Are video games making people lazy or people were always lazy since the beginning of time?

Are video games making people lazy or people were always lazy since the beginning of time?

I don't know but since I started going to the gym (about 2 months ago), I'm less interested in playing games.

Lazy people used to die or live in mud or something, but im sure there have always ben lazy people. Im sure the luxury of modern times has only made it more prominent.

t. A lazy person

It depends on what you consider lazy. If a kid learns to enjoy reading early on instead of video games, they can spend just as much time and money sitting around, the only difference is the media they intake. They both develop different beneficial skills.The problem is moderation.

TV is also just as bad. I think people who didn't play video games are gonna find a different interest that involves just as much sitting around unless they're really forced into something else soon enough, it's just in their nature. Video games don't force you into isolation, it's just something people who are isolated do.

yeah but i think that a person who reads well good books, can have a conversation with a lot of different people, but someone who plays videogames cant start the same conversation easily

People making video games work insane 70 hour weeks for 3 years for shit pay trying to make a game that the higher ups don't shit all over with terrible decisions, all because they like games.

Humanity is where it is now because we are lazy bastards by nature. See all this fancy technology and machines? What they all have in common is that it makes life easier, more comfortable i.e. lazier. Where in the stone age we hunted for a handfull of hours every day and sat around doing jack shit for 80% of the rest of the day we were forced to devote more and more time to work once we became farmers and shit and all the while people came up with ways to make this stuff easier. Humans usually only do what they have to do and once we don't need to do much to survive, we won't.

Its different when its your job, like someone who likes football can be a fatass

That's what we call a nerd. Nerds hate sports and physical activity. A typical nerd activity is playing RPGs or Magic cards. Back in my day if you were a nerd that got your head shoved in toilets and your underwear shoved deep up your asshole.

We need a prederator

No before video games there was no such thing as laziness.

and a predator too


People have always been lazy.
This is why people invent new technology to make life easier constantly.

When i got a girlfriend and started my it work, i was less interested in videogames now i play tabletop rpgs god i am a bigger autist

Everything man has ever done since the start of time, has been to overall improve the quality and ease of life

Hardly. Dont you know where the term "bookworm" comes from?

Our predator wants us lazy and indifferent.

Laziness is humanities best motivator!

>we need a predator
Well why don't you do your part and kill yourself then? like if, you were killed by a predator, of course. Let's say a Lion or some other beast.

>have fatfuck mentally unstable aunt
>supposed to be medicated but can't get her pills anymore because she was arrested for selling them
>disability checks mean the state is paying her to sit on her ass all day and occasionally pop out some crackhead or child molester's kid
>after spending all the money on expensive buffets and theme parks she goes to food pantries picking out the best items then posts on normiebook begging for cash
>up to five offspring
>probably in some misguided attempt to 'make up for' giving the second away
>she doesn't even play videogames