Other urls found in this thread:
bump will respond later
Assassin's Creed (the first one)
The Mist (the series?
stale bread with mayonnaise
tap water
not tonight
dead inside
Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls 3
Greasy take-away burger
/trash/ help
>you cannot learn Japanese
why the fuck doesn't /trash/ have femboi threads anymore I hate going to slowass u18
Probly John Wick 2 later
like i could fuck a cactus
kill me, pete
Don't ask me senpai, I only still go for the really unpleasant stuff like fat furs and farting. It's only slightly better than porn addiction and findom but I have to make baby steps
Noting right now.
Various stiff.
Maybe something Godzilla related later
Miller Lite.
Uncensored JAV
Good I guess.
dota 2, mlb the show 17, witcher 3 hopefully, nba 2k16
millencolin right now about to put on the mountain goats
finishing flaked tonight, gonna watch rogue one then some dragon ball
malazan book of the fallen book 6: the reaper's gale
already had taco bell probably gonna make something for dinner
red bull all night
sex with girls
great, gonna stay in all weekend which is unusual for me
>sex with g*rls
that's fucking gross dude
which nation my fellow patrician
Financial domination. It's pretty nasty and fortunately I've never given money up but at my lowest I considered the concept incredibly hot for whatever reason
Jokes on you, its fucking saturday.. fuck me..
Dirty Bomb Fucking islamic naders and IED placing proxies
Various electronic music and metal
Watching this screen right now.
Reading this thread right now.
Eating lasagna.
Drinking a red monster can. This is the 4th can.. send an ambulance please...
Fappin is for deprived reprobates.
Feeling ecstatic.
Doing another test run as UK to see if I can bleed the germans out until Barbarossa.
Playing BlackIce btw
Whatever's on shuffle
Just caught up with Dorohedoro, now I'm reading Ajin
Rum and coke
Nah I hurt my pee pee yesterday
Drunk and tired
No mercy for australians.
You need help user
I'm not a kangaroo fucker. Slovenia to be exact, so a mountain jew?
Working through Deus Ex HR for the first time and loving it. Playing some call of duty 4 right now though for shits.
Was listening to Josh Turner earlier when I was pulling weeds. im probably the only person on Sup Forums who likes any form of modern country music
Whatever GF will want to watch when she gets home.
Blood Meridian. Been trying to work through it and I ended up taking a summer class that I can write a paper about it for so that's giving me extra motivation
Clam Chowder in a bread bowl
Dunno. About to run out of Busch Light so I might run to the store and pick something better out here soon. Maybe shiner light blonde
Productive. Pumped out my entire midterm paper yesterday, pulled some big fucking weeds out earlier, now I'm
Just relaxing and it feels deserved for once
Last night I finished God Eater Ressurection. In the morning a tried to play Ninja Gaiden Sigma but I don't like it, I'll sell it. At night I'll play Touch My Katamari.
Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas
Documentation for jQuery
I drank coffe with milk, now I'm drinking mate cocido.
I already did it. Imagination.
Fine, but is so fucking humid. Where's winter?!
I just bought shadowrun returns, new to the genre and series. Tell me if I fucked up please
Godspeed You! Black Emperor and Death Grips
Probably going to watch Blade Runner
Crime & Punishment
Raman and Xanax
Hopefully not
Like a drug addict
Seriously, I would like to feel like I'm learning faster or like I was enjoying this slow-ass learning more.
I watched Tokyo Ghoul the other day and kept thinking it was just a differently stylized Ajin for kids. I also am a huge baby though and really didn't like the Ajin experiment scenes though so I was cool with that. (anime watching pleb not patrician enough to read manga etc)
I can't decide what I want to play so I'm just browsing the internet and vaguely thinking about games (like the rest of Sup Forums) Maybe I'll finally make some more progress in P5.
The new Dj Khaled album lol
Yuri on Ice for the fourth time because I'm a huge faggot
Tae Kim because I am a huge faggot trying to learn moonspeak
Nothing but I don't want to go to the store
Sounds nice but desu i'm not in the mood
Physically exhausted, mentally good. Feel like I'm not working out / learning JP fast enough so when I'm not doing those I feel guilty about gaming / jerking / u know.
New Darkest Dungeon DLC, kinda regret starting a new game because holy hell is the early game a slog.
On a hardcore Rage Against the Machine kick, can anyone recommend me some other bands with their energy?
Bitcoin graphs go up and down
Made some rice and threw leftover pork stew on top of it. It's alright.
Water for now, probably some soda later.
Don't feel like it
Really depressed these past couple days, might just be because I've been working back to back shifts (1st shift into 2nd shift) for the past four days and it's slowly killing me.
Someone recommend me some steam games and music fuck
what kind of music do you like fampai
>music fuck
What genre?
If it makes you feel better, I keep getting about 30 pages into Tae Kim before giving up. I apparently have about 800 vocabulary words with kanji moderately well memorised though
You're alright.
Anything as long as it has heavy vocals
uhh. I dunno, blood for blood? Comeback Kid? Fugazi? Minor Threat? Do you lean more punk or metal
>heavy vocals
aw come on son there's better songs on that album than fucking hot head
>SFV and Tekken 7
>Gianf Beastcast
>the physical copy of the old berserk anime I finally pulled the trigger on
>maruchan ramen with egg added
>No Fap
>lonely all my buddies are busy and my GF's working at a camp
>better songs
You're not a real DG fan
You too.
Am I supposed to just be a fence-sitting pleb and not have opinions on DG songs now?
Was trying Elder Scrolls Legends out, but immediately ran out of non-paid content to play.
Like all CCGs, it's obviously, blatantly just a money milker for people with compulsive personality disorders. People with no impulse control or gambling-prone brains just chuck money at shitty games like these, eager to see what the next pack holds or how the next game unfolds.
So rather than make a good game, they made one that preys on retards. And because these retards blow $99 on card packs at a time, the story content is also locked behind $20 pay walls because $20 is nothing to idiots used to throwing away $100 on RNG.
So now I dunno what the fuck to play. No good games exist.
Some Kant. Because that transcendental idealism shit actually seems like it almost fits with modern interpretations of thought.
Pissed that nobody makes good games anymore.
Why is it so fucking hard to make a basic RPG with Diablo-like character building?
That's fucking it, devs.
>Open world or closed. Doesn't matter.
>Loot drops.
>Talent trees and ability customization.
>Party planning.
>If you're feeling bold, base building as well.
Done. There you go. AAA+ game. The next Baldur's Gate.
Every fucking game that has this shit sells like mad. From DS to TW to TES to FO to Borderlands. Fucking. Everything.
Metroid Prime if I can find any of my fucking Memory Cards. I doubt I can finish MP without dying once
Pizza Party Podcast, SuperMegacast
Code Lyoko after finding the entire series on Youtube
Nothing lol
Some Mcdonalds later
Water or sweet tea
Some bukkake/cumshot vids later
Pretty find, but angery if I can't find my memory cards
Coast to Coast
Crystal Lake
Disarmonia Mundi
You already are a pleb, this track is one of their most gabber.
You are literally a fucking pleb. Fuck off retarded pleb.
>Don't really have anything to play
>Asked my two friends if they want to pick up Divinity Original Sin while its on Sale and give that a go
>Neither one of them have even replied to me.
G-guess I'll just keeep posting on Sup Forums
psh whatever bro find me in the streets i'm a great big fat guy I'll beat you up
some friends, huh
redout got some pimpin music mang
tijuana mules
hope the gf will take care of that
just end it all
I'm too noided for the day light pleb.
Again, you're a fucking pleb and I wouldn't even be seen walking on the other side of the street next to you.
I bet you think i've seen footage is their best track of all time.
Only thing close to Hot Head is On GP
Actually I think my favorite might be facemelter. I also really liked PtB/niggas on the moon, even if it was a little hard to digest. Personally I think songs like spikes or 8080 or ring a bell or even giving bad people good ideas is better than hot head tbqh
or are you just going to keep meming at me
Life Is Strange (first episode, I kinda fuck with it but the writing gets a bit cringey)
Syringe - I Want The Roof (check it out if the idea of Screamo Rap intrigues you, it kinda goes hard)
Everyday Struggle
I wish I had something else to say besides Sup Forums
Starbucks (shout out to the spinach egg and feta wrap)
Caramel Frappuccino
Not today
Somewhat comfy
ffx hd remaster / sc2 (lol) / kf2 / bloodborne
porter's and some other edc sets, sad i didnt go
r/a/dio later maybe
shigatsu wa kimi no uso later
friend's 21st tomorrow and he wants to go out and bar hop instead of go to the county fair like i wanted
he really wants me to go but drinking all night is honestly not the funnest thing to me, i rarely drink and im not crazy charming or super social
I'm not even memeing at you, you literally have some of the shittiest taste I've seen in a long time.
Try listening to hot head ten more times and then listen to all of Jenny Death fifty times and maybe you'll understand.
Facemelter is pretty shit.
Jenny Death is objectively better than niggas on the moon.
You are literally, no meme, a fucking giant pleb.
>listen to a mediocre track 10 times and you'll like it!
aight son if you're just gonna keep meming then we're done here. I hope you have a nice day.
You're pretty fucking sad if you think being confronted with a fact is getting memed.
Maybe the internet isn't for you.
Have fun listening to shit music moron.
I legit think you're a giant waste of space.
I bet you don't even know what gabber is.
>this reddit spacing
is reddit spacing moron
this is called
>getting mad online
Nice same fagging
Just admit you're a giant fucking pleb
CDDA or hollownight/thief if I buy them.
Donkey Kong 1/2 ost
Urban legends from around the world, or anything similar on YouTube. Anyone got some urban legends from your country?
Same as above
french fries
still learning how to draw futa
better today
I hope it's malignant. Cancer for the win baby
I'm just starting Tae Kim but I actually feel like it seems really promising. I tried to go from kana straight to kanji but it didn't feel good to me because I didn't feel like I was functionally understanding anything more.
I guess I will see how this Tae Kim journey goes, then maybe I'll try to learn radicals? It's so hard to know what is the 'best way' to learn since hardly anyone agrees about what was best for them even.
I was just reading your "conversation" with the other guy and is fun how you get mad for nothing.
Why are you still doing it?
Just admit you're a giant fucking loser pleb.
Futa on male, I sure hope. If so, mind sharing some progress?
You're talking to the wrong guy. Stop being so paranoid.
Holy shit I forgot these threads existed, were they banned for a while or something?
Tekken 7 and the DS remake of Final Fantasy III, an hour in and it's pretty fun.
Nothing really, maybe some ambient stuff later.
Fuck I need to get back to reading Jojo Part 6 maybe that?
Yellow fin sole and potatoes.
Herbal tea and water (separately).
Maybe, dunno yet.
Eh. Got turned down for two jobs this week, but my orders from HLJ have been shipped so at least in a month's time I'll have something to enjoy.
Your post times said enough giant pleb.
Just off your self.
>Dragon's Dogma
>Stupid meme songs
>Foodfight with a dear friend
>A draft of a short story that I am trying to write
>Pork I cooked a few days ago
>tfw can't admit feelings
Whatever you say. Trust me, you're talking to the wrong guy.
I'm this guy
best vidya of all: My PC parts all arrived early and I have no screwdriver and my friends want me to go visit them this weekend instead of staying home and assembling the computer
Millencollin and NBA2k? Are you brother my mother gave up that time she started up with heroin? Do u want a copy of 17?
So you're giving me more proof of you being a loser meme spouting pleb?
Shadow of Mordor
Don Quixote
can't be bothered
got work tomorrow, so pretty shitty
That sounds horrific, cancel those plans and go acquire a screwdriver
Find something comfortable for kanji, there's a lot of them. I use Wanikani which has a lot of negatives but it's quite gamified which helps for me. Does cost, though (free trial for some amount of levels I think)
What's a "loser meme spouting pleb"? Are you getting mad at me because I said that you got mad online?
Gonna boot up shogun assassin after I'm done with Shinobido(I do theme nights alone yes I'm pathetic)
Nougami No Neuro
Root Beer
22th day of nofap
frustrated and lonely as usual
Trying to find an online game to get comfy with
FFXIV intimidates me because I haven't played it
RO servers are shit
OSRS lost the magic
Kinda thinking about either Dungeon Fighter or LaTale next week
Nier OST
HGTV as background noise
Had a supreme pizza
ice cold Sprite
Haven't fapped in like 2 days
Feel like i'm about to cum my pants
Good man, it's the weekend. Time to get comfy and not leave bed for the next two days. Fuck work.
More proof you're a loser pleb, I see.
no i dont want 17 lol. im in my 2nd year of my timberwolves franchise. i play every single game with 12 minute quarters. except the finals of the first year i raged and simulated it and lost to the cavs in 7. ill buy 18 because of the jimmy butler trade though.
Isn't BDO the big new hotness right now? It's on sale, so maybe try that. I've not played it myself, though. I can't really give you my opinion on it.
If you say so. Just calm down. Why do you keep saying "pleb"? Do you belong to some kind of monarchy?
Breath of the wild
Nothing atm
White Gold on bbc iplayer, its p funny
I had scampi for dinner uwu
water and vimto
I fapped to dream reality earlier at work, dunno what I'll fap to tonight
Tired as hell someone cuddle me thanks XD
Just bought Meme Knight and Witcher 3 on sale, might try those out, if not Killing Floor 2.
Either or I gotta wait until I'm off work to do either.
Boku no Hero and Little Witch because I'm a dirty weeb
>implying I'm a fucking nerd
Just ate dinner, rice and pork.
Water or Cola, whatever I feel
MILFS most likely
Bretty okay
Why are you here and not on plebbit?
But I'm reading some books, user.
I haven't gotten anywhere really, but this is my latest attempt at trying to draw something, which is incomplete. I'm still learning to draw from the basics though.
Just finished Layers of Fear only to find there is another 2 endings, fuck
Bandärlog - Salo
Some MLP scat fanfics
Some Sprats and cheese
Some armenian apricot vodka
Good overall
I don't know, I've never been on Reddit, and I've been on Sup Forums since 2008... so I think I'm fine here. But as far as I know you can't handle the banter.
Okay reddit user 4012489
Whatever you say
Just go back.
About to go play some Board games
Stupid prime time TV show w/ Mother
Goybook posts
BBQ ribs
Water, soon beer w/ Board games
Gloryholes Everywhere: Office Lady edition
Happy since my best friend is coming with me to board game night at another friend's.
Every week has a boardgame night and I tend to avoid it since my friend gets pretty annoying and lol3hourgamesofEclipse. But fun, usually.
Chill out.
Fallout: New Vegas - Tale of Two Wastelands
Mostly podcasts/the in-game radio
Dunno, maybe some cold war-era documentaries later.
Nothing tonight
Iced sun tea/water
Eh, maybe later.
Pretty alright
Miney Crafta!
Living Colour - Cult Of Personality
Randy Stair videos
threads on Sup Forums and /trash/
ABout to make myself a burgra
Gonna make some Fanta with my burgra
To hydra porn
>tfw shit at drawing and will never be an animator
They made a website for people like you.
Go back to it.
Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei (SNES Version)
Alternating between Last Podcast on the Left and autisms on Teamspeak
Live stream debut of the new DBZ Abridged episode
Been meaning to pick up The Invisibles
Beans and sausage
Probably this later:
5 oudda 5, stoked for the Steam sale and a weekend of vidya
>watching dark souls 3
Sounds about right, but it's a shitty movie.
Sup Forums? I'm already here.
>water and smt
my nigga
>tfw shit at drawing and will never be an animator
You'll get there one day user, all you need to do is practice.