I saw some thread on Sup Forums claiming that we dont own our steam games we are leasing them from valve...

i saw some thread on Sup Forums claiming that we dont own our steam games we are leasing them from valve? is that horseshit or?

Other urls found in this thread:


You own it... as long as Valve doesn't go bankrupt.

This is true, it's Steam DRM. You don't even own the files since you can't open them without Steam. Unless you're smart and get a cracked steam_api.dll

You don't own anything.


I recommend buying games on GOG


read the tos dumdass

Steam ain't going anywhere, I've got a job, real talk OP you can still use steam. Think about how much money that service makes Gabon, do you see it disappearing anytime soon? What, is uPlay going to usurp it somehow?


girls must flood themselves by looking at your impressive shelf filled with game boxes user

at least i'll still have them in 3 years time

whats gonna happen in three years time, user?

Do you have GTA? Are you allowed to mod it?

Never you mind digicuck

Bruv, you technically do not even own your account.

>you can't open them without Steam.
This has to do with DRM and nothing with Steam.
the DRM-free games on steam can be launched even with steam completely uninstalled


at least you can download your shit and they cant take it from you at any second

Wait what? Every steam game has STEAM DRM. What games can you launch without opening Steam?

>y-y-you'll b-be sorry
Have you wasted money on a diesel generator and a years worth of canned beans too?

This technically applies to all video games, even cartridges
you should see the court cases companies like Nintendo end up in

I just have backups of every game I have for 2 reasons. 1. I can delete them from my PC and not waste time downloading them. 2. If Steam ever dies and tries to take the game away from me, I at least have something saved and there are ways to open games without steam.

This list isn't even complete

exactly.. and with their GOG shit you can just not need to crack your backups...

>buy physical
>still have to download the game via steam
>you basically paid for a voucher that links to steam

I'd like to point out before a consolefag shows up that you don't own your PS4 or xboxonexbone games either. The disk is just a key to run a iso on your console.
You don't own you files.

It really depends on how linked the game is to steam.

Hell a rare few just need steam running at a certain level like the failed login screen to run. Thank god offline mode got fixed so I don't have to give a shit anymore.

Already pointed out but thanks

i dont use steam tell me loser

you will never own a video game regardless of where you purchase it.

at most you will own some shiny plastic and a license.

what do you mean fixed? it wont suddenly get fucked and tell you to go online anymore? got source on this if it is?

But you own the Disk and all you have to do is play it on your console of choice, nothing can stop you from that. You not owning the files means you can't tamper with them. Not that you can't play the game without some launcher.

>using steam
that's where you fucked up

At least you can physically share and physically sell said disc. Steam can't claim that at all.


Depends on the DRM implemented. If it's Denuvo then you gotta go online at least once a week for the game to work. If not then you don't have to worry about going online to play the game.

Can't remember the specifics but it had to do with shutting down the computer before logging off steam I think. Don't need to log off before shutting down anymore in any case.

Just did it right now with FTL. Steamworks is the DRM platform you can put into your games, and a lot of developers don't bother integrating that, for various reasons.

I'd also like to point out you don't own your console or PC, unless you designed and built them yourself from scratch, and without infringing any copyright or trademark or patent.

If you bought such a device, and it's more than 25 yo patents may have expired, so you might finally own it, unless it has trademarks on it (they all do), in which case you still don't.

Why do you think I'm a console gamer?

Yeah. Another user posted a list and I tried opening one of those games and it worked.

stupidest thing i've read on Sup Forums all month


The games are tied to your account and your account ultimately belongs to Valve (the have the right to close your account for example), read the tos/eula.

So in other words, you don't own shit.

Can you make and sell copies of what you own such, say, a ceramic pot or a table?

Then, why is it illegal for you to do the same with your console/pc?

ceramic isnt copyrighted

Yes its horseshit peddled by rabid steam fanboys and even valve themselves to cover their asses in court sometimes.
Steam literally states you own the game its your game to own fullstop.

Do you have a physical copy of the game when you purchase it from Valve?

If yes: you own the game

If no: you're renting a license until terms of service change

This pretty much.
You don't own your computer, your web browser, your OS, literally any of the software or hardware on your PC, anything in your house nor the house itself.
Why would you own any of your steam games?

Therefore, you don't own those devices. Just like you don't own a video game, or a book. You own the materials it's made of, but that's it. You own the game disk but not the program, the book pages but not the text, the device plastic/silicon/copper/whatever but not the hardware design.

They state explictly that its yours to own when buying.
Owning things isnt limited to physical products you autistic twelve year old.

who cares, for most consumers that is enough. they just want to be able to trade it in every year for the next call of duty