how's the gf sidequest coming along Sup Forums ?
How's the gf sidequest coming along Sup Forums ?
kill yourself
>no rewards
Canceled it
Where's the questgiver even.
bf sidequest is way better and gets you better rewards
Think I fucked up. Ended up with a gf (male).
I'm mainlining the story, boring so far, hope it ends soon
bugged quest marker mechanics
Pretty good. She's giving me lots of presents and taking me to the theater and to a dinner for my birthday today. She's fat, though.
I'm too busy with the Main Quest which is sit here and be depressed and hate my life until I drop dead
Pretty bad. Iv been grinding girls in nightclub zones for months but the drop rate on pants is really low.
thanks video game dad joke user
Still not a high enough level.
>Picking the self loathing questline
You brought this on yourself
My input(dick) doesn't work, so I can't even access this quest.
Completed last year, got a sweet ring as a quest reward.
chubby gf user here too.
I feel like thats the worst of both worlds, nothing gained but even more selfrespect lost.
More like the additional optional perks: Aspergers Autism and Hard Mode: Ginger
proves that shit taste and homosexuality directly correlates with being a retard.
Broke up with mine of 3 years. But I'm finally getting a chance to fuck one of my girl friends from class whomst've been wanting to fuck for the past few months
Rolled the wrong class, can't start it.
>Not leveling as a /fit/ ginger warrior
You brought this on yourself x2
ng+ when
Just reroll man. Delete your current character and reroll.
You're welcome
shit is bugged, lad
Man, I feel like I need to get a GF just because of the social stigma of being single.
I don't even want a GF but getting told to get one even by strangers on the internet really pressures me.
quest is bugged, can't even start it
>used to work with a chick that had a tight body and fat tiddies like this
>face was a 6/10, but had a top tier body
>her chad bf always swung by and she'd take extra long breaks out in his car
I always hated that bitch.
why can I grind 20+ hours in video games but can't do the real life grind of 30 minutes a day to improve myself?
there is no hope for this 300 pound ginger failure.
Almost complete actually
Currently grinding dailies until I can afford the mats for the final section of the questline
Thought about trying a different build for a while because current only has average bust stats but once you sink enough time in to this quest you're kinda invested.
I had to bought the DLC
>because of the social stigma of being single.
Except more people are single and stay single for longer than ever before. It used to be most people were married by their early 20s, and its getting later and later.
You're ready when you're ready. And when you're ready, so will other people, you're not unique in your existence ever.
Made decent progress, we spent a little over an hour chatting on the phone, and _he wants to talk more tomorrow.
>30 minutes
Nigga, it's 1 and a half hours if you want to have a nice bod.
You can't because you don't want to. You have settled for what you have and you lack the discipline to change your ways.
Because you dont know the way, use this quest marker
I was a unfit faggot like you too once, and then I got /fit/
Now im a /fit/ faggot who sits on a computer all day. But at least I have abs.
Who cares, I'm going to be a wizard in one week
>gave up wizardhood
>massive regret afterwards, gain nothing from it at all
Be a great wizard user, for both of us
Well maybe if women weren't literally the single most boring thing ever I'd want to have a gf.
I'm not gay, I'm sure of it, but fuck, It's getting tired to get teased about this shit all the time.
Like, nigga even at work.
Just leave me alone, god damn.
Abs really make everything better.
You don't need to work out to have abs though.
I came immediately
I will bring this to the rest of the colony, ty user
I'm sick of her.
Find better females
Current quest log:
Get car license (FAILED)
Get a girlfriend before 18 (FAILED)
Get a girlfriend before 21 (FAILED)
Get a girlfriend before 25 (FAILED)
Just fuck somebody (FAILED)
Lose some weight yo (FAILED)
Get a Job (FAILED)
Move out of Mommys Basement (FAILED)
Go to a night club or something fuck (FAILED)
Don't take autism meds this week (FAILED)
Don't sit on Sup Forums for 12+ hours today (FAILED)
Tell her you want to go out on a date (FAILED)
I could list more failed quests but what is the point
Might check up on yourself beig gay then.
first you must beat it at very hard
I'm not finished with depression memequest
You do if you're an impatient bastard like I am
Got them in 6 months, pretty proud desu
Leave it to me, bro
I abandoned it for the fitness/meditation meme. Feels enlightening lads.
Every time I actually imagine what it feels like to have a gf I start to break out in a cold sweat. Like I'm playing a game and suddenly get a text from some bitch who wants to divide my attention. Or I wake up at 4pm and leave my room only to have the TV hogged and some shitty show on. God forbid being obligated to go on a public date of some sort if she gets bored. And that's all assuming I magically make it past the hurdle of actually hooking up which I haven't once in my entire life. I've given up on being seen as attractive or desirable.
How do I break out of this autism?
>[Pending Completion]
>300 pounds
That is some hilariously shit RNG.
Dude. Real talk. I fucking hate women. I'm straight as an arrow, but I wish I could be gay. I've never once had an interesting conversation with a woman. It's always vapid pseudo-intellectual bullshit they've picked up from facebook or their equally retarded friends. I'm envious of guys who can engage women, because every time I try I just get bored. My entire history with women has been feigning interest in whatever stupid nonsense they choose to talk about. Usually astrology or some thing most of us figured out when we were 13.
this is the only type of thread that feels like old Sup Forums anymore
where did you go Sup Forums
>300 pounds
>implying he's not just too lazy to grind
>exp reward scales with the character's level
not worth it anymore
mmm her feminine BENIS is super cute
>Find better females
Yeah, such as?
>qt game girl
>She was a drug addict and a bitch who dated 2 guys at once
>Hot party girl
>Literally all she talked about was booze and nightclubs
>Average looking nerd weeb girl from college
>She was skeltal tier and hated drinking
>Average girl
>she's average and thus boring.
Where do I find a girl who likes vidyer, anime going out once in a while and hitting the gym but also isn't a whore or a total psychopath?
Goddamn are huge tittied nerds my fetish
Which NPC issues the quest?
In anime. Don't leave the house ever again.
I completed the quest a few times, but somehow it glitched and I had to start the quest again?
now I can't find the right npc to talk to, since two years
this questline is buggy as hell
Find a girl who wants a relationship and is willing to change
You have to be willing to change as well
Yeah man, I feel you.
What's worse is that the cutest girls that I've enjoyed to talk the most with and I could tell they were honestly intrigued and interested in my hobbies as well all have been underage so I had to bail and give up on them entirely.
It's like a kick in the nuts, this has happened thrice.
sauce pls
>Tell her you want to go out on a date (FAILED)
Out of all the quests i succeeded only this one she said she wanted to stay friends. Do i win something?
>Willing to change
Cute 2d loli acquired feelsgoodman
Guys I did the sex quest by accident
Does it still count if you didn't jizz? Can I still do the wizard quest line?
Guys please im super scared I cant be wizard now
>know girl for a year
>pretty much best friends, always talking and doing everything together, we might as well been dating
>start dating
>same thing except with more love and her occasionally getting upset and ignoring me
>last 2 months she's pretty much crazy
>always getting mad at nothing, always ignoring me for nothing and getting mad at me saying anything about it
>cant express herself or communicate anymore
>I cant tell her about my day without being completely ignored
>expecting her to ignore me or get mad over nothing becomes a daily thing
>leave her for not growing up
i mean it was fun while it lasted but
you got the neutral ending
could be worse
you bet she has one
Same here user
Did you put you Benis in her bagina?
kys pedoshit
>reach level 25
>Sidequest failed
T-the guide never mentioned this! It said the game was easy and you can play it however you want to!
>all the enemies are scaled up to your level
>spent all your points in laziness
If all the women interested in the things you are, are underage, don't you think that might be a sign
A sign that 3dpd is garbage and to embrace the waifu path of course
You fucked up. I know a guy who just touched a real vagina with his pinky, and it immediately failed the wizard questline.
how do I avoid CWC ending?
Failed multiple times.
Completed it. Now on 75% completion of the following Marriage Quest.
Don't worry, you literally have to make every wrong decision to get there, and only if you started the questline at level 8. If you avoid either, you'll be golden.
Yeah, I know that fag, but I'm getting peer pressured into getting a gf.
My boss, my coworkers, some of my friends, my brother and even my mother.
They all tease me and want to introduce me to "nice girls" they know. I know they mean well but fuck if I don't give a fuck about them, they all end up being vapid superficial and boring trash.
>willing to change
I know man shape the woman but it feels like this only happens when the woman has something to win.
I'm not a price bf, I'm a solid 8 with potential of being a 9 if I keep hitting the gym for a couple of months. Somewhat funny but mostly edgy in a good way, people laugh at me and with me, I can tell a story and listen as well.
Fucking women can't be more than 1 thing, society has shaped them to be just the same fucking archetype and appeal to the same 3-4 male archetypes. It's fucking boring. Hell, I can even predict how some of the dates will develop because of how simple minded and easy to read women are most of the time.
I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be edgy or anything, I know there's women who are complex and cute and have nerdy hobbies like me but It feels like finding those is such a huge ordeal and the payoff is not even that big if you remove the sociological aspect of having a relationship.