ITT: Games you beat every year

ITT: Games you beat every year

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Why do an annual worst modern 2D Metroid run user? Masochist?


Pokemon crystal

I think I'm about to start my yearly "try to play through Metroid Prime" run. I love Super, ZM, and Fusion. But I cannot, for the life of me, get through the first few hours of Prime. I want to like it so bad!

Maybe you just don't like 3d Metroid. Nothing wrong with only liking one of the two play styles as long as you don't turn into a shit poster about it.



Jedi Academy


Once you kill Flaahgra and get the Varia suit it gets a lot better.

I've played through Metroid Prime 3 times so far this year, the game is just too fun when sequence breaking or even just a regular run. And playing it right now even.

Diablo 2

Protip: sell your pistol. Buy the mine thrower

Resident Evil 4

A Christmas tradition.


Can't wait till that King Knight campaign.

Multiple times a year.

I'm still butthurt that a friend of mine lost my game back then soon after I got it for Christmas.

>No walls: The video game.

>sell your rifle; buy the mine thrower*

>putting yourself through second worst metroid more than 10 times

(worst will always be other m fed force doesnt even count as a metroid game)




I never tried anything other than a Small Guns build until last year. I have wasted many years.

My absolute niggas. It''s nice to come back to it after a while and still beat your old speedruns. I know that game like the back of my hand.


I don't know how my original cartridge still hasn't died yet.

MGS2 and Resident Evil 4

This and fallout nv

All four of them
Also never really noticed how cool japanese gba covers are to ours

Are you telling me that you never knew the glory of the Bozar?

Without fail, DMD only

I really wish I had that comparison image of the American, European, and Japanese boxes of Mega Man games from gen 6. The Euro ones were just embarrassing.

Summertime, baby.

Ace attorney original trilogy.

Actually more like 4 times a year

This and Pic for me.

Good taste user, it might be my most replayed game

All the localised Ace Attorney games and the crossover with Professor Layton.


pretty decent taste itt so far

Hey fuck you Metroid Fusion is kino

>I think I'm about to start my yearly "try to play through Metroid Prime" run.
Are you me?
Almost ten years I try to play this piece of shit game, and it just doesn't work for me, those awful controls, that scannathonfest, this slowness, it's so boring.

mah nigga.

Beat this every year on vacation.

Sonic CD
Metroid Prime
Crash Trilogy and can't wait to do it this year with the remake


Mario 64
Rayman 3



More like every week.

My nigger


I count marrying the Harvest Goddess as "finishing."

Every November, just like the first time.

This, I literally have a little CRT in the corner of my room and I mostly only play this game when the time comes around


And Super Mario World, but Cave Story is definitely my most replayed game. Still haven't beaten Hell though.

I've beaten Hell twice but I cannot stand playing the game these days, it bores me to tears within the first hour.

I like the variations in gameplay, although the tails/eggman stages without the upgrades are a chore.

Fallout: NV
Hitman: BM
Hitman: Absolution

Every year religiously.

Kingdom hearts 2 and switch to final mix when the hd version came out. Critical mode is so fucking good.

Zombies ate my Neighbors
>but it's impossible quit lying
Fuck you

Playing this now with the japanese rom so I'll have hard mode after I beat it

I wish a romhacker would make a hard mode patch so I wouldn't have to beat the game

This and Mother 3, so comfy