What is she writing Sup Forumsros?

What is she writing Sup Forumsros?

The plot of Persona 5

A love letter for me, of course.

Yu fanfiction

Thanks for bumping my thread user

>Dear diary
>Why am I so shit?

Dear Atlus,

I wrote but you still ain't callin.

I have a better question. Why is she wearing four shirts?
Gimme dem tiddies

>The meat was fat

you are a bitch ASS nigga...

200 word essay

Because it's cute
Chie is cute.

>Dear Akihiko, I want to suck your protein pack. Pour sauce all over my steak

I liked Chie in P4 but belly Chie from P4D makes my dick tingle.

Signing our marriage certificate. :^)

>you will never be nanako in that pic

Drawing pictures of her favorite thing no doubt.

that's erect dicks, by the way.

Chie makes my heart beat and my eyes dilate

Can't decide between Chie or Rise...

Sure, start posting, easy way to gain attention

No, it's STEAK!
Tube Steak
Lewd chie thread?

>can't even spoiler tag properly


[spoilz]I have no idea what you're talking about{spool}

Really tho, why did they make yukiko/rise such shitty characters. And is it worth it at all to increase Ai's s-link? I just have hers and the daycare mother's to go, and I don't really care about either of them.