This is pretty much just "reused assets - the game"

This is pretty much just "reused assets - the game"

Every minigame is straight taken from Yakuza Zero, the game that was so lazy, it didn't even get a new city
Still better than 6 tho

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a remake of the first game, what the fuck do you expect? Did you even play the original?

Just because it's a remake doesn't mean they can't add new shit. Or better yet, not the horrible car racing and bimbo wrestling garbage, since it was "free" using the same engine

and yet the series is still better and pays more attention to detail then the majority of games. Just because they don't add a new city does not mean the city isn't evolving and being added upon in each new iteration.

If you're so butthurt over the game then don't play it.

why are they enemies now I thought they're super best friends

> it's a remake doesn't mean they can't add new shit.

>all those hd collections in existence
>implying the added anything more other than an art gallery

Why complain about a literal remake

>beta male get compared to alpha male all the time
>even the girl likes alpha male instead
>beta male go REEEEEEEE and full /r9k/
pretty much the whole game there

Tell me Sup Forums, how do I go about getting into the Yakuza series?

Which ones are the best? Should I just go by chronological release date and try everything? Anything I need to know before getting into the series?

That's why they are selling it for 30$ instead of the full price

Have you never played the other Yakuza games? It is literally Reused Assets: The Series.

It's also a remake.
It's also no full price.

Stop being a pissy baby.

start with yakuza 0.
it's good to play other games before,
but the story hold up on it's own.

play kiwami if you wanted to have a official start.

play original yakuza 1 if you have autism.

Just play Zero

But if you are serious, then 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Duh.
Then learn japanese and play the ten games we never got translated

What's with all the recent influx of idiots in Yakuza threads who don't know Kiwami is a remake of the first game?

>Just because it's a remake doesn't mean they can't add new shit.
They did add new shit. The Majima Everywhere system, all the new minigames (Keep in mind the original simply had Slots, Baseball, Chou-han, Poker, Blackjack, Roulette, can't remember if it had Baccarat, and the UFO Catcher), old cutscenes are extended, all the scenes are voiced now and extended as well, Nishiki has far more scenes with him and about him instead of the two or three he had in the original game, etc.

Not to mention it isn't fully priced at all.

0 or 1, it's up to you how you want to start. Ideally you should just play release order but if you must you can start with 0. Keep in mind the games advanced each year, so if you start with 0 you start with all the improvements and have to go to barebones Kamuro, barely any minigames, and far less Heat Actions and so on if you go to 2 onward (Assuming you start with 0 and play Kiwami)

Keep in mind that games prior to 4 had tons of missables and you could miss out on Amon if you didn't follow a guide for them.

Because Zero retconned the entire first game

Not this shit gain, the point of that game is just updating Y1, any other comparison doesn't make sense at all.

At least Sega is charging $30 for it unlike Square charging a full $60 for FFXII which is over a decade old game.

>the series is still better and pays more attention to detail then the majority of games

>invisible walls everywhere, literally no freedom of movement
>stilted and awkward animations that would have been rejected in a Bethesda game
>combat that is somehow more casual and button mashy than Batman Arkham's
>cutscenes that drag on for 30 minutes at a time to recap events that happened literally 5 minutes ago

The only reason people enjoy these games is for the "lol japan" quirkiness and the halfway decent minigames. Everything else is done much better by other bigger series.

I was merely pretending to be retarded

The boss movesets are all mishmashes of movesets from 0 & 5. You guys are biased towards this series which is the only reason why you're not complaining about this.

I'm getting Yakuza 0 tomorrow. I figured that, followed by Kiwami, would be a good start to get into the series.

We aren't complaining about it because it not a new game. It's a fucking updated version of the first game, nothing less nothing more.
I know that this shithole taught that every dumb excuse is a good excuse for shitposting, but don't get angry only because other people aren't as stupid as you.

>playing games out of release order is good

It's actually an alright way to play the games, he's following the narrative and he'll be more familiar with Kiryu and Nishikis friendship by the time he starts 1.

How bad is the completion list in Kiwami?
Do I have to play Mahjong again?

A remake of the 2 would be nice too. I've started with 0 and I'd like to play the rest, but I don't have a PS3. Why are those games not available on the playstation store?

Keep in mind the main reason people say it's not too good of an idea to start with 0 is simply because of the jump to 2 onward. You lose styles, there's at least half of the Heat Actions you could use previously, the targeting system doesn't get refined until around 3 or 4 (It's still not as free in 2 but it's far better than 1 at least), you can't punch behind you as fluidly which doesn't really get properly fixed until later on, you have only a third of the minigames you had, only cutscene stuff is voiced (3 onward did the Kenzan thing where you have engine "cutscenes" where it's voiced but slow in changing to another voice file and it's very awkwardly animated), it introduces missables into the equation which doesn't even get fixed until 4, and so on.

It's like giving you Pokemon Black and White with all its Pokemon and Quality of Life improvements and then the next game you play is the GB Red and Blue.
10 plays.
I think 8000 points profit in a game five times.
12,000 points profit in a game one time.
Get a Riichi Ipatsu once.
Get a Pure Straight once.
Win 100,000 points in total.

So the general consensus is Kiwami isn't worth playing if you played zero?

It's only half price. Why would you not play it.

I have limited free time user, if most of the content is the same is it worth it? That's what I'm asking.

The story is worth it alone.

It ruins the artstyle of the original game, everything looks much more harshly lit and all those classic PS2 effects like the motion blur are completely gone.

I don't think the combat in 2 is so bad, it's a lot better than 1 in that aspect, and 1 isn't really that bad either.
Hell, I started the series with 4 and had no problem going back to 1 and 2, so I think the change from 0 to 2 isn't that jarring.

>I want motion blur back
What has Sup Forums become.

Motion Blur was a fucking necessity at the time, dickwad. How do you want that back?

I take a 60fps 1080p remake over the original any day.

>press y button to win with ice skating punches is more in-depth than Yakuza

Imagine being this retarded

Why is that a bad thing? They changed the art style for a reason. The old one looks way too diffirent compared to the series now so changing it is necessary

I'm not saying it's bad or anything, I'm just saying it's not as refined as what you'd be used to coming from Kiwami for instance. They slowly worked on fine tuning things like R1 targeting and freestyle attacking behind you during combos, and coming from the massive amount of freedom you had in both 0 and Kiwami to just one style where you slowly build up to heat actions and abilities might just rub people the wrong way.

I started with 1 myself and I get it, it's just a concern to have is all because people might not want to look past how much they'd have to adapt to going to the older games.

Don't play if you already are aware of the story of the first game. There is a lot more reused assets than any of the previous games. Also Kiwami introduced one of the most frustrating boss fights in the series.

Only thing worth it for Kiwami are the Nishiki scenes and you can watch those on youtube

But there's like two that weren't translated, not ten.

Four aren't translated. Two have full on guides (Though Kenzan requires you to hop between Japanese and English guides if you want to 100% it whereas Ishin goes in depth), the first PSP game has a translation patch for just the main story coming soon but the guy wants to find translators for the substories and menus which KHHSubs didn't do, and 2 had a barebones English guide if I remember right.

Except it didn't, you dumb fuck.

Fuck you I played Yakuza 1 on the PS2 when it came out, I barely remember that shit.

>crying over a $30 priced remake that sega bother to even bring it over to the state at all
fuck off self entitled asshole

If I play Kiwami first is it going to ruin Zero for me?

I've only played like five minutes of Yakuza 5 because I got it for free, was planning to get into the series with Kiwami but if the gameplay is just copy/pasted I might go with Zero because the '80s setting looks much more interesting to me and I'd rather run around doing shit there than in the 2000s.

Yakuza 0 brought in a bunch of plebs who only bought it because PS4 has no games

Then buy it and don't complain there isn't anything new

>Kiryu is a decent debt collector, that made him a respected up and coming Yakuza
>Actually he had a feud with the entire Dojima family, got expelled, sent half the leadership to jail, cost his boss a ton of money and a seat in the Tojo clan, and he is only alive because he has friends in high places

>I-I would never betray you Aniki ;___;
>Oh I betrayed you for very petty reasons, despite saving my life, oops

It's funny you say that when Yakuza is "press triangle to activate cinematic super attack."
Batman also has tons of combat options with gadgets, heavy emphasis on movement and momentum, and plenty of interesting opponents with different attacks.
Meanwhile, Yakuza is nothing but mashing out basic one button combos until you can mash out a heat move, or just cheating and using some items to recharge, or just pulling out a gun and cheesing out every fight. All against the same goons with the same basic attacks, or the occasional weapon user who knocks you down in one hit.

That's not a retcon, though.

I don't understand why people want to skip Kiwami? It's $30, it continues the story on from 0 (since most people who are thinking of skipping it are the ones who played it) AND you don't have to listen to the horrendous dub that the PS2 version had.
Hell, I'm getting it just so I can play through the game again without the shitty dub.
Now, if they release a version of 3,4+5 for the PS4 (with the cut content of 3 restored for the Western release) then I'd be a truly happy man

Restored 3 would be amazing. I'm still mad we don't have the suicidal guy and his girlfriend substory.

Yakuza has depth of combat similar to Street Fighter, while Batman is a button-mashing for normies and kids.

Why is it every time a game or a series gets announced for PC the shitposting starts and it suddenly "was always a bad series"?

Kill this arrogant MO THER FUCK ER!

All the games reuse assets so what?

They will remake 2+3+4+5 for PS4 on 6s engine, running at 27fps.


Not every time.
Yakuza is just shitty series of weebmovies for dumbasses.

6's engine would be fine, they just need to iron the kinks out of it. It's great how fluid it all feels but the lack of impact and the way everyone acts like a pinball take away from it all. If they fix those two it would be perfectly acceptable in terms of fighting people.

>Yakuza has depth of combat similar to Street Fighter
Yeah, Street Fighter 1
This is the absolute depth of Yakuza's combat. Mash square, mash triangle. This will literally destroy any Majima battle on any difficulty.
And this is fairly decent Batman play. A wide variety of moves and gadgets used, utilizing multiple moves and movement abilities to control the playfield, and deploying different strategies against enemies with their own strengths and weaknesses. Far more complex than anything Yakuza has ever offered, with twice the button inputs and twice the skill required. You don't even get cheap healing items from a pause menu.

Only thing I see here is enemies not attacking you and standing still. Just like Yakuza 1 and 2.

> tfw Yakuza became populsr enough it's hsted on Sup Forums now aswell

This place is such a shithole.

>Far more complex than anything Yakuza has ever offered, with twice the button inputs and twice the skill required.

You mean wait for an opponent's head to flash blue and press triangle? Or if you can't, press X to move out of the way? Seems pretty similar to Yakuza to me

It literally is, and I love both games. They added backstory that was not there and makes all the characters in 1 act completely out of character.

Go away you mentally ill tranny.

Bamham get's more shit on Sup Forums than it deserves, but it's worth pointing out that Batman's combat only real becomes varied when playing for score and a ton of stuff that matters in most action games is near irrelevant or highly downplayed, like missing attacks.

>but it's worth pointing out that Batman's combat only real becomes varied when playing for score
Seriously, there's no benefit to using anything but a Batarang because enemies can easily just be hopped over as long as they're not carrying a taser in the main game. Yeah, in score attacks it's necessary to vary it up for the gain in the multiplier, but in normal gameplay there's absolutely no reason to use things like the hook, bombs, cryo grenade, etc until the later games where enemies are introduced as a hard counter to leaping over people or using a Batarang. It just ends up making the fight far longer than it has to for no real EXP gain.

Also Arkham lets you cancel out of fucking everything to make you invincible while Yakuza forces you to commit.

Original did have UFO Catcher and boy was it horrible due to those PS2 pseudo-physics.

This is very true, they tried to make the counter less broken in Origins and people hated it.
The extra moves are good and all but tend to just be used to counter a simple enemy varient.

Having played the import for a while and then coming back to it after 0, I've only just realised that Kiryu can't hit behind himself during combos anymore like he could previously.

Also, fuck that boss regen shit that just annoyingly interrupts the flow of battle.

Another thing people tend to miss with the arkham games is how it's really hard to miss an attack, batman doesn't just lock on to foes, he will pretty much cover a room to punch them.
Not saying ranged attacks shoul'd be in the game, but batman will more or less teliport accross the room to insure the player doesn't have to worry about missing.

At least it's not like 3 onward where they have machines that are made so if you knock over a figure it's impossible to grab the figure you need without resetting the entire machine. I was so pissed in 4 when that happened with one of the Piyo-chans. It fell underneath one of the railings after I tried grabbing it. Twice.

At least on the upside 3 onward also have those awesome dog machines that net you 6 in one grab which is the best feeling ever after an hour of struggling. How bad does 5 get with the Miku dolls? It looks nightmarish.

They literally didnt have to make this at all even more so it only costs 30 bucks in the state. Why complain?

yeah but the ending of 0 completely pulls a 180 in like 20 minutes to make it go the way of 1

>reused assets - the game
So every Yakuza games? Is 0 your first Yakuza game?
And if you care about reused assets why do you hate 6?