Out in the eShop if you're a bong if you're not here's a playthrough. Impressions?
Out in the eShop if you're a bong if you're not here's a playthrough. Impressions?
pikman is fucking gay.
but those animated shorts nintendo made were pretty cute desu
I really want to give it a shot because I love Pikmin
But at the same time I really don't want to bother because I hate Nintendo making games like this and Chibi Robo into platformers for no reason.
pick one
also, the fact that this takes place on a completely DIFFERENT planet kinda throws me off, but I guess that's the best way to have a spinoff of it
I don't really find much interest in this game to be honest; I just want PIkmin 4
Look at Olimar's weird fucking mouth.
Don't shit on Olimar, he's a family man.
I hope his kids' mouths don't look like his.
sounds like a nigga needs a whippin
>literally wait for your pikmin to slowly walk from the top screen to the bottom screen: the game
also the fucking frame drops, this is on a N3DS? it's a fucking 2d platformer, why does this run worse than pokemon
Fuck you Shitpostin' Stu
>Nintendo game with most graphical violence
How was no one from Europe shared the .3ds for this yet?
It's beautiful, and has all the charm of a pikmin game, but Sup Forums WILL hate it because "m-muh 2d!!!"
adding stutters doesn't make an argument any less valid
The second level makes it kinda cool. But it hardly matters, gonna buy it anyway because Pikmin. Also because Amiibo.
It does though. Remember the federation force shitstorm? You nintendo autists can't handle anything different
>inb4 b-but that was completely different!!!
Oh boy, I can't wait to pirate this. Stop wasting time with the 3DS Nintendo and just move the fuck on.
It was different, and Metroidfags are just that more belligerent. Pikminlads are comfy and more lenient, especially since they know Pikmin 4 is on the way, this is a stopgap.
Fuck you nigger
user, you're autistic. I'm sorry you had to find out in a pikmin thread of all places.
Hey, Pikmin is being developed by Azrest/Artoon so I'm skipping it.