“Everyone waiting patiently to purchase a [Nintendo Switch] from a retail store who is having trouble purchasing a unit, we sincerely and deeply apologize [for the wait].”
“Every week now we've been shipping out units in large quantities to strive to meet demand. Throughout July and August we will continue to increase the shipment of more Nintendo Switch units,”
Everyone On Suicide Watch
I thought it was japan only?
I thought they were having trouble ramping up production because Apple was buying up large quantities of this one part needed for the Switch to function?
I have a feeling they've been holding a few back for the Splatoon launch
>"true scarcity, guys, Apple is out to get us!"
>PS4 goes back to being best selling console
>"lol jk, here's more Switches, pls buy!"
Fucking finally. I've been trying to find one for monthes, damn scalpers won't get one extra penny from me
Based Apple
Gonna need a source m8
>[for the wait]
ya cause I cant wait to play a shitty handheld on the toilet
Just tell me you're gonna give us the fucking Spla2 bundle
Filthy gaijin, these are not for you
I'm glad Nintendo's artificial shortages came back to bite them in the ass.
>maybe SOME of us woulda played the shitty handheld better if SOME of us didn't have BIG MEATY CLAWS
>What did you just say, sonyflounder?
I have to thank Nintendo for purposefully messing with their Switch supply. I was very willing to purchase a Switch back in April when I feel into the "BoTW is amazing" hype machine, but now that I've had some time to reflect and actually play the game a bit, I realize the Switch actually sucks ass and unless Mario Odyssey is GoTD (Game of the Decade) then it really isn't worth it.
Is it possible for people to be tired of waiting that they lose interest?
>buying a console just for zelda
lol retard
I used to say that until Bloodborne sold me a PS4.
It most certainly is.
Ten years of waiting for FFXV and I don't care enough to even try it.
Well, Xenoblade 2 is allegedly coming out in 2017 along with Odyssey and Fire Emblem. Although, some people don't like Musuos so I can understand the hesitation in getting that title
Fucking excellent.
lol retard
Not like it matters now. I got my switch from retail last week.
Odyssey looks great though. I played BotW on my Wii U and it was merely an above average open world game, but I've been waiting to play a true 3D Mario game for ages
I'll probably buy a Switch just to play it and then throw it on eBay when I'm done with it, since the system doesn't have anything else going for it
can anyone confirm if this is the case for places outside of Japan too?
It's just Japan.
then what is the purpose of this thread?
Literally 99/100 Switch owners. Maybe 999/1000.
I'm that weird guy that bought it for Bomberman
What is the purpose of any thread on Sup Forums?
Zelda almost had a 1:1 attachment rate for switch, you better damn bet most people bought it for Zelda up till now. No one even really knew if Mario was coming out this year
to shitpost
Do you like it? I heard it was shit but keep almost grabbing it because it's bomberman.
It's definitely for the Splatoon launch. Arms hype is dying down (did anyone even care?), so they're holding on to stock for Splatoon's July launch. The game will flop if no one has a console to play it. Then there will probably be another lull before Pokken and Odyssey.
Well there you go
Yes, I did. It's not as good as Super Bomberman 2 or 3, but it is good. People saying it's shit are most likely the kids that grew up with the shovelware clones on phones; they assume every classic Bomberman game is the exact same thing. It's got a robust single player, and multiplayer is finally good now that Konami updated it. You don't have to deal with that lag anymore.
Is it worth 50 dollars? Well, probably not. I'd say 30 or 40. But it's a good game nonetheless and I don't regret the purchase.
Actually it had a greater than 1:1 attach rate. In the first month they sold slightly more copies of Zelda for Switch than they did the console itself.
If it works I guess.
I feel bad for arms. I was shitting on it before it came out. Then I played it at a friends house and bought it the same day.
They weren't fucking around when they said it's more fun than it looks.