Recommend me a game based on this image
Recommend me a game based on this image
fuck you
sleeping dogs
The only good answer
Came here to post that
Second post best post
came to post this
too bad the dev is an asshole
If you like interactive storyboards for games you cant go wrong with Wolf among us.
Just don't expect any "game"play.
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon
the dev is great dude lmao'
>Ahloobloo somebody supported gamergate and doesn't agree with modern feminism I can't stand that somebody doesn't agree with my emotion-based political beliefs
Yakuza Zero
Need for Speed: Underground 2
Black Runner™ The Game™
it's like a 2d deus ex.
Worth it for Jersey Devil fight and the plot was breddy gud, even with the obvious rewrites.
Recommend me a game based on this image
I could suggest you plenty of music based on that image too
do it
damn that pic is comfy as fuck
there are a lot of nujabes-ish music that I like for the first pic
the second one reminds me of all those mall vaporwave music
I gotta head off to work user so I can't right now, sorry
Assassin's Creed Revelations
Meth for my eyes.