MGS3- The Boss

I don't understand the character of the Boss? Why is she the antagonist? What is her motives?

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She's the Mary Sue that single handedly won WW2.


What a thrill...

>no one does
>no one knows
>convoluted nonsense involving a huge sum of money

When Eva cries talking about her in the ending I thought it was pretty stupid, and forced


She just kicks your ass in all the cutscenes and tells you to get the fuck out, why was I supposed to care about her in that way

If you finished the game you would understand why

She's loyal to the USA and her mission is to defect to the soviet union to take the fall after a retard nukes his own country

> Why is she the antagonist?

watch the last cutscene again

> What is her motives?

she was willing to go down in History as the biggest traitor, so they could avoid WW3

volgin destroyed that soviet research facility using an american-made weapon. the soviets were bout ready begin armageddon unless the US could prove that it wasn't them who dun it. the boss was originally on an spy mission in order to obtain the philosopher's legacy, but the mission changed abruptly due to volgin's attack. her new mission was to not only get the legacy, but to allow snake to assassinate her, serving as proof that the united states wasn't behind the attack and that the boss had acted alone in destroying that facility. of course it wasn't actually her who did it; that's why EVA makes such a big deal out of her death. she chose to die in order to save the entire world from nuclear warfare. it was all a ruse, but that's why she was the antagonist and that's what she wanted (peace).

Them Quads are a thrill.

The nuke Volgin fired at the beginning of the game forced her to become a scapegoat. She was after the Philosophers legacy but had to be killed to prove US innocence in the nuking.

>Why is she the antagonist?
She isn't

Volgin contacts her via a spy network that'd been established during WWII. He asks her to defect, because Volgin thought The Boss might be an ally to her.

The U.S. government ((or more like The Philosophers)) orders The Boss to seemingly switch-sides, earn Volgin's trust and get the Philosopher's Legacy from him.

then Volgin blew up the facility and to avoid WW3, the Boss had to take the fall for it

Is this thread a joke? She explains her motivation and philosophy in extreme detail multiple times, and the ending is largely EVA explaining in detail further why she betrayed the US

Lackey of the shadow government because they kidnapped her child. Ultimately dislikes war after having an experience visiting outer space. Decides to take part in Snake Eater out of a combination of duty, blackmail and an unwillingess to continue on fighting.

Big Boss completely disregards her will because he likes being a soldier.
Zero attempts to follow her will in creating a world without war and nearly succeeds, until the AI he tasked with running the world accidentally creates a cycle of endless war as a form of maintaining hegemony.

> Lackey of the shadow government because they kidnapped her child.

was she though for that reason?

I like how even though she was supposedly a scapegoat who would go down in history as this great traitor to her country, and yet come MGS4 everyone and their mother considers her to be a messiah. I also like how suddenly everyone's motivations somehow revolve around her and her 'will'.

MGS4, PW and 5 are the star wars prequels of video games

Only the people who met The Boss revered her like Eva and Ocelot. Normal people don't know shit about her.

Well that's because anyone that mattered there knew The Boss. We didn't actually meet anyone who wasn't brainwashed to know what they think of The Boss.

Besides, I don't think anyone but within the military and government knew what happened at Operation: Snake Eater.

Why did she give her life? For honor?


When you think about it Volgan was a fucking dumbass, he just launches the nuke the second he gets it which shows he never planned to do that. Volgan was pretty sloppy writing to be honest.

> doesn't even know The Boss is playing him
> still fucks her over

true mastermind

why couldn't they just say volgin blew it up????

He's just an evil madman that fucks feminine boys and has a torture fetish, nothing he does has to make sense

fuck i need to replay the trilogy

i just need my copy of mgs1 to get here


he's over-the-toply evil but his main goal is ironicaly one of the least evil ones out of all the MG antagonists

it's another matter that he'd have to start a nuclear holocaust to achieve it

>Why is she the antagonist

Because the Virtuous Mission failed as Volgin fired an American Nuclear ballistic in Russia

>What is her motives?

World peace and respecting people's opinions to live their own lives

>Wait what? Isn't she a Soldier

Yes, instead of just retiring and promoting peace she obeyed America's instructions to infiltrate Volgin's ranks to try and steal the Philosopher's legacy knowing full well they were corrupt Politicians

>Wasn't that a really fucking stupid plan?

Yes it was, it's established in Peacewalker she was done with War and being a Soldier in the 1950s. 10 years before this operation took place.

>Was she a well developed character?

No she wasn't. Kojima made her the focus of the entire series because he had nothing else to fall back on. She literally could have ended everything by intervening but she went along with "MUH DUTY" and keep up the Snake Eater facade.

Too bad there will never be a prequel where you play as The Boss during WW2 and other places.

stop wanting this, its stupid

your stupid

> corrupt politicians

they were literally the Illuminati

promoting peace, she'd have either been silenced or become a smear campaign's subject like Snake was in MGS2

Pic Related it means "Let the World Be" and Snake wears it in MGS4.

In the end Snake and Otacon end up following the Boss's Will as everyone else mis-interprets it

>Wait couldn't Ocelot or Big Boss just retire and live peaceful lives?

Yes they could. Kojima's not that smart.

The soviet top brass wouldn't believe that shit. The evidence showed an american weapon did it and they detected Zero and the Fox unit plane so they're the suspects.


Yes. It's touched upon in MGS 3 and explained in MGS 4. It's why she had to kill The Sorrow. It was either she killed him, or they would kill her child. She was working for the American branch of the Philosophers whilst he was working for the Russian branch.

One of the major themes of the game is today's friends are tomorrow's enemies. For The Boss it was the Russian Philosophers, and for Big Boss it was Zero, and eventually the Patriots.

Because it was an advanced American Nuke. Believe it or not Russia didn't allow their Generals to walk around with portable Nuclear Bombs

I thought the theme of "doing what you must" even if you must throw away your companions and reputation was pretty touching in MGS3.

Haven't played Peace W, does it make Boss look like a joke or do you think she was always poorly implemented?

So they could remove any mystery from the Boss just like all the prequels did with BB?

what would have happened if
1. she would have killed volgin before he sent the nuke off


2. she didn't want to take the fall for everything

Peacewalker's problem is that Kojima finally got praise for MGS3's ending and he couldn't stop masturbating over it. So it covers a lot of shit that didn't need to be said.

>The Boss was actually the first person in space, not The Fury which makes his character entirely pointless

>The Boss had a lesbian relationship with a British computer programmer despite her previously being heterosexual and traumatized after losing her child and forced to murder her Russian lover

>The Boss's ghost lives in a Computer AI. Literally

>Her Horse traveled to Costa Rica to save Big Boss's life again

No, everything post-MGS3 makes her look like the greatest human being to ever live. If I recall PW also implies she let Big Boss win.

> 1. she would have killed volgin before he sent the nuke off

The main point is no one knew he was going to do it because he was such a psycho. The whole events of MGS3 up to MGS4 happen because of that 1 nuclear attack by Volgin. Even if she had stopped it the operation to Infiltrate Russia and steal the Philosopher's legacy would have failed and she would have been executed.

>2. she didn't want to take the fall for everything

Then she would have disobeyed her orders from her Government and her Loyalty to her Country which to her was literally worse than death.

>The Boss had a lesbian relationship with a British computer programmer

No? Strangelove's love was unrequited. The most the Boss did was hug her. The Boss was focused on Snake the whole time.

To be fair we actually have no idea what really happened.

We only have Strangelove's account but she pretty heavily implies they were in Love in some fashion.

>The Boss was actually the first person in space, not The Fury which makes his character entirely pointless

that's been a thing since MGS3

the Fury was never the first

>>The Boss had a lesbian relationship with a British computer programmer despite her previously being heterosexual

The Boss has been bi ever since MGS3

tranquilize EVA and you'll see what I mean

That's just EVA's dream.

She also goes on about her dog, are you saying she canonically fucks dogs or is it more likely its just rambling from a dream

she also goes on about snake but they havent fucked yet


Eva's dream is purely an Easter Egg and her own fantasies.

The Boss is basically A-Sexual. Everyone can cast their own projection of what her sexuality is but the only confirmed relationship she had was with The Sorrow.

>6 playthroughs later i find out you can feed EVA while escorting her

fuck that makes it way easier

The boss showed little Shota Snake how to "take care of stuff" without using ero mags if you know what I mean


I kept throwing Calorie Mates at that cunt, but she refused to eat any of them.

go into food menu when standing next to her

Jesus what a slowpoke. They didn't give her health and stamina for nothing

The real question is... can Kojima come up with a new franchise with characters, morals, and themes as engaging as MGS? Sure, compared to most Hollywood films they are borderline retard summer movie tier but you still bond with the themes and characters over the series, not to mention how prophetic MGS2 was and the artistic get-aways you can only do through the videogame medium (like Psycho mantis "moving" your controller and reading your data from the memory card)