Got any tips for a beginner for this game?

got any tips for a beginner for this game?

Conserve SP

Get an Anti-charm item ASAP

Grind. Grind like no tomorrow.

When you make it to the Sleeping Table, cry, cry a lot.

Fes or portable?

If fes prepare to get fucked

Also mitsuru is best girl

Learn to love tactics

Use the daytime for social links. You're gonna want to spend as much time as you can maxing them.
Use the night time for raising stats at the mall. Some social links require your stats to be at a certain level to start them, but there's little rush as long as you raise stats at night. There are also two social links that take place at night later on in the game.

Get out if you care about spoilers.

Debuffs are you friends when fighting bosses, mini bosses, or damage sponges.

Always scan enemies at the start. You don't learn shit, but the AI won't use the wrong attacks.

Don't worry about finishing all social links on your first playthrough.

Fuse. And contrary to what Sup Forums says, you obviously have to do some grinding to actually make new Personas.


Don't listen to As long as you don't play Hardcore (which you really shouldn't for a first run) Killing any enemy you run across will net you enough XP to beat the game.

Play in normal difficulty.

Fuse good personas with good buffs and try to cover as many types of attack you can to exploit the shadows' weaknessess.

Learn what the different party commands do, but expect them to do something you didn't want sometimes.

Play on Normal unless you want so very nasty difficulty ramps you probably won't be ready for.

Take it in at your own pace, concentrate on talking to who you like.

Don't look up guides unless you really have to (like if you can't figure out how to advance a social link for some reason).

Enjoy one of the best and (for me) emotional rides vidya has to offer.

i think your the one that help me out the most thanks for the help

Conserve SP at the beginning

You're gonna get really fucking tired of being tired

Surt and Odin

Don't bother maxing all social links first playthrough. Almost impossible without a guide. Just do the ones that interest you. Some good ones are Devil, Sun, Hanged Man, Magician (for Surt), Emperor (for Odin), and Tower

Make sure you keep Ken and Shinji in your party



You want to utilize the one more system and all-out attacks as much as possible to end fights asap, ergo, conserve HP, ergo conserve SP and healing items by avoiding damage. Only use basic attack or physical attacks if you can't hit a weakness, the enemy is low on HP or if you want a party member to do it for you. You also want to practice on how to navigate Tarturus on whether or not it's worth it to go the stairs immediately or look for treasure.

shut it down and play a real shin megoomi tensai game



Other peoples advice is also great, such as keeping a varied selection of Personas with you at all times.

Best party is pupper, gear vagina, and shota

might not make any sense now but it will

remember this

So I got like 2 weeks left in January and I am level 70. I want Jesus but he is level 90. Am I still too weak to fight the reaper?

Don't try to do all S.Links, just find the few you like and stick with them.
Your first days you won't have anything to do at night, so use those nights to go to the arcade in the mall and play games that give your persona stats.

For persona stats:
Punching bag gives 3 STR to your current persona
Whack-a-mole gives 3 AGI to your current persona
Fortune game gives 3 MAG to your current persona

Visit Tartarus at least once every 3 days, when all of your party members get tired feel free to leave.
ALWAYS tell Fuuka to scan enemies, even if all you get is question marks, your team's AI adapts to the enemy's resitances

Persona fusion is very important, but remember to register your personas when you get the compendium.

Also don't fuse orpheus until you get the compendium, since if you do you will lose a very good skill from him.

The skills passed in fusion are random and change every time you select the personas you want to fuse as shown in the the webm I'm posting, but certain personas have some affinities to different types of elements, which means they're more likely to learn a certain type of skill.
A persona that has fire as its main theme is more likely to learn a fire skill over any other one.

I think that's about it, hope you enjoy it, feel free to ask about things you're unsure of.

Don't play The Answer.

You're strong enough for the reaper, don't bother with Messiah, level 90 males the last boss a joke.
He's more of an NG+ thing

Beware of enemies with Hama, Mudo or any enemies with moves that contain "Hama" or "Mudo" in it the name, as those moves are instant kill, and if they success hit your protagonist with it, it's game over. Hama is a light element skill while Mudo is a darkness element skill. If you encounter these enemies, kill them asap and/or use personas resistant to light or dark attacks.



Really? I thought since everyone got their ultimate personas I should have mine too. Oh well I guess.
Anyway, playing this after p5, I can say p3 is my favourite in terms of themes. Tartarus was a slog, but I liked the interactions between the SEES, and how they felt more human. For example, Junpei is more realistic than Ryuji. It would be so so so much better if the pacing wasn't terrible and if you could control party members. It was interesting experiencing memes I use to see while lurking, like MARIN FUCKING KARIN.

Dont cum on the Robot

Technically Thanatos is your "Ultimate" story-wise, Messiah is more of a Super Ultimate.


ace your tests

How you get a mouse on ps2 senpai

It's emulated user.

>not archer and balrog


>Punching bag gives 3 STR to your current persona
>Whack-a-mole gives 3 AGI to your current persona
>Fortune game gives 3 MAG to your current persona

are these permanent or only for the next day?

Permanent, but they don't pass on to future personas, at least not completely.

Permanent. But I believe they will not carry over if you use that Persona in a fusion.

The game gives you every opportunity to be over prepared. If you end up on boss day without the means to win that's on you. People tell you not to grind but what they mean is don't grind personas. You do however need to grind your own levels and for the means to be as strong as you can be.

The world is ending in 30 days. Will you grind or will you slack? The outcome is directly influenced by your efforts.

fug, its september and i've maxxed my social stats so i was just either walking the dog or going to bed early every night

Get your intelligence up to max so you can romance best girl later on


>ITT: Games that should've ended 40 hours sooner

Social Links can reverse and break, so don't fuck up.

Well, it's no big deal.
Most personas around your level can get max Stats STR AGI or MAG by using the arcade for a month


Don't become a Marin Karin memer. put Mitsuru on full assault.


play P3P instead

it's not the PURE experience, but you'll be able to beat it without wanting to kill yourself

But SHOULD I get messiah?

Move everybody, move that body,
Make sure you don't hurt nobody.

Not if you want the final boss to be a challenge

I currently have Scathach, Odin, Surt, Cybele, Thor, Loki, Yurlungur, Siegfried, Seiten Taisei and Cu chulain. Am I ready?


>cheating girls

Shame on you user


Everyone will say use Yukari as your healer for end game, fuck that weak bitch. What you want to do is level up best girl until she gets her mind charge. Equip her with the ice bracer and she's a force to be reckon with.

>Use Nekotomato
She's an upgraded orpheus with no weaknesses
>Watch out for the hooded enemies that have lantern faces.They can instakill your party


I can tell how new you are

i started this game yesterday and don't like it

the last chunk is the good part


then don't play it, it's 70 hours long

is persona 4 any different?

It doesn't get good until you get over the childish notion that your opinion matters.

it's even worse

i expected as much, can't immerse myself at all sadly

p3 at its best > p4 at its best
p4 doesn't have as terrible of pacing though. But that isn't saying much

I'm on ~the killers dungeon in persona 4 right now and I've all but stopped playing because I feel like I already had the best times and now it's a slag.

I'm on p4g, so there's a good few months afterwards, but I'm so much less hyped.

don't give up

Don't be retarded.
The game is easy as long as you dont fuse random shit and actually check what skills you get, you usually want your personas to have one of each kind of damage and probably one persona dedicated to heal in case you have to tank shit

i played digital devil saga before persona 3 and enjoyed it very much.

2nd block will be hell. Actually everything will be hell till you get gud persobos and reach a higher level.


Come to bed

That and P4.

Equip a Persona of the corresponding arcana whenever meeting with a social link. It'll make your links increase and finish faster which will allow you to do more overall over the course of the game.

>grinding on Purse Owner

I laugh everytime ha.

best girl

Keep in mind that the Tartarus floor bosses are harder than full moon bosses so don't stress over the moon time limit.
Webm related


What the hell are you supposed to do there?

Don't get attached to your personas, you should always fuse them.

Fuse the persona that is immune to slash that you get around that level.
The guy in the webm doesn't know how to play

I had to savescum there, brought in Koromaru and Aigis because even though they were underleveled koromaru dodged alot and aigis was tanky, told aigis to instantly get into orgia mode and spam some aoe phys skill, i don't remember which one. Or was it almighty?
They're resistant to any magic but ice and wind(i think) so i had to savescum to get past this.
And i wasn't even THAT underleveled

You could have just fused Chernobog instead you shitter


Already played 4 a few years ago and 5 a fer weeks ago and now I'm curious about 3.

I'm at the start of June, does this game not have social links for your team?

You can SL the girls but you can do that after summer iirc
in P3P as FeMC you can SL the boys.

Only for the girls, and they all require max stats on Courage/Academics/Charm

You also can't only be friends with them, so you should only stick to doing one girl S.Link

P3 is very different from P4/5 when it comes to S.Links, you're not meant to do all of them like in the later games, instead you're encouraged to just find the few people you like and focus on those

>You also can't only be friends with them, so you should only stick to doing one girl S.Link
But there's no penalty for being a manslut in 3.

If you max your S-link with a girl it does not reverse, just date one after another and you're okay.

There is a jealousy mechanic that makes other girls get closer to reversing if you ignore them, making you spend more time with them to undo the reversal.

And cheating is bad.

You still have to juggle and actively keep track of which girls you're ignoring so they don't reverse, all that effort isn't really worth the pay out when all you get is a persona that doesn't make battle that much easier.