTW was the Korok forest one, as it finally nitted up and went full Ghibli
It's more of an ''People other than the most die hard fans got to play it and have a more objective view on the game''-kind of thing.
No, it's just that the Nier posters went away because of the influx of waifufags and shitposters that came after release.
Sup Forums userbase change a lot and those who stay here are usually the shitposters
Gaming is in fact very much dead because despite this being a bait thread, there's people out there unironically thinking a niche Taro game actually has "GOTY storyline, characters and gameplay" and hauling it as the new coming of jesus.
When in reality it's just basic animu Nier again, with almost the exact same OST and even less inspired designs than before, with almost the exact same plot except you switch shades for machines and replicants for automata, because despite it's a sequel it decided to just make a piss-poor copypaste as opposed to just develop the actual world.
>only my opinion is right because I played this thing without knowing any of the background stuff
See? I can do it too
Well soon Im going to get ps3 and Nier copy. I will probably find out the sad truth (anyway i dont consider it GOTY)
What analysis video? I say they are impressionistic arrangements because they are, stop projecting your near illiteracy on me, and go watch more youtube videos to learn shit.
The best song in BotW was the Rito village arrangement of dragon roost island, both day and night.
None of those games are "missing" from the game because the game wasn't designed around them, you should really stop basing your entire Zelda criticisms on your expectations due to series' conventions.
nier automata had a budget of a pickle and a ham sandwich
120 shrine are too many i do agree. And some of the puzzles got ''wasted'' because of them. That being said, half of the shrines are just walk up and get the orb because of the quest before entering the shrine.
The main dungeons/divine beasts are actually pretty fucking good, but they are very, very short. Meanign that the ''wasted puzzles'' could've ammounted for lon ger and better Main dungeons. This game needed at least one more main dungeon and story to it in order to be perfect, which we will get coming december. It was too ambitious of a game, they needed at least 1 more year for more enemy designs, more Link Slashing animations (seriously, he has like, 6 while in WW and even the n64 games he had 15). Still, tons of more weapons made up for it.
It's a solid 9.2/10 game. Not 10/10.
Also fucking yes, the ganon-puppet thingies, looked all the same and where just too Cheesy. OK bosses, but no game of the gen material.
None of those things are missing from the game* my bad
i played it for 11 hours and dropped it.
it was a solid 6/10, above average. this is just my opinion.
So much this, desu
so i'm not a fan of weeb games but i have a question. is there a lore reason the character you play as is dressed like that? or is it just to attract neckbeards?
People need to stop treating games that do not have mass appeal like they are the second coming of jesus christ, it's what creates all this shitposting in the first place.
Same thing happened with Witcher 3, everyone saying its the best game ever made means that the people who don't like it are gonna be super vocal about it.
I know this thread is bait but the amount of people who overhyped the fuck out of Automata and acted like it was perfect really threw me off when I played it and found out it was heavily flawed, despite still being a very solid game.
But user you need to endure that samey gameplay for another 70 hours and then continue after the final boss five times and then delete your save so you can say it's bad or above average
No no, thats freaking 'return to roots', roots had dungeons where you fought as well. I expected them and they werent delivered.
It's 9/10 mainly because of everything else (oh well, except soundtrack). There are many things that other open-world games forgot, especially 'exploration' thing.
>GOTY gameplay
Very lackluster gameplay for a game P* did the combat.
JRPGs have never been about choice.
I used to think people who praise Automata as GOTY were just baiters and shills, but after having been in these threads I'm starting to wonder if people really are that delusional.
>>GOTY gameplay
>>GOTY music
>>GOTY story
>>GOTY character design
>>will lose the actual GOTY award to an open world meme game.
also Nier is an open world, and its being open it's fucking useless and bad.
it's a shit touho, it's a shit action game, all it has is a nice waifu. if you're over 16, you'll understand.
goty awards don't mean anything.
Is this game really that good or is just the girls carrying it?
I've seen the videos and it doesn't look that innovative or new for a hack/slash game aside from the story
When Zelda wins over 100 of them they will mean a lot here on nintendogaf
>nier gameplay is bad
wasnt even a good game
got it on gamefly, sent it back, boring af and not worth playing
every thread just fanboys saying "YOU DONT COME TO THE GAME FOR GAMEPLAY" and then rant about some pseudo intellect commentary and circlejerk over the completely bland girl's ass for 19 more days
Doesnt mean that you jRPG should learn the choice. Especially when you got such a good base for that.
the game is a solid 8.5/10, but not the masterpiece people are saying
>GOTY gameplay
>spam R2 and it's impossible to get hit
And this is why stamina systems exist.
Prey has better music, fuck weebs