Get a craving for some kotor 2

>get a craving for some kotor 2
>install game
>start replaying
>spawn in kolto tank in peragus
>remember how long and tedious peragus is
>remember how long telos is
>game essentially has a 6 hour tutorial
Does anyone have a consular save file from Atris' fortress? I used to have one but lost it when upgraded computer.

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Well that was fucking hard. Literally two seconds of Googling.

You're right though, fuck Peragus.

Telos is shit as well.


That's the last piece of spoonfeeding dipshit. If you can can get dressed in the morning, you can fucking Google some basic shit.

skip peragus you fucking nerd

it's only worth playing on the first playthrough

>not savescumming for Baran Do Sage robes and two Sith Tremor Swords on Telos

How does loot randomizes? On the first visit of the location?
In nwn I reloaded right before opening a chest.

Peragus gets too much shit, the story and overall mood are great, it's probably the only part of the game that didn't suffer too much from cut content, and it's not nearly as much of a slog as all of Telos or certain parts of Nar Shaddaa

>So i just made a Change to let you skip Telos, only thing is, you won't get any items from this skip, like Give and take mod.
Yeah, and lose out on all the items and experience. Shit mod.

The part itself isn't bad, it's just a nuisance to replay is all.

Telos is far worse due to the constant running back and forth you have to do (especially if you do the dark side quests), and after you get out of the station there's an endless slog of combat until you get to Atris

Indeed it is, as it's even longer. And it's quite depressing as it first has the citadel area, and then the outdoors area, and then the Atris area. And that's when the game actually starts.

I was really worried about it when i started replaying but was done wayyy faster than I remembered, no way its 6 hours. its not that bad really,

I wish this game worked on my computer

>Just finish KOTOR 2
>Decide to play and finish up KOTOR 1
>Have to make a new save because i lost my old one
>After dealing with the ui for about twenty minutes i quit

How the fuck is KOTOR 2's ui so much better? Game came out one year later and it's graphics and ui are a fucking beam of sunshine in comparison to the first game.

What do you mean?

It was updated pretty recently to support modern monitors and to add 4K support

well that fucking explains why i thought the graphics look good. They're not improved, they just aren't stretched across the screen looking like a pixel mess.

telos sucks, peragus was one of my favorite parts of the game lol

Something with my graphics card or resolution or some shit; farthest I can ever make it is finishing repairing the ship then it freezes up and I have to close it.

>Finish KOTOR 1
>Install KOTOR 2 and Restored Content
>Game is great, I'm near to the end
>There's a bug and I keep playing as Handmaiden when I fight Atris
>Can't progress after fight
>mfw I tried to fix it for 2 days
>mfw I uninstalled the game and didn't play for 1 year

Try compatibility mode or something like this.
The only problem I had is I was stuck after combat, turning Vsync ON solved it.

There's a faq for content mod, probably there's a fix for your problem.

Yes, non-guaranteed loot (and some rare sources like the crystals on Dantooine) is generated the first time you enter an area, except for rewards you get in dialogue, which are generated when you receive them. However, shop inventories are generated when you first speak to the merchant and browse, so if you know what you're doing you can savescum for what you want.

Honestly, it's not even worth it - it's helpful to have a good melee weapon or two early, but you have to have been lucky and have picked up some good loot to be able to afford it anyway, and for the time and effort it's not that much of a bonus. It's mostly useful to get some good robes early (in case you don't see any for half the game) and for later on, if you want something specific or especially if you need a few of the same rare item, like Mandalorian Rippers

>>There's a bug and I keep playing as Handmaiden when I fight Atris
user that's not a bug
It does sound like a cutscene wasn't triggering properly, though. Definitely make sure you've got a clean install, but if you haven't played for a year you might as well give it another try.

It's not a bug

>Peragus + Telos
>only 6 hours
fucking what, it took me like 15 hours at least to get to Atris

Oh look, that one guy who complains about "Kotor2fags" isn't here. Maybe we can have an actual thread.

Yep, I have 21 hours in and only on the first planet after Telos. There's a lot of lengthy dialogues with everyone.

It depends on what you're doing - six hours sounds about right if it's a second playthrough so you know where you're going and you're skipping all the optional dialogue.

I made it to Atris at twenty hours in my current playthrough, but it's my first playthrough in a long time so I spoke to everyone I could and didn't skip any of the dialogue.

That figures, since it's nighttime ;-;

It's not night time.

Delete this, fool.

It is in the colonial world.
Regardless, this is the time when we tend to have our best - and sanest - KotOR II threads.

W-what? Don't you like Kreia?


Dual wield or double-bladed lightsaber?

>remember how long and tedious peragus is
The things that the mentally retarded say keep astounding me.

Single-bladed of course, especially for one-on-one duels. You can switch to dual-wielding when you're cutting through regular enemies.

I like choosing double-bladed for my Mandalorian Wars saber, though.

I recall someone calculating that two individuals sabers are better than a doublebladed one. It's not that big of a deal tho. I like the look and feel of a doublebladed sword and feel dual wielding is silly even in star wars.

I liked dual wielding in NWN, so I'm gonna do it once I reach prestige class.

>feels dual wielding is silly
>prefers double bladed

You aren't making sense dude.

Was Master Kavar fucking Queen Talia?

It's possible since he didn't have a stick really far up his ass like the others

My favorite build ever was double bladed watchman. Flurry+Master Speed+Sneak attack damage was hilariously good. I can't think of anything I can't remember anything being particularly stasis proof either

Too bad I have to kill him if I don't good full light, he's okay.

Double-bladed is better from aesthetics, dual singles is better from a powergaming viewpoint

Why? Double bladed swords have a logic in to them; they're long and balanced and multi purpose and they're still a single instrument so using them would be easy. Dual wielding, however, is just silly movie fantasy that has no point in reality and you're just taking away from the possibility of using both your hands to maximise strenght of your grip.

What's the fastest way to get enough lightsabers for exile and the girls?

Might as well forcestorm2win the entire game.

Let's say you're one of the people working on KOTOR 2

You're given the task of making the Disciple just as good as the Handmaiden, personality, gameplay and appearance wise.

How do you achieve this? And no, you simply can not erase him from existence. You have to put him on the same level as handmaiden.

Nothing wrong with wanting to see big dick numbers in melee too

Nar Shadaa.

Make his sub-plot of spying on you for the republic actually mean something. Make Telos an even bigger fuck fest by having to fight both sides if you can't coax him to your side

So as somebody who hasn't played KOTOR 2, do I go vanilla or the restored content mod

RCM, then replay with vanilla if you feel like it.

It's crazy how in the first game lightsabers were all over the place while in KOTOR 2 they're scarce as fuck.

Restored content mod does nothing but make the game better. You probably won't even be able to tell which parts are modded or vanilla.

What about droid planet?

That would make for pretty interesting conversations with him and Atton instead of them catfighting over the Exile like girls.

droid planet was a fever dream

Avoid that

KOTOR 1: jedi order still exists, siths are everywhere
KOTOR 2: half a dozen jedis in the entire galaxy, siths are some secret sect hellbent on destroying everything jedi located on a dead planet in the middle of nowhere

So what the fuck happened to Jolee, Juhani, Mission, and Zaalbar?

Why did KOTOR 2 and SWTOR acted liked they didn't exist?

It's pretty weird how last time I played, I wanted to have some sort of spar with them. It required light sabers but when reaching the last planet, I hadn't gotten two single bladed light sabers so I could not do the sparring shit. I had short blades and doublebladed sabers but not two normal lightsabers.

>Just the other day spent 2 hours watching a video explaining Kreia reasons
God i loved this game so much when i was a kid. Played it for 17 straight hours in the first sitting.

Make him less of a faggot and more of a meaningful character. Handmaiden was given a hand-to-hand training from birth that goes on for generations and it shows. She speaks of nothing but the echani fighting culture.

The fag is a librarian or something and will hide any and all information from you until the twist whilst not giving any meaningful help in the field. Make it work like Carth's history where it's actually shocking but also fitting and also profiting.

It does add some retarded shit like the escape fights on Nar Shaddaa. Some of the crude shit that was on disc should have left on the disc unopened.

Killed by Revan
Killed by Revan
Killed by Zaalbar
Killed by Revan

Apart from Jolee, they were nobodies.

>canon exile isn't this qt

>I need cameos of every single character in every sequel ever made

You are the reason that Episode 7 had so much shit in it

Malachor V didn't happen.

The game would be better off without him, there's arguably too many party members already and male Exile is far better storywise anyway, to the point that they should've just removed the option to play female and gone with a pre-determined character instead.

Jolee gets one little reference, the rest are irrelevant nobodies

beats the first kotor. at least you start out as a jedi and don't have to worry about gimping your character by leveling pre-jedi. Taris is also a fuck lot more tedious in my opinion.

>"I want muh jedi jesus"

Is Revan the biggest mary sue in Star Wars?

>>remember how long and tedious peragus is
It's like one hour long.
Telos4 is more boring desu

That's VItiate.

peragus is fine but telos is the real shitty part

>implying space rambo jedi jesus isn't the best protagonist
>implying male exile's relationships with certain characters aren't more interesting than the female counterparts
>implying that disciple is a relevant or interesting character in comparison to handmaiden


Like, literally, the next line is also how Telos is also boring and long. But you and some other people will not read that line and instead copulate their opinions to whence they're most certainly not requested.

stop bullying bao-dur right fucking now. he's the best bro and a great party member I'll beat your asses

What are you going to do? Sue me?
It's Sup Forums so it shouldn't come as a surprise that I didn't bother to read the whole post

Then in my opinion your opinion is shit and invalid

I will literally sue you. You will hear from mr. goldenberg later on.

Peragus is great, you're just a millennial who can't appreciate a subtle and atmospheric beginning to a game

Well, he's useful that one time you go and craft all the weapon/mods.

Please don't. That was only a joke
I didn't mean that!

I really liked Peragus and Talos. I felt that, while long, they were well-structured and really immersed me into the game, as well as it's darker story compared to KOTOR1.

>having kreia in your party gives you more xp
i love this game

don't worry user, I'll arrange that mr. Silverberg defends you

>the sith triumvirate all use a single bladed red lightsaber
well that was a letdown

>mfw i hate having kreia in my party so i miss out on exp

This kills my inner munchkin.

This user is right about everything.
I mean, they should let you play as a girl, but the male version is much better.
If you HAD to have a KOTOR protagonist being a girl, it would be better be Revan.(But it would be worse than both protagonist being male).

>Jolee, Juhani
it's implied they died on Katarr (if Revan didn't kill them)

Two of them are immortal and can kick anyone's ass even unarmed, third one rarely fights herfself and uses 3 flying purple lightsabers.

does it really make a difference? I always drop her during Telos and still make it to like level 35 by malacor.

wait seriously? how much more? I never knew that and I've played through the game a dozen times

>not getting 39

>not getting to level 50


>not soloing the game as a level 15 non-prestige jedi

step it up nerd