What is the "Why didn't sam and frodo fly to mordor?" of video games?

What is the "Why didn't sam and frodo fly to mordor?" of video games?

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Joel rescuing Ellie.

He couldn't have made a worse call.

Why didn't Cloud use the Phoenix downs?

Pretty much anything that happens in a cutscene

how in far cry 4 you can just chill at the beginning and not go off on a radical adventure


Phoenix down only wakes up a knocked out/Dying player, not ressurect the truly dead.

Then why can I use them on Auron? Checkmate, atheists.

>why didn't Sam and Frodo fly to Mordor
the movies don't make it clear how long there are timeskips where Gandalf is literally just doing research to figure out what the fuck is going on and that involves traveling all over Middle Earth
then the Fellowship gets together
the reason they had to walk was because the Nazgul and Sauron's other flying beasts would just take down the eagles
Sauron had a lot more flying beasts than the eagles had of their own numbers
Sauron's eye would EASILY spot the eagles and kill them

>Why didn't sam and frodo fly to mordor? xD 11!1!1!1!1
With the isengard warmachine and saruman?
When sauron's eye could see them come close before they could pass through rohan?
With orcs and haradrim army?
With nazgul watching the black door?
Im getting tired of this stupid Sup Forums meme theres already more than 5 things that could kill them if they fly straigt to the mt doom

I wonder if we'll ever have a game with a story like LOTR. It's simple, but very well told,
effective and covers many themes.

Why didn't Gandalf shove the ring in his shriveled old bum?

It's not just a Sup Forums meme.
It's all over. Arseholes who only ever watched the movies keep posting that shit. They don't even care about the why, they just want to seem witty and funny for "noticing" something "stupid" in the movie.

Aye, i'm mad.

Why didn't Frodo marry Sam?

It would corrupt him and nigga already powerful as fuck.
And everyone knows suppositories make shit hit even harder.

Probably the Mario games after Super Paper Mario
>Why don't Mario & Luigi just walk to Bowser's Castle?


Why isn't the Bronze Dragonflight the most powerful beings ever? They control time and shit

But why though?

Horrible example. It was emotionally fueled and made sense from his perspective. You don't have to agree with his decision to understand why he made it.

Are you asking why I'm mad, why people keep posting this shit or why they didn't fly to Mordor?

I need to be sure so i don't post a "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" for no reason.

Why didn't Kratos kill Zeus directly
Why didn't Kil'Jaeden bring in literally all of his armies (which are endless according to blizzard's own lore) to battle the heroes of Azeroth

Why didn't they fly? It actually never bothered me, but I haven't read the books except The Hobbit. I was wondering if there is an in-book explanation. Either way, it's a pretty minor thing.

Why doesn't Auron have a permanent Zombie state? Or at least Auto-Raise. What's the point of being undead if you get none of the benefits.

REEEEEEEEEEEEEE, but in case you legitimately missed them:

why did yabadabadoo offer power and persona abilities to joker then shut him down after 7 successful palace infiltration? if this nigger's purpose was to take control over people then why go through the effort of overpowering a human

Why can't you just climb over the 2ft tall ledges in pokemon?

The gist of it is that Sauron's army is far more massive than the movie let's on about. The entire point of the adventure is that Sauron doesn't know where the ring is. So he sends his armies to go breaking people's stuff until he finds it. With only the Nazgul having a semi effective way of tracking it. When Aragorn marched on the black gate Sauron legit thought that he might have the ring. It wasn't until Frodo put the ring on at Mount Doom that Sauron realized ring was right at his back door and that it was in danger of being destroyed. Which is why as soon as he found out the Nazgul immediately abandon the battle and gunned it for Mount Doom.

For the same reason Scyther is totally incapable of cutting down branches with his knife hands until he learns the move cut

Because you missed the point of the game. Not the one you're playing. Ialdaboth and Igor's.

The Eagles would have been killed by Sauron, the warmachines, the Fell Beasts, etc. Even though there was a definite possibility that the Eagles could still make it through - it's not like the air defense was impossible - a big point about the Eagles is that they are basically impartial demigods that don't care about mortals or the world as a whole enough to risk their own lives for anything. The very small favours they perform in the movies (saving Gandalf from Saruman, and saving The Hobbit group from the orcs) are actually huge favours in their eyes, despite the very, very little risk associated with it. And even still, the only reason they aid the characters in those instances is because it's at the behest of Gandalf, who is basically an Archangel in the Tolkein setting.
That's of course not even mentioning Gandalf's general hands-off approach with Middle Earth. He could do a lot more in the events of the story but chooses not to because the races of Middle Earth must make it through these things by themselves and on their own merits, and thus he acts as a mentor/guide for the Fellowship, rather than attempting to solo his way into Mordor. Even if he could overcome the monumental task of convincing the Eagles drop the ring into Mt. Doom, it would invalidate Gandalf's entire purpose and place in the world.


Pretty much every single thing that happened in this shitty game made me frodo.png

Perfect response buddy

Which, conversely, is for the same reason that Scyther can't learn Fly, but Doduo can.

I'm on PC, only thing I can play is Assault Horizon, which people said it sucks.
Hyped for AC7 though, i've been wanting a military aircraft focused game for a long time.

Dark Souls 2 shrine of winter.

And why Gyarados can't learn Aerial Ace, yet Dugtrio can.

the PS2 games can be perfectly emulated lad.

check the /vg/ general for more info

Seymour (and the majority of the enemies, for that matter) can be healed by magic while Zombies can't, so it's clearly not the same thing as being unsent.

Don't know if I can, my CPU is pretty shitty, it's a i3 6100.
Tried emulating MGS3 once and it ran pretty badly.

well shit, i thought you could run it since you're getting AC7

Zero emulates really well on PC. I just finished my 3 playthrough on it. All the files are free, less than 3gb, and can be set up in 10 minutes.

Even Ghost Recon Wildlands runs fine on my PC, about 45 FPS on average, but emulation depends mostly on the CPU.

I'll try it then.

For real though, why did we elect the kill 4 demigods rather than just climb up a few rocks?

AC Zero and 5 are far less resource intensive than games with higher polycounts/more animations. Games like SWBF2 and MGS2 were so sluggish, but I could play all of Zero without any slowdowns

since we're on the topic of LOTR, is Shadow of mordor a decent game?

Story wise it sucks, the main character is a OC donut steel who defeats Sauron in a QTE fight.
Gameplay wise, it's the same Ubisoft-esque open world collectathon with tower climbing, but with the gimmick of taking control of orcs.

If you think the nemesis system gimmick could last you through the game, it probably will. If you don't really give a shit then it's an okay game, but not really worth money.

SO does Ace Combat have an actually great story?

That was one good-ass explanation, cheers mate

I appreciate the explanations.

It's... a fun game for a few hours.
If you're into LotR know that it absolutely shits all over the lore. And then rapes it.

From a gameplay perspective, it's got the same basic concept as the Arkham series with some Assassin's Creed elements to it. It's a remarkably easy game, mostly just mashing 2 different buttons, but it is fun and well done. Get's repetitive after 15 hours or so.

Worth it at the sale price.

>SO does Ace Combat have an actually great story?

the PS2 ones yes, especially 0 and 4

Why didn't the Fellowship just construct a new ring of power?

Because your mother is a whore.

The real question is why did the Valar allow Sauron to escape after the War of Wrath? Are the valar that stupid or are they just really lazy?

Was Melkor right all along?

I just hope if they ever do first age shit that they don't fuck it up as badly as the Hobbit trilogy. Which shouldn't have been too much to ask.

Oh yeah

because sauron ran away like a litttle bich when daddy melkor was kill

I think WB doesn't have the rights to the Silmarillion and other stuff, so it might be safe.
Seeing that stuff turned into a shitty trilogy of flicks would be heartbreaking...


why did samus disable all of her upgrades

Is this guy from The Order 1886? I see him posted everywhere and have no idea of the significance of him.
If he's from some game I haven't played then I'll probably never play it so shoot me some [spoilers]

Thanks, I've never read the books, so it goes to show how much second-hand information gleaned through the internet over the years can build up.

I've never played a single Ace Combat game but I believe he's from that series. I almost wanna say he's Belkan which I think is Japanese fighter pilot Germany. But I dunno. I hear they're actually really good but they're fighter jet games and that isn't really for me. But maybe they're like some sort of semi-realistic Star Fox and i've been wrong my whole life.

He's from Ace Combat 0. let me just increase your reason for getting this game, along with the rest of the games.


Didn't the battle at the black gate not actually happen because Frodo putting the ring on didn't just shake Sauron and the Nazgul, but the entire army, causing them to freeze out of sheer terror and confusion?

would give away the plot twist that he's been dead all along

He was a fighter pilot they called Solo Wing Pixy. This man was your buddy.

How doable is it to emulate on PC? I've never emulated PS2, with the exception of when I was like 15 and couldn't get it to work but that was 7 years ago.
I'm sitting next to a PS2 (Unmodded) right now and it works like new, but I wanna play it now and don't feel like taking an hour bus ride to the used vidya store tomorrow.

Tales of the Abyss.

what a surprise, you're in for a treat.

the PS2 games are easily emulatable and the games are super cheap on ebay. go to /aceg/ on /vg/ if you need more info

Some bullshit about transporting them. I also think the limitless thing is just overstating what is a gigantic army.

PS2 is very easy to emulate, you can make it look much better than the OG PS2 and and and the avent of widescreen mods means you can get it running in widescreen and have it look flawless. Honestly look into it mate, it's come a long way since 7 years

Why didn't you just follow the damn train, CJ!

Because either her suit breaks or her sanity does and she decides she wants to follow her father figure

So to keep things on topic and because no one ever discusses it, why didn't Connor kill Charles Lee in almost every single situation? You have history on your side, I presume since i'm not American, but there've been like 7 or 8 times that you can clearly just wham bam him and call it done.

Why didn't Fawkes, who is immune to radiation, just go into the reactor to flip the switch instead of having you go and die?

They lived during a time when the primary reasons for marriage was either for alliances between families, or procreation and not for love, Sam was also bisexual so he never saw Frodo as anything more than just a really good friend.

because bethesda can charge you money to let him do it

Why didn't they just take one of those flying platforms and fuck off?

Why didn't they just take one of those flying platforms to the blimp?

Why didn't they take one of those flying platforms to the portal to Paris in Elizabeth's room?

Why didn't they take one of those flying platforms and fly around until they found a portal to somewhere safe?

Why did they never try to get back to their original dimension?

Why did they act like the actions of one version of a character carried over to another version?

Why was Elizabeth so important that it justified murdering all potential Bookers, even the theoretically good ones?

Why not just warn New York that it's about to be bombed?

Why was Comstock so horrible that he had to be stopped but the Twins were given a free pass for arguable much more serious crimes?

Because it wasn't nessecary. Time was not a factor for thw fellowship. If it had been they wouldn't have dragged their feet leaving Rivendell or have taken a month's vacation in Lothlorien.

What did matter was secrecy. It was absolutely essential that Sauron be given no indication of the ring's intended destination. If he knew his enemies would actually try to destroy his ring he would have taken the relatively simple step of sealing the forge. Which was where yhe ring had to be destroyed. It couldn't just be dropped into the caldera.

A real life Booker would have left immediately after rescuing Elizabeth so he could fuck her brains out back home. The game continues because it's a game and people don't like short games.

Fallout 3.

The Enclave wanted to activate the water purifier.
The BoS wanted to activate the water purifier.
Every sane human wanted to activate the water purifier.

So lets do a big all out war over it.

If Adam didn't want Samus on the bottleship why didn't he just tell her to leave?

Why exactly did Adam have to shoot Samus in the back?

Why didn't the Reapers just turn off the mass relays and win the war?

Why didn't roland just respawn after getting shot by jack?

actually, the whole New-U station in general

Wait yes that's absolutely retarded

Because valar cant do shit without huge colaterall damage, when they raped melkor they fucking wrecked that entire continet too.

>Implying anybody played or cares about other m

They were trying to do that through the citadel, they probably could have tried to turn off the relays one by one but it probably wouldn't have been long before the galaxy caught on to what was happening, if their numbers were or are as big as they claim or if you assume ME3 and beyond is canon then you're question is a legit one, but if you're sticking to just within ME1 then it's entirely possible that the reapers would actually be outnumbered depending on how many 'resets" they performed.

Memelord Burch made them conveniently non-canon to force his shitty melodrama.

Then why does it kill the undead? I always thought life and death in FF was a tug o war where if you die hard enough you become an undead and killed by healthy stuff.

y cant metroid crawl?

>Memelord Burch made them conveniently non-canon to force his shitty melodrama.

nigga there was a quest where you literally have to kill yourself

Yup, despite that he still considers them non-canon.

fucking hell what a mess

What's it like to wake up and realize you're Anthony Burch?

>lets endanger the entire human race because of one girl
>a girl who after joel dies will probably get raped by a bunch of raiders and be fed to the clickers

>humans are always rational and only ever make rational decisions

Why didnt Akechi just shoot you instead of initiating a battle, exposing all of the plans then killing himself