why did ISIS give us shit sword flirt like palla and marths beard? Who will be our next sword flier? Sumia?

Next sword flier will be Elincia with a 10 Mt Amiti that doesn't lower speed

>10 Mt Amiti that doesn't lower speed
broken as fuck unless she has like 25 atk

>her base speed is 25 anyway

In all seriousness, I figured they'd play to her healing abilities from dawn and give her breath of life 2 on that sword, or something.

My Caeda is fucking trash, I have no idea what her IVs are all I know is its practically impossible to level her.

Naturally, her attack would be garbage like it was in PoR, her gimmick would be quadding and using desperation to trigger Special skills.
Not amazing or meta definining but would be fun anyway

It's because her base attack is 25.

>I got a 5-star caeda
>-atk IV

she's the worst sword and natural 5* in the game for a reason

I kind of want Elise, but I'd have to be braindead to pull on this banner right?

I don't give a flying fuck about sword fliers but please give us Fortify, Hone and Ward fliers on trash 3* common units so I can put together a decent flying team. No I can't roll the 5* exclusive Hinoka and Minerva thank you.

I have Minerva and don't even use ward I gave her goad

Actually I just want Hone but it would be nice to have the others too. It's a travesty that Hone Fliers is stuck on Hinoka only. How am I supposed to roll a specific 5*? Put it on 4* Est.


Occasional reminder

Currently leveling this midget and looking at skills to inherit, like Iote's shield and bonfire/ignis

Now wondering why I don't just build Michalis or wait to roll for Minvera instead. They even get Hauteclere, which is a better killer axe that actually does damage.

Why not both?

Because you have to be the faggot that stands out, obviously. Plus you might actually like the character.

Her art doesn't make her look very adorable.

>tfw Satan dooms you to de-rank
Hopefully I can pull together a deathless by the end of the season to try and score higher. At least I got my defense win.

What kind of score do you need to get into tier 20?

This guy has been collecting dust and I'm never going to use him. What green axe unit can use his weapon decently well?

It was around 4900 last week I heard. At least two anons here said they were getting de-ranked with scores lower than 4850. It all depends on the average score of the tier you're in that week since only the top 35% of players will get in.
I doubt I'll get in even with a deathless and rerolling battles for the highest scores I can get, my BST is just too low

>48 def



>nearly pull off a deathless run
>accidentally get fugged by a tree, forced to reposition anna in front to tank effie
>surely nothing could go wrong, a 5* fury 3 anna should be able to handle a blue
>she dies

I guess you could use it to turn Beruka into green Wendy.

>not using Gay Chrom

Don't think you're gonna make it to 20 with that team either way. You need merged units, level 3 skills or super valuable skills like Distant Counter and loli dragons but that last one I'm not so sure about.

I got a shitter score of 4800 and it won't be long until I'm demoted. I still get 4 orbs and 5k feathers total so I'm good, I get to fool around the arena and try different strategies.

>have a +spd S!Chrom
>still inferior to legion

was it Brave, threaten defense effie?


>he doesn't run his own damage calculations through his phone calculator before moving any units
You deserve it casual.

Brave effie.

It was a move I had to do or else lilina would've been attacked, calculating was futile.

>tier 19
>don't have to try at all this season because there's no way I'd make it to tier 20 anyways

Just use Palla you dolt.

>thinking a low def unit like Anna could survive TWO HITS from a 50+atk Effie

you deserved it

Go for it user
Maybe you'll get lucky

I summoned 3 fucking Marias trying to get her, if I don't get the next banner exclusive unit I want I will just quit.

Are there any MOMMIES in this game?

Ok, got a Gordin in the vantage banner and need some assistance. Should i wait for 20k feathers to up a Hana or sacrifice my +Spd/-Atk Minerva to a +Spd/-Res Bridelia? I normally use Minerva for the fliers monthly quest

Ursula. Camilla doesn't count, she's BIG SIS.



I want Maria too though so I'd be fine with that.

>Swimsuit Camilla
>She is a green dancer

>foolishly spend about 30 orbs today
>tfw down to only 25 orbs for the summer special banner
Daily orb revival with 1.5 pls IS

>paizuri and hotdogging on her axe shaft

>first try on healer banner and got Elise

feels so fuckin good, especially after getting cucked on the Katrina banner

Palla isn't shit, she's a flying tank with Iote's shield.


Hopefully never, kys.

When the subhumans come out. Never.

Is this game dying?

20k hana is what I would do. That Minerva is valuable, no reason to sack her. In the interim you can use a 4* hana to give B!Cordelia L&D 4.

Thanks, was consodering that too

Shut the fuck up miserable cunt


I didn't realize it was a brave effie until it was too late.

Anna would've actually survived it, if not for the moonbow proc. QP effie.

>Letting ANYONE try to tank Brave Effie
pic related, it's your Anna

>Ruby Sword
>Greens only

Not happening, thank god.

gays not welcome

Yeah, because fucking up greens no matter what is all you need her to do and she's the best at that.

Speaking of which, are there any playable characters in the series that is a mother? Not counting Awakening and Fates because time travel bullshit, I mean actual women who raised their children

Louise is pregnant during her game if that counts.

Nino, eventually.

Genealogy of the Holy War.

Post units everyone thinks is shit but haven't let you down yet

>tfw vanilla Roy -HP +DEF still carries when I have a full Cav meme team and other Sup Forums memes and single handedly took care of tempest for me

Moonbow or Bonfire on Camus?


I can't really think of characters that are mothers during the course of the game you use them in, other than the Fates and Awakening ones.

Calil has an adopted daughter and Ena is pregnant.

Apparently, she and Pent raised Erk, so it's close enough I guess.

>A ruby sword beats all greens
wow you sure showed me

Not trying to shit on her but Camilla won't be on the summer swimsuit banner because she already had one for the spring seasonal. This means she probs won't get another one this year or last at least not so soon

Give me a fucking banner with Faye!


This is speculation, rather than fact. I do hope it is true though.

I wish there was a Fire Emblem game with bears. I want to command a bear.

It would suck to have the same characters in the same seasonal banner. Kinda wish Camilla wasn't on the Spring banner so she could be on a Halloween banner with a better outfit. That's just me though.

Bear Emblem? I'd play it.

*different seasonal banners
fuck me

Would you like me to introduce you to our Lord and Savior?

There aren't many mothers in general, but Hawkeye is a father. Bartre too, seriously, Bartre of all people plowed Karla.

Her popularity is pretty high though. Most people want to see her in a swimsuit. They also need to fill a big titty quota for the event, otherwise the swimsuit edition is meanginless. Charlotte was already featured for the bridal event, so who else is there? Kagero?

Ursula and Kagero playing volleyball on the beach.

Fred is a criminally underrated unit imo

Ethlin has Altenna
Diadora has Seliph
Igrene had a daughter
Juno has a daughter
Niime has children and grand children
Louise is pregnant during FE7
Ena is pregnant (somehow) during FE9 and FE10
Calill has an adopted daughter

I think that's everyone.

Compared to Caeda Armorslayer? infinitely better.

Armorslayer is only effective against 6 units in the entire game, 2 of which you are weak against in the weapons triangle, so if you don't manage to kill them you are fucked on the counter with her defense being what it is.

Whereas Ruby sword lets you be effective against every green unit. blue units will fuck you up, but only elitists memers with broken units fight a unit who they're weak against in the triangle

I wanna say Ninian as she's most likely Roy's canon mother, but she dies not long after he's born.

If you got Fury, Bonfire.

The entire swimsuit banner is speculation rather than fact.

Only reason people are talking about such a banner in the first place is that other gatchas do it. that's it.

What kind of bear? Either way, some of the laguz get pretty close.

>Most people want to see her in a swimsuit
They already did in Fates DLC

Less underrated and more one-dimensional.

That and FEH seems to be hopping on seasonal shit. See: Brides, Spring, and datamined Winter banners.

>Ena is pregnant (somehow)
Dragons have really long gestation periods. Alternatively, magic.

Not bad, not bad.

It is extremely unlikely thay there won't be a summer banner of some kind. A swimsuit one is the most common and an obvious way to print money, but other summerwear is possible. Honestly, people should be more surprised if it doesn't happen than if it does.

I feel pretty confident in the outcome.

Niime is definetly the one that fills the role better. Niime in Heroes when?