Do you enjoy your 3DS Sup Forums?

Do you enjoy your 3DS Sup Forums?

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No, I thought hacking it and getting free games would help but it didn't.

>look at me guys i'm a HACKER :-D

Stay on GBATemp kid

It's been sitting on the shelf collecting dust for a few months. EOV, Strange Journey and Radiant Historia can't come soon enough.

Thank you. For some reason 3ds games still feel boring af. Maybe it's just because I'm not a fan of rpgs like bravely default and fe.

Yeah, VC injection is pretty sweet.
Playing through a rom-hack of Superstar Saga right now.

Yep. Just beat Kirby Triple Deluxe. I might buy either Ever Oasis or Xeno Blade Chronicles next

Sold it to get a switch. Wasn't using it anyway.

I'm getting close to fully beating Bye-Bye Box Boy. Getting crowns in the bonus worlds gets pretty strict

Yep. Played some Metroid on it on the way in to work this morning.

I'm still happy with it and am in no rush to buy a Switch, especially not before they've released a handheld-only bundle without the dock.

Also I will really, really miss the 3D effect.

Do you guys think Nintendo will release another handheld soon? I kinda want a NEW 3ds XL but I'm not sure

Switch is the future. This pretty much confirmed with the next Pokemon game going to it.

Now, if they make a smaller Switch, who knows. I doubt it personally.

Got used n3dsxl fairly recently for SMT games and some weeb shit but my daily train commute is usually fairly short so sometimes I don't even bring it. Whenever I do I play Senrans and I don't give a single fuck.28yo btw.

And when I'm at home I'd rather play on big screen.
I dunno, I don't regret the purchase but I feel like I could easily live without it.

Ive been playing oras since I got it.

Really sick and tired of photos being posted sideways. Why does my third world phone do this

I'd be more happy with SNES and GBA titles on the fucker but as a Pokemon, Dragon Quest, Zelda, and soon to be Metroid machine I've done worse. It's definitely earned it's stay.

It's too uncomfortable to hold for a while, makes playing anything fucking annoying.

Yup, my backlog has actually gotten so huge I'm putting off my Switch purchase until I'm at least halfway done with it.

Currently playing ALBW and loving it. Probably not gonna play the Hero Mode though, too many other games to take care of.

I play it every night for Animal Crossing
I wish it wasn't so slow to load games because then I might actually muster the will power to finish Super Mystery Dungeon.

who's playing ever oasis

I pirated it. Fuck Nintendo, greedy cunts.

I'm enjoying Miku on my hacked 3ds

Haven't touched it in ages. There's not even anything worth pirating any more.

There are rom hacks for supersta saga?

I have the O3DS and it's annoying to know of all these cool SNES games I could play on it.

I may buy a New 3DS XL or a 2DS XL. Dunno which.


Nintendo handhelds in general always feel like a time capsule to 2 generations back.
If I just think of it as a portable gamecube it makes so much more sense.

Played it a lot a few years ago, I had loads of fun with ACNL and Mario Kart 7 and MH4U but like a complete fucking idiot I lost the cartridges so now I have nothing on there.

TL;DR: Would play it more often if I didnt lose my games

>Why does my third world phone do this
the resolution

Haven't played in a while.
>as a whole
Absolutely. It still has a lot of games I find interesting and will get to eventually. Right now I just can't be bothered to.

Playing ACNL, Super Metroid, and taking a break from a Kid Icarus Uprising run
Appreciate the free games, breathed new life into the system

>the future is reduced functionality that makes many games worse
Nintendo, not even once.

I understand you, user. Part of me is worried that it dies because all the tiny studios could make new games for it. Once it dies the weakest thing on the market will be the Switch.

>This pretty much confirmed with the next Pokemon game going to it.
Nintendo has already said they're separating the Switch from their handheld department.

Yeah, but it's pretty much my monster hunter machine. I'm glad it's moving out of there, tired of 240p desu

I do. I finished Sora's story for the GBA version of Chain of Memories last night. This game deserves praise for its sprite art alone.
I guess it's time to move onto Reverse/Rebirth.


i cant wait for metroid

Played it every day for somewhere between 1 and 2 years, but the last time I played it was over a year ago

When does ever oasis get on freeshop
I'm too lazy to install it any other way

I like it. I think that the original DS is better though. If I had to be honest I would say

DS > 3ds = GBA > GBC = GB

updates never work for me on freeshop. I'm sure if I updated it would work but that's a big pain.

>better than anything

Why don't u mod it?

There is a new fork, another freeshop of the same name that auto updates itself

Game updates are different though, who knows when ever oasis pops up there

it's alright. a lot of the games feel underwhelming though. my favorite game is probably rune factory 4, but the random events in that thing really make it suck towards the end.
having the ds library is nice though, since i didn't buy into the ds meme at the time. professor layton games are fun.

>bought RPGmaker Fez yesterday
>have no idea what to make

oh well

I would if it was an IPS version. I'm tired of Nintendo's screen lottery bullshit. The reason I'm not buying a Switch.

Yes, but I have enjoyed every nintendo handheld I've owned. It certainly isn't the best among them but it has had some great games I have enjoyed like FE Fates, SMT4A, Bravely Default, MH4U and so on. If I had to rank nintendo's handhelds I would say for me it is GBA>3DS>DS>GBC. If it had a 720p screen I would easily enjoy it more than my Switch.

Why GBA? It was nothing but ports.

Golden Sun, best Castlevanias since SOTN, Metroid Fusion/Zero Mission, Advance Wars, Mother 3.

Just finished playing Bravely Default which I loved, except for that shitty unsatisfying ending. Im now playing devil survivor 2 and having a blast. Any other good recommendations similar to these two?

>Supporting a pedophile ring
Pirates everyone. They not only steal, they're in favor of sexually molesting children.

Utterly disappointing. Everything on it is a port, a remake of something that didn't need one, just iterative or something else utterly remarkable. I bought one because KI:U was impressive, but they never made more games with that level of craftsmanship. It's a MonHun machine but not for much longer. I get more use out of my PSP these days.

Any good games that came out in the last two years?

I only just recently got my 3DS fixed and haven't played anything recent


Alright thanks

I have the free player

What sucks is that theres only one game that's complete and in English

never had a handheld system. am i missing out? games?


If you like Nintendo then it's worth getting.

Get DS and Flashcart or PSP and hack it, very easy. Either console should be no more than $60 in good condition. Get R4 Gold flashcart, like $10. Some experiences are very nice on portable, like grindan games.

Little bit too much. I'm considering upgrading from 3dsxl to n3dsxl, but not sure if worth it.

If you have a 32gb micro SD Card, Amiibo shit you want to scan, want to play Xenoblade Chronicles or whatever, I'd upgrade.


I get that same feeling too

What do you mean?

Well bravely second, also every other shin megami tensei on the system.

on how to do it

Going to get Ever Oasis in the coming week.

Jesus Christ

For now, yes, but only because it's got one game on it that I'm playing. When I pirate as many games as I can all it once it gives me decision paralysis.

Did you play them all?

I only play monster hunter on it

Of course, only a fool would buy a game and never play it.

A few were impulse buys, of course when you see a game on clearance for $2 and it looks remotely interesting, you're going to get it.

XC is pure garbage. My advice: stay away.

Yes, although my homebrew shit is out of date once again.
I need to stop being lazy and update it.

I've recently unlocked all the game clear screens on metroid zero mission, this game is way more friendly to speed runners and low percent runs than I ever knew.

Sonyfag detected.

Xenoblade Chronicles was the best JRPG of its gen. The 3DS port is perfectly fine.

Your radar's busted, pal. Sorry for your shit taste.

Then you just have extremely shit taste and wouldn't know a good game if it bit you on your Bionis.

Playing Persona 5, made me read on the commute. So, I've been neglecting my 3DS. Really hoping, they get a long ass RPG that I could play, come Fall.

Amen to that. Analog nub grip is passable, but d-pad grip on an XL is cancer for the hands.

Sorry I don't like grindy, fetch quest riddled JRPGs with bland characters and a terrible story.

I'm buying one tomorrow. Hope I'm not too late to the party.

Currently enjoying Bravely Second on Citra and while it's not as good as first one in terms of music and arguably main cast, it really compensates it with overall improvements for virtually everything else.
Any other good 3DS jrpg to emulate?

I enjoy the titles I play, it's nice to have my Zelda/Pocket monster/Harvest moon collection on the go. Playing Story of Seasons trio of towns atm

I've started playing ocarina of time for the first time on my new 3ds xl. And the 3D is amazing.

Bought mine yesterday bro. Too many awesome games to ignore.

Yeah that shit blew me away the first time

Love my 3ds ultra sun and moon will probably be the last games for me to buy for system though

>not buying Metroid

what are you doing

Yeah. With CFW and flashcart for DS games it's like the ultimate handheld.

i do every now and then. i still have a lot game son it from hacking it but i think have made good progress on them. the last thing i played and beat was SMTIV. i loved it,and i want to start the other SMT games too, but I need to beat the other games I started, like xenoblade chronicles. i was jump around with games, and now i've been just playing my ps4 but i'll get back to it.

you already got am2r...

Yes, by far what I play the most games on.

MHXX Save Editor fucking when

why need save editor?

Yes I do

Almost daily

Because you're taking them sideways. I bet it doesnt happen if you hold your phone in landscape when using the camera.

Im bored and want to fuck around

I don't and I mostly have Virtual Console ports installed and Pokémon Sun the actual game ;_;

The Virtual Console are mostly almost all of the Mega Man and Metroid ports and Oracle of Seasons and Ages, I really should've gotten around to having played them a longass fucking time ago ;_; Oh, yeah, and ; Link's Awakening DX, Pokémon Trading Card Game and Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal World Duel Carnival

I wish I had a NintenbroGirl to motivate and bully me to play my Nintenbro vidya gaems ;_;