Confirmed: No X-Men in Infinite

>There was recently a leak about the characters, and people picked up on the fact that a lot of classic characters aren't there, specifically the X-Men characters like Magneto and Sentinel. How do you guys feel about people being hung up on that?

>Peter Rosas: If you were to actually think about it, these characters are just functions. They're just doing things. Magneto, case and point, is a favorite because he has eight-way dash and he's really fast, right? So our more technical players, all they want to do is triangle jump and that kind of stuff. Well guess what, Nova can do the same thing, Captain Marvel can do the same thing. Ultron can do the same thing. Go ahead and try them out.

>Michael Evans: The X-Men stuff, [I] can't talk to. But I do want to talk about the character-selection process because I think it's important.... Your modern Marvel fan, maybe they don't even remember some of the X-Men characters, but they know some of the Guardians characters or Black Panther. You know what I mean? Captain Marvel may seem like a strange pick, but she's fantastic. She fits the gameplay. She fits the story, and they're gonna be really pushing her as a strong female lead all the way up into the movie. We're trying to take everything into account and choose the best characters.

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I hope it bombs horribly.

I told you faggots that (((Didney Jew))) won't let any X-Men into this because they belong to FOX, Didney's biggest direct competitor.

>they're gonna be really pushing her as a strong female lead

>Be Crapcom Cuck
>Wake up in the morning
>Get reminded that SFV is casual shit and broken
>Reminded Megaman will never have a new game
>Find out MvC:I has no characters
>Get out wallet to buy $60 DLC characters that should of been in the game that no one wants and plays the same
>Story is another "Bad guys logic into wanting to destroy humanity" featuring Zero the Hedgehog being brainwashed and Chun JUST

>Be Nether Realm Master Race
>MKX is critically acclaimed master piece that everyone loves
>So many characters to choose from
>Injustice 2 comes out long before MvC:I
>So many characters
>Interesting story that makes you think
>DLC for characters you want and are all different
How do Crapcom Cucks feel about this?

The funny thing is that they've been doing that for 11 years.

>Peter Rosas: If you were to actually think about it, these characters are just functions. They're just doing things. Magneto, case and point, is a favorite because he has eight-way dash and he's really fast, right? So our more technical players, all they want to do is triangle jump and that kind of stuff.

t. Man who has been sold out so completely that bankers are foreclosing on him as we speak.

I'm not angry, Peter, just disappointed.

> If you were to actually think about it, these characters are just functions. They're just doing things. Magneto, case and point, is a favorite because he has eight-way dash and he's really fast, right? So our more technical players, all they want to do is triangle jump and that kind of stuff. Well guess what, Nova can do the same thing, Captain Marvel can do the same thing. Ultron can do the same thing. Go ahead and try them out.
He knows that the "dream match" aspect of this series is a massive sell for a lot of buyers, is there really any point in him bullshitting about this so hard?

i get the feeling capcom force their inside team to make this game

It's almost as cynical as the "people don't know who xmen are anyway" comment from the other guy.

Jesus Christ I hate PR people.

And failing.

What's so hard about just saying "we don't have the rights to the characters"?

> characters are just functions

well fuck me, man. why even go through the trouble of licensing Marvel characters in the first place? Why model the Capcom characters differently? Just have a bunch of the same models in different colors but they play differently. They're just functions after all.

>Your modern Marvel fan, maybe they don't even remember some of the X-Men characters

those fox x-men movies are popular whether you want them to be or not, shill

Because most people are retarded and would just whine at them to try and get the rights back, not knowing that the X-Men IP is probably worth hundreds of millions.

Kinda like when they pulled UMvC3 from shelves for a while because of Disney.

>If you were to actually think about it, these characters are just functions

Fuck you. Why would you make a fighting game with a pre-existing IP if you have this mentality?

They have the rights, they just don't want to use them because Fox owns the movie rights.

Feels good because Injustice is already dead while people will play SFV for at least five more years.

Same for MVCI.

Ah, so it's not that they can't use X-Men, it's that they don't want to because they don't want to hype up FOX's movies.

This really is just MCU vs. Capcom then. Black Panther better fill the Wolverine gap.

Pretty sure they do have the rights as xmen comics are being made. I think they just dont have movie rights. The reason they wont be included is they dont want to advertise for Fox, just their own shitty movies.

>don't care if Infinite is shit, I'll just not buy it and wait for a complete version like with MvC3 (heck I waited for the PC version for that)
>EXE is the only Megaman that still interests me, and I didn't even finish that series because they milked it too hard
>hate the way NRS games play
>still playing SFV online despite the problems because there's nothing else on PC and I'm the casual shitter they aimed it at
Feels ok, just wish Capcom could get off Sony's dick, I hate being unable to buy content.

like it needs another reason to drop it

To be honest, do people really give a fuck about the X-men? I mean, they're pretty much SJW liberal trash considering that they're whole message is so badly written "Everybody is racist against us!" shit to the point they gave them a human badguy in the form of a successful white man and senator. Magento had the right idea of them building their own spaceship and getting the fuck off the planet, if people don't want you there who the fuck are you to force yourself on them?

They do own the rights, (((Didney Jew))) owns entirety of Marvel as far as characters and comics go.
Problem is that FOX owns the movie rights to some parts of Marvel such as X-Men or Fantastic Four and (((Didney Jew))) doesn't want to make free marketing for their direct competitor.

That's what I said.

Isn't it because Marvel doesn't want to promote the X-Men FOX films?

Yeah that quote is bullshit, everybody knows who the fucking X-men are.

Yeah, just use SF training stage and stick figure characters in different colors, they're just functions after all.

>Your modern Marvel fan, maybe they don't even remember some of the X-Men characters, but they know some of the Guardians characters or Black Panther.
I don't... How... fucking what?

I just want to behold some optic blasts

>If you were to actually think about it, these characters are just functions
ffs people like the character too. Why the fuck they think all their legacy minorities dint work?. people care for the guy behind the mask too

>Days of Future Past
>First Class
I know he can't acknowledge that they can't touch anything FOX but come on, Deadpool and Logan were two of the most popular capeshit movies in a decade.

>Basically, we want to shill the fuck out of MCU because the worst performing Marvel movie has a better return on investment than a year of comic book sales.
>Oh yeah, Capcom doesn't care, either. They'll coast on Marvel's coattails because fuck you.

Combofiend needs to remember that not everybody is a tryhard tourneyfag. Many people play Mahvel because they like playing as their favorite characters. X-Men just happen to be some of the most popular comic characters of all time.

Lack of FOX-owned shit is why it's called MvC:I and not MvC4.

Also it should just be called MCU vs Crapcom


>No Wolverine
See you in DBFZ

Stop making threads kappa

>Your modern Marvel fan, maybe they don't even remember some of the X-Men characters
> Captain Marvel may seem like a strange pick, but she's fantastic
Do you think he was able to say this with a straight face?

Anyone else mad that FOX has Fan4 and we'll never see best boy again?

You guys forgot the saddest thing about MvCI.

Niitsuma, the director of mvc3, wasn't working on any game before he was moved to another (non-fighting game IP) division. He wasn't even aware of MvCI's development.

>Ryota Niitsuma, Marvel vs. Capcom 3's producer, stated that "nothing was happening on that front," in regards to a new entry in the franchise.

>Not only that, but he'd been moved to a different division within Capcom..

>This is not for a lack of desire though, as Niitsuma stated "I would love to make Marvel vs. Capcom 4."

>hese characters are just functions. They're just doing things. Magneto, case and point, is a favorite because he has eight-way dash and he's really fast, right?


>Awful graphics
>Forced MCU characters
>Uninspired Capcom roster
>"Story mode"
Worst thing is that it won't flop thanks to MCU alone

Fuck this game.

Somebody post Capcom character models.

Specially Chun-Li

>Your modern Marvel fan, maybe they don't even remember some of the X-Men characters,
The lies people tell

Did they EVER explain what "Cyclops" did that was so bad? Are we just supposed to just take their word for it still?

God damn
What is worse, not warning the director of a game that a new game is in development and he;s not in charge or showing a game and then telling the director that he is the director of said game?

How can anyone play SFV when no one bought it?

no Doom is the bigger issue.

This game is going to bomb as hard as SFV

Dedicated core fanbase that actually enjoys fighting games past the release month.

Basically the absolute opposite of the NRS audience.

>Anyone else mad that FOX has Fan4
Yes, because despite there being a nearly 99.99% surefire formula for making superhero movies now FOX is still unable to make a decent Fan4 flick. They were halfway there with the recent one but went full retard and switched directors.

>oh the F4 are just too lame, it's impossible to make them likable
Marvel could do it with their eyes closed

He made a poison cloud harmless.

He didnt pick the rooster. He hadfto worknwith what they gave him. All he had tondo was a gfme thats fun to play

This interview killed the little hope I held out for the X-Men.

They didn't actually write out what he had done, but due to poor communication between writers and who ever else was involved, the bad thing Cyclops did was save the mutant race by destroying a genocide cloud.

>no Doom
>no Sentinel
>no Wolverine
>no Storm
This doesn't feel like Mahvel

I hope this shit bombs.

>Finally unites the Skrull Empire and becomes the emperor after years of infighting amongst factions
>Hasn't shown up since Time Runs Out

Goodnight sweet prince

FUCK, forgot about that. This is going to be so fucking trash and I'm so glad I still have 2 on my 360

It probably will. A considerable chunk of the MvC fans are more interested in DBFZ.

Because they do own the rights to make video games, comics, and merchandise for any of their characters. They just don't own the movie rights.

They can't ruin what they don't use though, Monkey's Paw and all.


>post yfw this game won't survive long enough to add the character you always wanted

Its really ugly company politics that make he fans suffer the most.

>If you were to actually think about it, these characters are just functions
fuck off where the fuck is jin

Yes, he stopped the mutant race from getting gassed. Except it wasn't him, he had died from getting gassed earlier.
The gas also made every mutant on Earth infertile.

It will. Only people defending it are the FGC and they've been on life support for a few years now.


>my boy Venom is probably coming back
>everything else sucks
>it will probably be one of the shitty Nu-Venoms anyway
cut my life into pieces

Marvel is getting super arrogant with that bullshit.
If I just finished watching Logan I would probably drop some shekels to play him on any of marvel games.

>mfw no more DRILL CLAW

He's in Occupy Avengers acting a grunt and killing old black ladies and shooting old black men.

No seriously that's what he's doing, but at least he survived compared to the ton of FF villains who were slaughtered by Steve Hydra and others.

>If you were to actually think about it, these characters are just functions. They're just doing things.
I'm not buying MvCI because of many reasons, but I agree with Combofiend here.
Character is a set of tools, hitboxes and framedata. Everything else is just extra. You should pick characters with tools that fit your playstyle.
And MvC Magneto fightstyle has nothing common with comic book/movie Magneto, same for some other characters.

>Your modern Marvel fan, maybe they don't even remember some of the X-Men characters, but they know some of the Guardians characters or Black Panther
>this faggot thinks Black Panther is more recognizable to normies than Wolverine, Magneto, Storm, Professor X, Cyclops, Gambit, Deadpool, etc.

>Captain Marvel may seem like a strange pick, but she's fantastic


Here's a wild fucking idea




We're probably getting Eddie, seeing as he's Venom again.

Oh, no. It'll flop. They'll get some sales on brand recognition, no doubt. But after the first quarter, shit will stagnate. Typical MCU cock garblers won't stick with the game for more than a few weeks and the core fan base will most likely be dismayed by the myriad of problems which plauges this game.

Was this before or after he huffed too much cosmic ginger bird fumes and accidentally killed the cripple?

Reading Civil War 2 was the most infuriating thing I've ever seen in a Marvel comic. Captain Marvel is a straight up unlikable bitch.

The comics are using the classic venom design currently, with Eddie Brock.

Is that Sonic the Venom in the background

That's good, that gives me some hope

This is the problem with the so called "shills". They believe only the competitive side matters.
If they add a favorite of mine, let's say it's Edward Falcon, I'll learn how to play him because I like his character. I'll only think of dropping him if he is trash unwinnable tier.

he probably will fill the gap with his claws....
also he is DLC so you are fuck unless you throw more money.

Don't make a big franchise crossover game to begin with if you don't care about which characters are which

>Your modern Marvel fan, maybe they don't even remember some of the X-Men characters, but they know some of the Guardians characters or Black Panther. You know what I mean? Captain Marvel may seem like a strange pick, but she's fantastic. She fits the gameplay. She fits the story, and they're gonna be really pushing her as a strong female lead all the way up into the movie. We're trying to take everything into account and choose the best characters.
What the FUCK
I'm so sick of Marvel this is bullshit

>MVC is getting shittier every day
>DBFZ is looking better every day
>along with DBFZ, Killer Instinct is set to release on steam later this year
Is there any hope for MVC? especially being sandwiched between these two?

I'm going to miss mango and curly mustache but they weren't in the original game anyway.

What we do need is fucking Cyclops


Who cares? DBFZ came in and replaced another one of Capcom's fuck ups.

What is Sonic doing there?

The vs gameplay aspect is just one side of the coin when its a VS crossover fighter.

The franchises and characters absolutely matter there, more so than in regular fighting games.

The devs are just fucked and when they get faced with questions like that they cant give a straight answer because then they'll get whipped by Disney.
Its a shit situation.

WHY is this allowed

Gotta go symbiotic.

Hit: X-Men will be $5 (five dollars) DLC characters, each one of them.

Xavier hasn't been a cripple for decades.

Besides he was a rapist, a child murderer, a slave owner and a cheating hypocrite so absolutely no one lost out from his self provoked death apart from a bunch of them suddenly forgiving all his sins and worshipping him like a Saint.

Will KI on Steam be free with rotating characters for you to try? Always wanted to play Aganos, but I'm poor.

Didney is too proud and FOX is too jewish to let go