There are people on Sup Forums who play PC games on "gaming" laptops which they bought instead of building a PC

>There are people on Sup Forums who play PC games on "gaming" laptops which they bought instead of building a PC.

Explain yourselves.

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Can't take your PC anywhere except when you move.

t. someone who still wishes for a great way to play games on the go

There are thousands of great games that you can play on net or ultrabooks. What kind of autist plays high end games on the go?

Go outside without a video game you fucking loser, everyones making fun of you

I have several desktops and two laptops. One of those laptops is (relatively) powerful and I got it for portability.

>What kind of autist plays high end games on the go?
Ever taken a console round a friend's? It's even easier to take a laptop. I do admit that for commuting or other travel I'll tend to prefer lower size over higher power though.

It's called NINTENDO SWITCH baby

I imagined this kicking in right after you said that

Got both , usually too lazy to boot the big machine when im just watching tv and relaxing but still feel like playing a bit or surfing

Guys who buy gaming laptops find them easier than a desktop to move to their boyfriend's place for a night

>He can't game without being discreet

It was cheaper.

e.g. laptop which isn't absolute shit 400 pounds
comparable desktop 400 pounds


700 pound gaymen laptop (it was on lots of discounts)

Also just a pain in the ass having multiple computers, and the laptop doesn't look like a gaming one (hp omen15)

>Have gaming laptop.
>Open Minesweeper.

Wow, dumb brit. A comparable rig to a 400 buck laptop costs like 150 bucks. For ~600-700 bucks you can build a PC that absolutely SHITS on gaming laptops twice as expensive.

>It was cheaper.

You seriously can't be THIS retarded.

Honestly dude i like having a computer i can use in my couch or outside on the patio without having to get a second one
Fuck off with your epic build a tower meme

>A comparable rig to a 400 buck laptop costs like 150 bucks
No it wouldn't, I wanted something new not some 5 yo desktop with a graphics card slapped in.

Cheaper than buying a laptop AND desktop.

I play on a desktop at home and a laptop when I'm not at home

what of it, poorfag?

Nvidia's 1000 series GPUs for laptops are almost as powerful as their desktop counterparts.

It's portable.

NOT a gaming laptop but I had a lappy with a 660m which I used to play games on long train rides. at it's native (1366x768 or w/e) res it pretty much ran every game ever. and survived at 85 degrees for hours at an end. I dislike handhelds and would rather just emulate that if something interests me btw.

I have a 980 PC too, and some consoles, just for the record.

Im fuckin rich

>Time to upgrade to next gen
>Can either get a Ps4 or a gaming PC
>Walk into Bestbuy
>Ask for 1 high end gaming PC
>They give me a laptop.

It was simple really.

>Hurr why don't you build tho.
Because I pay money for surfaces. If I have to build my own PC then that would be anti consumer as fuck.

>Because I pay money for surfaces

what kind of first world abomination is this?

It's easy portability for LAN parties.

>what are you, poor?
>playing games outside

Kids these days

I like playing vidya in bed

>'hey user help me build a gaming pc brooo'
>Ok, what were you looking for exactly?
>'uhhh idk lol games'
>Ok, what's your price range?
>'lol uhh idk lol maybe 5 or 600?'
>Ok, I compiled this list of compatible parts, look it over and make sure everything seems to your liking.
>'lol user i don't really get it, what is this stuff?'
>How about a gaming laptop instead?

Not worth wasting my time on people too stupid to watch some youtube videos. Normalfags love laptops anyway.

>Ask for 1 high end gaming PC
>They give me a laptop.

It wasn't marketed as a gaming laptop but I bought a laptop with a gpu because for a good 2 years I was travelling a lot and still wanted to play vidya while sitting in a hotel

>plug HDMI from monitor to TV
>play vidya in bed

wewww that was hard. should have just spent another $1000 on a separate machine

Could not afford to build a PC, I have a friend with the know how who could do it for me, but it was much easier to just buy this. Perhaps one day, but this "gaming labtop" has been fine for what I do so far. So I see no reason to upgrade aside having more control over my hardware when the time comes.

You say you paid 700 pounds for you laptop? That's $889.

Here's a PC that can easily max current AAA titles at 1080p/60fps for $633.80.

And here's a sleek and beautiful portable laptop with a long battery life for $225,75.

Are you sure you made the right decision?

>buy a whole TV
>use built in 4k display
I dunno

as a kid I would play tf2 on my old laptop. had to stop for A. it would overheat B. I wasn't good and C I got more into ps2 games and minecraft.

Forgot the monitor, he might not have one.

I needed a portable device which would let me use varios software like Live, Rhino and also vidya.
I've made desktops before, unless you're a purist or have too much money on your hands so you can afford quality prebuilts, a good mid range gaming laptop will do for most users.

Just buy a used one in you city for like 50 bucks. Really not that hard.

>someone who still wishes for a great way to play games on the go
That's the Switch, my man.

I used to exclusively buy gaming laptop in my college years cause I'd be moving around pretty much every weekend and LAN gaming at least once month but since I've settled into my own place I could never go back from a gaming desktop. It's so much cheaper and more powerful and modular. Like if I want to upgrade my GPU I can.

i'm a student, writer, and musician. Portability is super important for me and i'm willing to sacrifice power for it

This user gets it.

Most good PC games run on toasters. Don't fall for the AAA meme.

pretty shitty mashup, he didn't even change the pitch back to normal

I love my gaming laptop

>400 pound laptop

Doesn't sound very portable. You'll probably destroy your knees carrying something that heavy.

I only care if a game is good and if it's playable, that's it. 60 FPS and ultra graphics doesn't matter to me. I'm used to playing on a shitty computer with shitty internet. I'm afraid to upgrade because once I do I can never go back. I've been eating shit my whole life, I don't want to get a taste of the finer things if I know that I can't keep having them. I'd love to build my own PC, but I just don't understand anything. I don't know what a DDR3 is, or eMMC, I don't know what makes one graphics card better than the other, I don't know the difference between an i3, i5, or i7, I don't know what SATA or ATX form factor or anything is. It's just a bunch of jargon to me. I don't want a high end computer, I want a good computer that can play games at 30 FPS and will last me a long time, that's all.

I have a home PC for games and storage and a basic laptop for classes and shit.
I'm planning on replacing the PC sometime soon because it's old as fuck, but honestly I don't fully trust myself to build one. I know in general what the different parts are and how they fit, but I'd rather pay somebody a little bit more to ensure I don't fuck it up.