World in peace

>world in peace
>goes on a rampage disturbing peace and killing the authorities

Are you the bad guy in Wolfenstein?

Other urls found in this thread:

no, you're the red-blooded all-american hero the world forgot it needed


You play as a Jew so...

polish name != jew

He's Jewish. Makes killing the them Nazi bastards even better.

>Are you the bad guy in Wolfenstein?
Are you dumb? That's like saying it's wrong to kill a dragon who rules a successful kingdom that adores them in the present, when centuries ago they razed the place and deposed its leadership.

They are still a dragon.

They still took the kingdom from humans.

There is nothing wrong with killing them to return the kingdom to rightful human rulership.

I want to be ruled by dragons

he isn't though

>Even jokingly defending Nazis

Sup Forums is Sup Forums


Congratulations. You are either a furry, or a misanthrope.

Greedy fucking dwarf I know it's one of you posting fuck off

What do you think about this scene ?

What if the dragon only razed the place and deposed the leadership because the leadership was an affront to all that was holy and the buildings were made out of desecrated bones?

Fucking goddamnit fuck
forgot the link and image

You'll either be a slave and/or a produce cattle for them.

Maybe they're a nice dragon

I'm sorry, but one nation's patriot is another nation's terrorist. Hitler wanted a German Supremacy. We can't have that if their is going to be an American Supremacy.

>being this assblasted because a dragon pwnd your ass
lol what a fag

Not like the way things are now at all.

You're forgetting the bits where plenty of people still hate the dragon's rule.

That sounds pretty racist.

Deathshead asks you something along those lines at the end of TNO. BJ didn't really have a proper answer.

Hitler wanted white supremacy.

I'm glad we traded that for having the West slowly become a third-world shithole.

Wow that really made me think

At least old canon was that his mother was a former jew though he isnt aware of the fact. It was part of the old lore where hes also grandfather to commander keen and an ancestor to the doom guy and other such nonsense.

I liked that character also he's right desu

Tom Hall confirmed on Twitter that BJ is the son of a Polish father and a Jewish mother.

Right about what you liberal cuckold nigger

What if the dragon leadership is better than the human leadership?

Even if it is only marginally better, like one less person starves to death each year or whatever.

Do humans still need to be ruled by other humans if dragons are clearly the better ruler?

>mfw watching Blaskowitz totally destabilize the regime in the name of freedom

Underrated post

Dwarf detected, go drink some wood alcohol

Hah, what's next? Accepting the rulership of a dwarf, or elf? Humans should be ruled only by humans.

Black people got exploited throughout America's history and the fact they fought in world war 2 proves they're not the subhuman apes you seem to think they are

Nah fuck that.

That's going too far user.

White Supremacy under the control of a Central German Government. Would Hitler have let me keep my second amendment rights, or uphold the constitution for that matter? I think any squealing, gun toting, hillbilly can protect himself from Barbarism.

>you can't make jokes because they make me >:(
congrats you made me mad

lmao Sup Forumsacks get triggered so easily

Native American violent uprising when

Back to you go
Fuck off Piss off This is blatant flame bait and SHOULD NOT be tolerated. Go back to your containment board.

go back to mordor you cryptofascist bourgeois twat

holy shit this is themost degenerate thing I've seen all day

fucking bethesda

>t. someone Hitler would have had executed on the spot without hesitation

no it would be like saying it's wrong to kill a dragon who rules a successful kingdom except they murder literally any and all dwarves for no real reason

>thinks blacks are subhumans who should be treated as such
>gets butthurt when a black character dares allege that this actually did happen historically
sasuga Sup Forums

>muh white supremacy Hitlor

Yeah, that's why he considered slavs to be subhuman in Mein Kampf and his speeches, you fucking retard.

Point to me where that man is wrong please

>world in peace
You mean shooting people in the head for soccer fouls?

(you) are an /idiot/

That's your problem, man. Be as mad as you want.

>Are you the bad guy in Wolfenstein?

blacks and whites shouldn't live together

it's a false equivalency

whites in america were not nazis, if they were then all of the blacks would be dead and the irish and jews would have never been allowed to immigrate there

it just feels hard not to at this point, you begin to realize just how right the Nazis were

Kasia is literal human perfection. The fact that she's a pollack is irrelevant.

Never run for president.

>Thinking anyone has a right to leadership
fuck you

I think people would get it if he posted a merchant, or put dwarf in brackets

kek I can actually tell you've never interacted with black people before, good job m8

Also, tard, he didn't say "all whites were nazis" he was saying he didn't fight in ww2 because back then people treated blacks horribly. 1/10 bait, you tried

>they murder literally any and all dwarves for no real reason
>no real reason
American education

You are aware in this game's timeline the Nazi's win the war with ease because they found a bunch of the tech & weapons the Jews had been making for hundreds & hundreds of years, then hiding it from everyone else?
Jews are litterally the cause of all the problems in that game's world.
I'll give Sup Forums a pass on this one.

More like rounding up the dwarves to move them away from the dragon's kingdom, no actual murdering involved. Then the dwarves pay everyone around them to fuck up the dragon because how fucking dare this scale supremacist not allow dwarves to control his hoards.