Thoughts? My hand is hovering over the buy button as we speak

Thoughts? My hand is hovering over the buy button as we speak.

pretty comfy but I just started playing an hour ago

>not pirating it

I'm not poor

It takes a while but when the tutorials stop its pretty fun

buy it user, support the industry.

I don't see any actual reason for an adult male that grew up with video games to ever play this. You can keep shilling this game though. Like you do with every shovelware-tier game that hits your shitty toy.

>Asks if should buy it


If you're not going to address my point why bother responding?

>being this much of a brainletard to hack a console


You didn't make a point though.

What point? That in your opinion people shouldn't play games?

>lalala I can't hear you
How mature of you.

Yeah you should buy it. Never played it, but might as well right.

Wait you seriously think you made a point? You can't make points without arguments and you can't argue without evidence.

So edgy and mature

Your statement at literally doesn't make any claim to anything at all. It is literally, non-figuratively, not making any point right or wrong.

An adult male who grew up playing Harvest Moon and Secret of Mana would actually probably enjoy playing this game.

You've done a great job at not representing my point.

>lalala can't hear you
Way ahead of you.

There's your strategic shilling again.

>I only play mature games for mature gamers such as myself

nobody likes a tryhard faggot

I tried playing it for 10 minutes until I decided to uninstall it. Once I played for 10 minutes I experienced everything the game had to offer.

Is this the current state of Sup Forums? I know there are a bunch of faggots on here but this is some new breed.

Consensus is that it's simple, fun, and cute but doesn't offer anything new

/mlp/ uses this logic.

>you're just a tryhard
I still haven't seen you address my point. Continue namecalling as if it will get you anywhere though.

Will I like this game if I didn't care for the Crystal Chronicles series?

I really don't like the art

The snake makes my dick hard.

>sandbox rpg
>dungeons and puzzles
>cool harvestmoon inspired shit

>no adult male who grew up with video games would like this

Uhhh ok so you're underaged and grew up on caw a dooty and grand theft auto and never actually grew up playing good games, we get it.

read >

Yup, feeling a lot of Rune Factory in this, is why I ordered. Wish there were romances, though.

What do you in the game? Is it just like a simple ARPG or something?

>Obvious troll is obvious

I don't think they're all that comparable.
Also get better taste :^)

>I don't see any actual reason for an adult male that grew up with video games to ever play this.
A statement that establishes your thoughts. Does not start any conversation on its own. Literally not a point.

>You can keep shilling this game though
An assumption formatted as fact. Makes you look like a retard and implies it's leading somewhere, but also literally not a point.

>Like you do with every shovelware-tier game that hits your shitty toy.
A follow-up to the previous statement, obviously written by a 16-year old with a poor grasp on the English language but context sells it. Never the less, it doesn't actually provide any sort of mentionable thought at all. Literally not a point.

We don't even have material for an argument about anything other than semantics. There's no claim here for anyone to even talk about it. The rule for (You) is that when you want to bait you need to put in less effort than any person responding to you.

Do you ever unlock a way to auto-restock stores? Or the ability to just do it through a menu? It gets kind of annoying having to manually restock once you have a decent amount of stores, I can't imagine how bad it must be late game.

Why isn't it in freeshop for ciaangel yet?

Through a menu. You still half to go collect stamps and requests from the shops.

>projecting the post
>buzzwords the post
The game is extremely shallow, slow, sluggish and a general chore to play.

>Does not start any conversation on its own
It starts a conversation alright. I get what you mean though and that was very much intentional.

>An assumption formatted as fact
Every Nintendo shovelware game gets shilled on Sup Forums it's not really a matter of fact or fiction when we're in the umpteenth thread about this game made for literal toddlers.

>you're just 16
>poor grasp on the English language
Nothing actually wrong with my English. You're just trying to debunk my person because my argument is on point. It's meaningless to continue this because you're just making guesses. You're just uninformed.

Didn't actually play the game: the post

>I have no argument: the post
say no more

>geniunely interesting new ip
>everyone pirates it
>no sequel ever

It's pretty fun, but a bit slow in the beginning. It reminds me of dark cloud and Zelda.

I haven't beat it yet, but I hope there is a lot of post game stuff.


Let's be honest, this game was sent out to die. It came way too late into the 3DS's life since everybody's eyes are on the Switch now, and Nintendo is barely advertising it, if they even are at all.

There is no postgame aside from recruiting everything and trying to find the 3 super bosses(scrimpion, the plant boss, pteratoad).

>geniunely interesting new ip
What's so interesting about this from an IP perspective?

Yeah, you can keep talking about someone instead of addressing their points. I'm sure that will change a lot. Literal safe-space behavior of you right there kiddo.

>Farming Simulator 19
>genuinely interesting

Oh well hopefully the side quests will hold me over. I love the aesthetics, but I thought they could have pulled a bit more inspiration from the Zelda games they remade.

> not owning good games physically

Sorry for your loss poorfriend

t. fag who makes daily hollowknight threads

>buzzwords the post

Proceeds to write:

> The game is extremely shallow, slow, sluggish and a general chore to play.

Can't make this shit up.

I don't even visit Sup Forums daily. Good job on not addressing my points though. Way ahead of you.

Free shop when?

Bump for Ever Oasis

Digital version is out in the US now, if anyone preordered it.

Left or right?

> a whole race of lizardfus

Are there even any males?

How often after release do the tickets show up on the title site?

Red pill me friends, I'm on the fence and I want to like it but I haven't seen any hype yet.

I wasn't super impressed with the combat. How in depth is the town building aspect?

I bet the girly ones are actually male.

> Someone is actually named Dickhardt


when he bumps the thread, the game gets more attention and it fuels him

Press F to pay respects

Planning on getting it tomorrow. I haven't played the demo but I like town building games. Has anyone played it?

>people pretending to be retarded are ruining Sup Forums
yeah that's totally new

No one?


Yeah, it seems no one here has played enough to really say anything on it yet.

>dont visit daily
>keep shilling
This the first time Ive seen a thread "shill" Ever Oasis

>unironically committing crimes


>belittling people for missing your point
Do a better job of explaining it

It depends on how much you can tolerate fetch quests and boring tasks since there's at least 100 of them along with material gathering for shops. Melee combat is fun, ranged is not fun. The five main dungeons are pretty good. The randomized labrynths get boring quickly. Decent overall if you wanted something new to pirate.

I see a lack of chesticles on the right.

if you like Fantasy Life or maybe Viva Pinata you'll like this
>build Oasis
>get people to move in by either finding them, doing favors or building your oasis in a way to attract them
>build shops for residents to run, keep shops stocked up by collecting materials for them to sell
>shops generate money
>simple garden where you can grow fruits, plants or make a resident into a gardener because you dont want to water it everyday
>hack and slash combat + basic puzzles
>Esna a cute

If you want something cute, fun and relaxing but not overly complicated you should enjoy it

think for yourself faggot