So, after 7 months...
What's the verdict?
I enjoyed it and am looking forward to DLC and story patches. Really I'm looking forward to the complete version of the game, because it isn't yet.
XV-kun will you just fuck off already.
Fuck off
>When your characters only pass because you can come up with a laundry list of negative epithets to spew about them, and only 15 minutes after playing the game due to it being a completely forgettable disaster of a game, it's not a positive thing
Except that's not how the Mr. Plinkett Personality test works. You have to list positive traits that they have to interact with others with various emotions. If they were negative, then they wouldn't have the 4-5 emotions on the spectrum to pass.
>Petty unlikable cunts who only care about their own selfish desires, with absolutely no likable traits to any of them
Clearly you are a troll at this point XV-kun. Stop embarrassing yourself
Yes, because FF8 and FF9 looked exactly the same. Except for the fact that they clearly didn't.
Seriously, look back at FF7's sprite and monster work and tell me that's anything like FF8 or FF9.
again, troll harder next time XV-kun
XV-kun would argue the game is complete, user.
I realize it isn't.
>Yes, because FF8 and FF9 looked exactly the same. Except for the fact that they clearly didn't.
Obviously not because they didn't reuse 100% of the assets you fucking retard.
Nice try though XIII-kun, only a Sith deals in absolutes.
Only 7 months? Man it feels like it came out 2-3 ago for some reason
Can you guys please stop replying to him
>What's the verdict?
Absolute garbage.
I'm not XV-kun, just some delusional XIII shitposter who thinks I am even though he's the only one who's mentioned XV for this entire conversation. I'm actually an FFXII fag
It's the best FF yet.
Then what assets did they 'reuse'? You are just pointing fingers are a boogey man that doesn't exist.
XIII-2 and X-2 are the result of fan demand dude. Just stop with the whole "But muh reused assets!"
Let's recall that Final Fantasy Fortress was suppose to be XII-2 but got killed off due to lack of a fan demand and rising costs.
Nice try XV-kun, but you are just trolling at this point.
Sorry, but he's just some idiot who can't take facts and research over his fantasy.
Can we please
Just have ONE thread without XV-kun making page long posts defending the game tooth and nail, "it's a feature not a fault" etc etc etc
Please, I like the game a lot but holy shit there are definitely some things wrong with it.
For the love of God every thread where XV-kun wasn't in it for at least 50 replies has been civil, nice discussion about the game. XV-kun is the CATALYST of extreme shitposting in regards to XV and is actively detracting from productive conversation.
I just want to talk about the game I like, so please, PLEASE
I want to but he's just being an idiot. Now he's hiding under the XII name just to try and disillusion people.
How is calling out a delusional retard that still thinks XIII-2 and -3 would exist if they didn't have a ton of cut content from XIII make someone XV-kun?
imo goty 2016
ep gladio was ok mainly just for the boss fights
ep Prompto looks good and glad to see more ara coming
Blame the FFXIII fanboy starting shit by shitting on FFXII randomly in order to defend his shit game because he thinks he can get away with it now that an even shittier FF game has been released.
>calling random people xv-kun
It's just typical Lightning armpit faggots shitposting to defend their awful fucking garbage game like they've been doing since it came out and was universally panned by everyone who wasn't Toriyama or an armpit fetish degenerate faggot.
The only good thing about FFXIII was that it, along with Too Human, are the reason I didn't waste money on FFXV.
go to r/FFXV
From last thread, the reason 13-2 was a method to recoup costs was because Crystal Tools was a fucking disaster. They spent a fuckload on an engine where every other game to use it bar DQX fell through. XIII itself profited, but they still lost money on investing in making CT.
You mean absolutely fantastic. Learn how shields, magic, warpstrikes and combos work and stop being a retard.
>h-he started
Just don't. It's not like he will change his mind or be convinced by any argument anyway.
Because he's denying the actual facts while trying to prop up FF15 on a pedistal
FF12 was forgotten by everybody. Fortress was cancelled. Nobody say the IZJS for 10 years outside Japan.
FF13 wasn't forgotten, it got XIII-2 (and thus LR) from fan demand, and it didn't have to make a second version of the original game to prove it had something of worth.
Hi XV-kun. Looks to me like denying facts and research is still going strong for you, isn't it. Get over yourself dude.
n-no the jews trying to sell me a product said it was because of fan demand even though the game barely sold more than FFXII in spite of the larger install base and the massive marketing budget they burned on the game stop trying to break my delusional fantasy that Lightning-sama is popular and well-liked
No, the shitposting is the people trying to shit on the game thinking their little drive by shitposts can go unchecked.
Also the person that fag is responding to isn't even me, so I have no idea what the fuck that shit was even brought into this thread.
No I mean absolutely garbage, reminder you can't launch in XV.
It may have not been the best FF game but it was definitely the most emotional.
He didn't even mention XV-kun in that post
>calling random people XV-kun again.
>but it was definitely the most emotional.
That would be X.
That last one you replied to isn't XV-kun, it's a fact that SE lost money making Crystal Tools (especially since they kept trying to modify it for Versus, which fell through.)
games unfinished mess.
I don't get why most people shit on XIII but defend X. 13 is just the logical conclusion to 10's design philosophy and writing style.
Seriously, X is fucking trash with a few glimmers of quality.
Threadly reminder XV kun thinks Abrahamic God couldn't kill Ardyn.
Reminder that Tabata is just Nomura but more people friendly and Versus XIII would have likely been almost the same as XV
So you mean it's absolutely fantastic, reminder that you don't need to launch because enemies get vulnerable on the ground anyway. You can't do directional inputs or manually switch weapons on the fly in KH3.
People have far too much nostalgia for X.
That said X is way better than XIII could ever hope to be even though they are very similar.
>XIII outsold XII
>6.2 million to 5.1 million in one year
>Ask people if they want to see more
>Fortress was canned, XIII-2 existed
>Japan cared much more about XIII and Lightning
>"Basch and Ashe who?" asked Japan
Dude, we know it is you, Just stop embarrassing yourself.
How did they lose money from Crystal Tools? The only time I saw them lose money back in those times was the FF14 disaster and the Tomb Raider over selling. I seem to recall they were quite profitable with both FF13 and FF13-2.
Dude, FF10 became a huge fan favorite and outdid FF8 and FF9. That's why FF10 remaster basically broke the internet over there.
But FF13 is much closer to FF10 dude.
>FF12 was forgotten by everybody
Except for everybody that loved it, reviewers who gave it higher scores than FFXIII, and consumers who, in spite of the smaller install base and significantly smaller marketing budget, bought almost as many copies, and continue buying merchandise related to it to this day, including >$100 statues of the characters that were made, unlike XIII which got some PAKshit. Not to mention FFXIII got a tiny tie-in event and single outfit in their big MMO just to promote one of the sequels while FFXII, a supposedly "irrelevant" game, is getting an entire raid dedicated to it.
Not to mention FFXII is getting a remaster and an official English release of the International version, which FFXII actually got unlike FFXIII which had no re-releases besides the shitty half-assed PC port that didn't even get any added features like previous FF re-releases.
>Nobody say the IZJS for 10 years outside Japan.
Assuming you're saying nobody cared about IZJS outside japan: No fucking shit, the game was Japanese only which made it a pain in the ass to play if you couldn't read Japanese.
>FF13 wasn't forgotten
>from fan demand
*from cut content
>didn't have to make a second version of the game to prove it had something of worth
So now you're shitting on FF10 and every KH game too?
>You can't do directional inputs
You can't in XV either, you just hold O and watch.
>reminder that you don't need to launch because enemies get vulnerable on the ground anyway
It was just explained to you why this is completely fucking wrong, why are you still going on about it.
>You can't do directional inputs or manually switch weapons on the fly in KH3.
You don't have alternate Square attacks in XV either, what's your point?
Threadly reminder that SBK91 thought Dante could beat Goku.
Threadly reminder than SBK91 thought that the FF13 gods were Abrahamic gods and could somehow beat Ardyn, when the FF13 gods aren't any different in power to the Astrals in XV.
Thready reminder that SBK91 thought you could just warp to a warp point at the camp fights to recover MP instantly, despite there being no warp points at the camp fights.
Threadly reminderthat SBK91 thinks you can just hold O to win against the camp fights.
>Reminder that Tabata is just Nomura
They really aren't anything alike
And that bottom scene is probably referencing kh1
The only thing that makes FFXIII close to FFX is that it's linear, but then again, XIII's linearity makes FFX look like fucking Deus Ex
It did sell a good bit more, but you're right: 12 was a 9 situation, a backburner game at the end of a generation that didn't get as much marketing.
>I seem to recall they were quite profitable with both FF13 and FF13-2.
The games were, yeah, but the engine itself had separate R&D costs from 13. Keep in mind they were trying to make it a "universal engine" to suit both 13 and Versus 13, as well as entering the HD era (which required a lot more work going into engine creation) paired with moving an engine built for PS3 to Xbox 360, and you have a loooooot of money to recoup. Luckily, as you said, 13 and 13-2 sold well. Had they not, I don't know if we'd have XV to be honest.
Fortress would have needed new assets, and XII got a sequel anyway.
13-2 is almost entirely reused and modified assets, and LR was a quick, dirty, ugly use of a failed engine that seemed far lower budget than even Fortress would have entailed.
Wow, she actually has a butt. Bravo Square!
In 2013, FFXIII had sold 6.6 million copies. That's (obviously) not including the PC port.
In 2009, FFXII had sold 6 million copies. That's not including IZJS.
FFXII was a backburner game at the end of the generation. FFXIII was SE's most marketed game to date, including a superbowl commercial (which instantly adds $1 million to the marketing costs, which was likely only slightly less than XII's total marketing budget.).
>Threadly reminderthat SBK91 thinks you can just hold O to win against the camp fights.
How could he be so wrong? You have to hold square sometimse too.
Second part was meant for
You are accusing people who aren't even me as somehow being me.
You can in XV, you have direcitonal inputs on various weapons, some which do sidesteps, backflips, forward lunges, charges, self launchers and more.
It was just explained to you why you're completely fucking wrong, why are you still going on about it?
>You don't have alternate Square attacks in XV either
Why would it when you already have warpstrike which is different on different weapons, as well as attack and directional inputs, as well as manual weapon switching
FFXV is Death Stranding is Silent Hills Caramel did nothing wrong
.2 million to 5.1 million in one year
>1.1 million more copies for a multiplat that had 1000x the marketing budget and development cost
Yeah man, what a profitable game.
>bringing up some boogeyman means XV kun didn't think Abrahamic God couldn't kill Ardyn
>implying anyone but himself ever believed any god in FF was analogous to Abrahamic God
>implying all this shit combined would come close to thinking YHWH wouldn't squash Ardyn like a bug
Oh I agree, it's just that people act like 13 came out of nowhere when it's the natural progression of X's design. Aside from some aspects of the writing, the world design, and Pre-Besaid and endgame being great, the game is just dreadful.
>SE's most marketed
7 had $100 million go into marketing
Okay. It's been a while since I've posted in XV threads but who the fuck is SBK91?
Ardyn is the most powerful being in a video game, stay triggered.
I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I'm just sad they're adding trophies to DLC because nothing pisses me off more like seeing a 86 percent Platinum.
>Except for everybody that loved it, reviewers who gave it higher scores than FFXIII
Dude, FF8 and FF12 had higher critic scores, but FF13 did much better than either of them
>bought almost as many copies, and continue buying merchandise related to it to this day
Except FF13 did sell more than FF12 (5.1 million to 6.2 million) you are 1.1 million more with FF13 than with FF12.
>Not to mention FFXIII got a tiny tie-in event and single outfit in their big MMO just to promote one of the sequels while FFXII, a supposedly "irrelevant" game, is getting an entire raid dedicated to it.
But nobody remembered FF12 for almost a decade until some nostalgic people wanted it back and wanted the IZJS because it overhauled things.
>Assuming you're saying nobody cared about IZJS outside japan: No fucking shit, the game was Japanese only which made it a pain in the ass to play if you couldn't read Japanese.
Then explain to me how come so many people wanted to get their hands on the Final Mixes of KH1 and KH2 and not of FF12?
Again, FF13 did better, sold better, had better demand and the fact that it didn't have to be overhauled. FF10 and the KH games didn't have overhauls either. Only FF12 had it's combat and gameplay overhauled.
Love to break it to you, but Revenant Wings is not considered FF12-2. The people working on it denied any connection
It should given how FF13 basically skyrocked to the second highest selling FF game to that of FF7.
>but FF13 did much better than either of them
It sold less than 8
>Dude, FF8 and FF12 had higher critic scores
Yeah, even fucking FF8 was higher rated, kek.
>FF13 did better
Raw sales is not equivalent to performance. Profit is what matters and FFXIII could not be more profitable than XII.
>it was definitely the most emotional.
>It was just explained to you why you're completely fucking wrong, why are you still going on about it?
>he literally copypasted the accusation hurled at him word for word
Does Polly want a cracker? On that note, explain how vulnerable lets you move enemies away from their buddies to get in a safer position, XV kun. Explain how it allows for ringouts. Explain how it allows you to keep them vulnerable indefinitely. Explain how it allows you to perform proper combos. Because if you can't, you're fucking wrong.
>Why would it
Of course, you pretend XV having different inputs means it's ok it doesn't have every input in KH, but the reverse isn't true. Your double standard couldn't be any more blatant.
What did Tabata mean by this?
>Ardyn is the most powerful being in a video game
One of XV's kun many boogeymen along with NeithOF and Pesmerga.
1. FF12 was on the PS2 and that shit wasn't dying any time soon. Have we forgotten Shadow of the Colossus, Persona 3 and Persona 4 that came out between 2006-2008?
2. FF7 is their most marketed game yet. It's marketing was 100 million dollars.
Finally, you agree with me. FF13 objectively sold better and profited more than FF12. Glad you agree.
FF8 came close. It sold 6 million copies in one year. FF13 sold 6.2 million copies. Which is FAR more closer than FF12 did with the 5.1 million.
But both FF8 and FF12 did worse than FF13.
FF13 clearly had better performance otherwise we would have seen FF8-2 and FF12-2 INSTEAD of FF13-2.
post yfw FFIX was the peak of series
>Ardyn is the most powerful being in a video game
Even if that were true, and it absolutely isn't, what the fuck does that have to do with Abrahamic God being able to obliterate him with a raised eyebrow.
>You have to hold square sometimse too.
You know you will lose the fight as soon as you hit 0HP even once at the campfights right? You have no point warps and they have 1hko attacks too.
>SBK91 desperately trying to pretend he's just some boogeyman when he gets exposed
Every time.
He's this retarded KH2/Nomura drone from Gamefaqs who shitposts all over Sup Forums in FFXV threads with the same bullshit, his posting style is really easy to identify once you've read a couple of his posts, he's always got the same agenda and wording he uses in his shitposts, and it doesn't help that he's not only hated here, but also hated on gamefaqs and on other sites.
SOTC came out in 2005, before 12
>But both FF8 and FF12 did worse than FF13.
Oh, you actually think that's the case? kek, those games had a fraction of the budget and sold almost as much (more in FF8's case) in spite of smaller install bases.
>sequel to a game about a fucking time loop
Are you a retard? Wait, you like FF13, already answered that.
No need for that when they can just fix the biggest problem with the game with a slight tweak and re-release it and make profit off an effortless rerelease. 12 (and 8) also didn't have entire games' worth of cut content.
I feel so privileged to be able to buy a game that's 40% complete and to pay for the remaining pieces so I can have the game as it should have been in the first place a few years later down the line.
>and it absolutely isn't
It absolutely is.
>Abrahamic God being able to obliterate him with a raised eyebrow.
How would they deal with his Armiger or immortality?
X was the beginning of the end for the series. Even XV felt more of a Final Fantasy than that one.
>not liking XV is an agenda
>drone from Gamefaqs who shitposts all over Sup Forums in FFXV threads with the same bullshit, his posting style is really easy to identify once you've read a couple of his posts, he's always got the same agenda and wording he uses in his shitposts, and it doesn't help that he's not only hated here, but also hated on gamefaqs and on other sites.
Man I keep forgetting how much of a fag xv-kun really is
Actually it came out in the EU in 2006.
I have more fun playing FFXIV then this game.
Sorry im outa
This might help jog your memory.
What did Nomura mean by this?
Believe me, you don't want this shit in your library.
But which one came out first?
You're implying that KH copied Sonic
sonic 06 came out after kh2 so what was the point of this
I don't know man, porn using Aranea's 3D model would be pretty nice.
Yes it did. And no, FF8 and FF12 had quite big budgets.
>time travel shenanigans
>Using the theory of time loop
This is why FF8 people desperately need to understand theories are not facts. Stop trying to use theories to explain FF8's plot.
>No need for Fortress
Except making IZJS is basically admitting the original game wasn't up to par and had to be overhauled.
>Love to break it to you
At this point everyone can disregard anything you say. Only obnoxious fanboy cunts say shit like that.
Except they don't if they are trying to prove you wrong and enjoy doing such.
Because that was all I had to do because you're wrong.
>explain how vulnerable lets you move enemies away from their buddies to get in a safer position
Why would this ever matter? Oh that's right it doesn't, but hey you always have to give this desperate examples of useless things so you can try and win the argument, because you know you're full of shit.
>Explain how it allows you to keep them vulnerable indefinitely
You can't stay in the air indefinitely in KH, you will at some point fall, but I guess you have no fucking clue how aerial combos even work.
Why would it need KH inputs when it has superior inputs with weapon switching, directional inputs, warp strikes, which already outclass anything you do in KH through regular base combat. But hey keep trying to pretend KH somehow has even close to as much depth as XV.
>It absolutely is.
Dr Strange is a character in the Marvel vs games, so no, Ardyn isn't.
>How would they
>Abrahamic God
Seriously, are you fucking retarded?
>deal with his Armiger
Do you not comprehend what Abrahamic God is and can do? Why would you bring this piss weak super state up?
>or immortality
By ignoring it.
He meant FFXV sucks and KH2 will be the superior game for all eternity.
Except the International versions of every game that's gotten ones were made to capitalize on the original game by making a low-effort rerelease with just enough new content for people to justify buying it again, just like FFX International. Or are you going to argue that FFX "wasn't up to par" even though FFXIII is just FFX with shit combat instead of good combat, shit world building instead of good world building, even more linear, with an even worse story and characters, and with (for its time) worse graphics?