Is this still the best looking WoW armor set?

Is this still the best looking WoW armor set?
The answer is yes.

Other urls found in this thread:

*best looking paladin set

I adored the Ymirjar Lord set, personally.

It's the BOAT

Hell no.

ur wrong m9

judgement is overrated as fuck, it's just a shitty ripoff of warhammer's artstyle.

Deathmantle was my favourite rogue set, Bloodfang armor can go eat a sharp red and black dick. Either that or the WOTLK warlock set made you look like Putress.

>asymmetrical horns
>but the rest of the armor is symmetrical
Jesus fucking Christ are the WoW designers 12 as well as their players?

Fucking game is a masterclass in over-designed ugly shit


>im a big hipster faggot

that looks like shit

moreso because its a female dwarf

shame the actual armor was a shitheap that no sane warlock used.

>literally the most transmogged rogue set in the game

a best

Bloodfang obviously

All hail TBC clownsuits

And this is why I hate MMOs

Flew off the whell pretty quick there, user.

Simmer down and tell me your favourite set.

and then transmog was added and people said it ruined the spirit of the game

Are there any good WOTLK private servers?

>edgy bc polearm with a vanilla set


transmogs are shit that ruin spirit of games

The best looking set of all MMORPGs!!!

now take into account that merciless is the same look.

>cursed vision of hipsteras

>from the raid we never got
>no viking raid
>finally get it in legion and its meh at best

Feel so conflicted right now.


I dunno why but I always liked WoWs fuck huge pauldrons. Why is that?

They are goofy as fuck, at least to me

I think WotLK had the best armor in general, especially the leveling/dungeon stuff, but I quit in early Cata.

it means that you are homosex

Wrathful gladiators plate set

best set, no room for debate here

>getting the urge to download WoW and just fuck around on a personal private server
It's not worth it, right? The memories will always be better?

wow would be much better game as single player

>there will never be a singe player adaptation of WoW with improved animations/gameplay/aesthetics

t4 warlock and t5 (arena version is blue instead of red) mage were my favorites

But I couldn't do any raids or dungeons, not without godmode

>blind justice
Not bad.

Why do i feel that after TBC the armor sets just became overdesigned pieces of shit?

>ITT: pleb taste

Why arent you playing on Elysium RIGHT NOW?

Because I don't have WoW on my new computer and would probably have to torrent it or find the old disks

That's literally legion right now.

World quests always give you something to do. They brought back class quests and professions are the best they've ever been.

It's great gameplay wise and if you're into end-game raiding it's still the great game it's always been where you could hop onto a raid and still have the same memories you did when it was 2006.

The problem is how much of a singleplayer it is now because it's so fucking instance based.

You don't ever have to walk to a dungeon. Convenient but not gonna have any memories of dancing in front of the meeting stone with people of the opposing faction or any other encounter.

One of the best things was how little loading screens they are and how it felt like an actual world. There's loading screens out the ass now. You could get killed by someone and by the time you get to your corpse they would've phased out because every other player is from another server because cross realm. Remember when you encountered someone in pvp then saw him in the same bg and made a mini rivalry that could last to endgame where you're both in epics? That will never happen anymore.

Convenience made the game a lot less special despite how much it improved from gameplay. You will not make many memories in Legion as you could before or even now on a private server.

the best

>reddit spacing
Something's not right here.

We're waiting for you.

>reddit spacing
i-is this a thing?

Anything can be if you don't like it enough.

There's also Pally's T4, Hunter's T6 and hmm... Warriors T3 and T6.

I bet I don't remember them all. What's important is that ever since SWP came, there were no good armour designs in WoW.

>You don't ever have to walk to a dungeon

Are you fucking retarded or just bad? You still need to walk to Mythic dungeons and non-LFR raids.


No it's not.

A single-player WoW would be more akin to Tiwtcher/Two Worlds.

>You still need to walk to Mythic dungeons and non-LFR raids
two endgame scenarios. For the new, casual player you will never have to even learn where the dungeon entrance is throughout the entire leveling process.

muh snowflake armor

Nope. Shaman sets a best

id genuinely question the sanity of anyone starting to play WoW now, much more so of someone wanting to level a character to 110 without dungeon finder (which you still can do, technically)

if you start legion (with the free lvl 100 boost) you reach 110 and mythic dungeons within 2-3 days of playing

i have the unobtainable recolour too

Huh? Wasn't the recolor set from heroics in BC? Why is it unobtainable now? I haven't played in a long time for reference.

The purple recolor is from heroics. That particular set is from the pre-wotlk event

>mfw guild was stuck on twins and decided to wait for WOTLK

Trial of Valor was great, though.

is that blue set released yet? only thing i want....

It's in the game files, but only Muradin has a set.

I'll resub when they release that shit

I remember that event, the only pre event that was fun as fuck. Being a ghoul and spreading the aids ghouling other people. Too bad blizzards consider it a failure because the userbase hates anything that is fun.

Helm off, Judgement Robes, PvP shoulders on male dwarf ftw.

>been raiding on my priest since vanilla
>most of the guild burned out during naxx
>never got my full vestments set
>have staff head, base, and 34 fucking splinters of atiesh sitting in my bank to this day
>warrior friend who is the only guildmate i still know got his full dreadnaught set and corrupted ashbringer
im still mad to this day

>there was no Troll raid in WoD
>the mid-expansion raid for Legion doesnt involve Trolls
What happened

Orcs and demons are where it's at.

Current team is shit and obsessed with Mountain Dew-aesthetics. They don't understand how awesome trolls are.

>Tfw play feral so I don't have to give a shit about my transmog.

>Tfw get kicked from every dungeon group as soon as they realize you're not boomkin.

Blizz please think about the cats.

>WoW gear
>not overdesigned edgelord shit