J>PQ PLZ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@
J>PQ PLZ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@
the NX store is still the most jewish implementation I've ever seen in a video game
spending money on in game items that disappear after 90 days unless you buy it again? jesus fucking christ gooks get it together
I started playing right before the time Cygnus Knights/Aran was released and at one point they released some permanent existing NX items for a short period that were like 3x the price. I was an idiot and bought a permanent white beanie and black shirt with tie instead of a permanent pet with the meso magnet item.
MS was definitely a money pit if you were really impatient player back in the day, I hear the game is a lot easier to play now though.
It's a free to play MMO. They need to pay for the servers somehow, kid.
Would you prefer a monthly fee like WoW?
Nexon shill get fucked
or rather, ching chong ching shill bing xhing bong xhing desu
I'm not even trying to defend Nexon, you're just a moron.
Any MMO that's free to play needs to generate income from somewhere.
having the items disappear is beyond jewish. I've never seen another mmo of any kind where the cosmetics you buy are only temporary.
Yeah, the Korean f2p model is pure shit since they always add some p2w feature to the cash shop and the game inevitably degenerates into a contest of who can whale harder.
Pay 2 Win is bad.
Pay for cosmetics that eventually expire is fine for a free game.
imagine if Valve put 90 day timers on everything you unlock from a crate
>miracle cubes
>that golden hammer thing
No, Maplestory is p2w.
I know.
Crates aren't MMOs you stupid idiot, nor is Maplestory a massive digital distribution platform.
If you have an MMO that's free to play, you need sustained income coming in from somewhere. What do you suppose they do?
>yfw pq's become easier to enter now that mostly everyone is asleep
>oh wait, now it's like that at every time and at everything
They could have prevented this so many times, but they chose not to.
>justifying expiring cosmetics
just no.
there are perm cash items fucking poorfags
you can even buy them with meso
Not my fault you're a complete idiot.
There's tons of permanent cosmetics in the game. In fact, these days barely anyone bothers buying the expiring ones, partly because they're all old designs and the new (permanent) stuff is more flashy and cool.
Thank you for further confirming your stupidity.
Tfw not those merchfags who sold mesoes for real money.
This. In the korean version, nx items are permanent
i want to go back
cc plz
funny how it's always autistic kids and dirt poor shitskins who played these games while real OG's were playing everquest and ultima online
Never heard of them, must be some chinese mobile game.
>never heard of the 2 biggest MMORPG's in the entire world pre-WoW
I played this game for numerous periods between 2005-2009 (all pre-big bang), but for whatever reason, that music is the one that takes me back to 2005 when I was playing with my real life 5th grade friends. Boy I miss those days.
Time for some more though.
>get hyped up for both big bang
>imagine big bang is going to make the starting zones bigger
>tfw they're actually smaller and most of the things that they had was taken off
>can't even go from one town to another like old times
Maplestory was alright for kids, but the REAL gamers played LaTale.
This is what private servers are for.
That art looks god awful. Maplestory's was infinitely more charming.
I've tried a couple private servers but I can't get into them. Progress never feels like it really matters (as far as MMOs go), since it's just some shmuck's server, not official
The only one you should be looking to try is MapleRoyals because it has a big population and is considered the go-to by everyone yearning for pre-Big Bang Maplestory. The problem is it's still kinda broken now.
MapleLegends is the other option. Less population, but more stable.
LaTale is an ugly game yes. Beautiful loading screens though.
And pretty great beat 'em up gameplay. I'm excited for the relaunch on the 28th.
>nexon drones exist
jesus christ
>LFP LUDI PQ HAVE AUTOCLICK AND TRACKER @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Do you remember?
The one I played the longest was a Korean v55 or something. The population was pretty good and it was faithful to the Maple of that time. Just didn't grab my interest though.
Why are the v55-57 servers so popular?
You gotta wait until the flame starts here again.
The best Maplestory experience today comes when 20-30+ Sup Forumsanons start together as a group on a preBB private server, and all level up together. Unfortunately, the last time that happened was like September 2015.
Ya it's true... As a dumb kid I remember paying double during an event thing to buy permanent cash store cloths.
I regret how much birthday money I threw into that game deeply...
>no PQs
>nothing but grind
Into the garbage can it goes.
Remember grinding here in a party?
Best PQ:
The korean maplestory NX cosmetic is permanent and trade able. It's the localize version that are 90 days and not-tradeable.
Would you?
>buying the most boring generic looking trash imaginable from the store
Holy shit.
Have they implemented controller support in game yet after all these years?
>light hair
No. She is trash.
>you will never hear this for the first time ever again
2005 was such a nice year.
money plz
This is official art.
anyone else looking forward to the latale restart?
Why would you?