Mega Man Battle Network

Let's have a MMBN thread. I feel like replaying one of the games, I love them all and I can't choose, so which one should I replay? Which one's your personal favourite?

Also, do you think we'll get a spiritual successor of the series on Switch? What are your hopes and dreams?

MMBN thread.

zero is a girl

3 Blue

I think the series is sadly dead (although good ending for Lan, fucking Mayl). I would kill for some kind of collection.


Never played 5, even though I own it. I even own Boktai, so I guess I can do the cool Django style thing.

>fav game is 5
>everyone hates it due to liberation
>can't talk about it without everyone saying that its shit

y liv?

5 is pretty good, I actually loved the Liberation Missions. They shook up the formula a little bit but they added a new layer of strategy and you could pick up some neat prizes and chips and stuff if you did well on them. I've played both version on the GBA and loved them. How's the DS version that sort of combines the two, never played that one.

But it's shit, though. It's just less shitty than 1 and 4.

It's shit in every way compared to 4.

It's good, but the voice acting is painful.

I keep forgetting why people always say Blue instead of White. Something about an overpowered chip that's only in Blue Version?

I never got the hate for 4, but maybe that's because it was my first game in the series I played. I loved the tournaments. But going back and playing the others I guess 4 is a bit low on plot. Also 1 really aged. All the other games improved on it. I hate how you couldn't run from battles, and the whole dungeon with the water supply thing was way too long and dragged on so much. I often replay these games but I almost always skip 1

I found 5 to be pretty fun, albeit kinda limited in what folder you can build easily. Also kinda dragged a bit in places.
Haha, no. 4 has too many shit minigames, stupid scenarios, a lack of dungeons and is shorter than the average if you don't NG+. The locking better chips behind NG+ is also retarded, and the grinding for zenny to progress in the story is dumb.

Is the current Sup Forums demographic old enough to even know these games?

3>2>6>4>5>1 is my opinion on the games. I still like 4 more than any others, it sucked you had to play the game three times to unlock everything, but it's still cool that the game has a ng+ in the first place, unlike all of the other parts. Also its undernet was the toughest and had the best music. Still has this shit's getting real feeling to me up to this day.

>Is the current Sup Forums demographic old enough to even know these games?
MMBN threads aren't that rare on Sup Forums and they're usually pretty good.

Most likely because the shitters don't know the games.

I rarely visit Sup Forums, I know sometimes threads are up, but I worry they might only get 50 replies or something.

Anyway, I bought the MMBN artbook some time ago, good shit.

I was so hype for MMBN5 before it was released. The roster of Navis that you got to play with sounded fucking awesome.
And then liberation missions happened. I still have not finished MMBN5 to this day. Have the DS version still a bit over to my left

3>2>6>4>1>5. I wish I could like 5.

I finally buckled down and played the first Star Force game a couple of years back. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it was. Playing it made me wish it was just a BN game, though. I'll probably give the sequels a shot at some point.

Blue has an extra boss for some reason.

3 is my favourite game of all time. I used to imagine every game I played took place in that universe. Had my own navi character, fuck I loved it.

I'm now 28 but it's all I've ever wanted

Star Force was alright, but it could just never live up to BN. Not the music, not the controls, not the characters. They should just have sticked with BN.

>had my own navi character
Not only did I do this too, but I would take other unused classic MM bosses and try to design Navi versions of them.

Also holy fuck what is wrong with captcha

Tfw I now work in the games industry and want more than nothing else to make a new MMBN

blue was originally a special edition version of the game in japan is what i heard, that's why it has content that white lacks.

>Battle Network Mobage never
How can Capcom be so retarded?
It's is one of the most obvious ideas ever, the games themselves had gacha machines and everything.

Yeah, it's a really confusing situation. I looked it up once. IIRC Japan had straight-up Rockman.EXE 3 and had a re-release update called Black. Then for whatever reason, they decided to make 2 versions of it in the US. So Blue is the "better" one.
White does have Mr. Famous having Punk, though, which Blue does not.

Oh, wait, Punk was in Blue, wasn't he? Now I don't remember. White has some minor thing that Blue doesn't.

The Liberation Missions were actually the only thing I liked about 5, and only up to a point. At a certain point the inability of non-MM navis to have more than 5 chips (or use dark chips) just made them unnecessarily gimped. What really shit the bed in 5 was chip selection. They're almost all shit, and 2/3rds of them are locked to the postgame. And those are just slightly less shit overall. It's the only BN game I considered dark chips + BusterMAX to be a viable strategy just because of how awful the chip selection was. PA Limits was just another twist of the knife.

SF3 is pretty damn good and easily beats the weaker BN games (1, 4, and 5.) I love how much shit there is to do in the postgame. (And in 2, to a lesser extent, though I know there's no defending that game.)
MistMan. They put in a single boss in White for the sake of locking out completion from a single cart. Gay as shit.

How hard is it to make a game with the same gameplay
Do I even want Capcom to try this series again?

Play 6 gregar

what's wrong with SF2? i've only played the first one.

Did you like how Geo developed as a character towards the end of SF1? Well too bad fucker, back to square one!

It says a lot that it only added one thing from that game to the plot going from 1 to 3, and it was a single character.

I'd love to see them revive the franchise on the Switch. I just wonder if they can get back the magic of the original 6 games. The music was incredible and I loved the artstyle, but I fear they'd go with HD graphics and a totally different sound.

It really deserves at least one more try at a revival. The series was incredibly popular right? It had like 4 anime as well. Also, I'm not a fan of Amiibo, but imagine how much they could make selling Navi Amiibos. They'd be stupid not to give it a try.

That said, I never played the Star Force games so I don't know if they burned the series into the ground with no chance of a revival

what about the gameplay? i don't really play these kinds of games for the story.

Fuckton of random encounters
Additions to the battles are not very significant
Shit tier postgame
You can go from Sf1 to SF3 and it will feel much better of an upgrade with the Noise system

It's pretty unpopular (I don't hate it as much as most people) but most people rag on the story which is total nonsense. The thing that always struck me as bad was the plethora of super overpowered shit. The most blatant is the "Tribe King" form, which doubles the attack power of all your cards. And makes your buster attack literally varsword (3 element wave attack.) And you can input codes in the menu to get this instantly, as well as old giga cards etc. and it becomes obscene fairly quick. Online play would most devolve into who could shit out a more powerful cards first without getting blocked by the other guy. Aside from that nothing struck me as being a whole lot different from 1.

Worse story, practically no changes in gameplay besides the form changes, and the bass expy is trash

Blue has folderback, which is like fullcust but also refills your entire folder, including the folderback you just used

Which version of 6 did you guys prefer? I was a big fan of Gregor, mainly because the final boss was such a BN2 callback.

Falzar has a patch with all the shit we missed out on because of the translation and it has Aquaman's operator, so I'll go with that one

I know they gutted all the Boktai content, I wasn't aware there was a Falzar-exclusive patch for it.

Aqua Man was bleh, don't even remember his operator.

Not only the Boktai content, even basic shit like a map of the area was gutted out

I played 4 on my DS when I was a little babby. Convince me to give it another try
Also fuck riddles, fuck dialogue and fuck water

>Convince me to give it another try
I won't
Play any other game in the series

Don't you want to replay the RoboComp segment 3 times? No? How about the entire game 3 times instead? Not good enough? FOOT BOMB!

I came here just to post this.

Falzar lets me fly when using beast out, so that's comfy as fuck

Yeah, I did the postgame, fucked up Sirius and all that stuff, it was nice, but didn't come close to BN for me. It's just that all the characters are a weaker version of the BN ones and the gameplay is far worse. Lan was a bro, your homie who slacked off just like you did. Geo was a beta bitch fuccboi.

I beat that piece of shit twice and even I gave up before getting the final style.

Whoever decided to give you 3 styles in NG, 2 styles in NG+ and 1 style in NG++ should have been tarred and feathered.

>Aqua Man was bleh
You shut your whore mouth.

>Getting a mega man game ever again

To add to what user already told you...

Encounter Rate.
SF2 had an encounter rate capable of making you kill yourself.
Fuck that shit.

I'm sure they'll shit out a bad cash-in when the show comes out.

Gregar, I preferred the roster of Navi crosses. That's what I based my version choices off of

I really want a remake of all the BN games with the cross system. It's so much better than souls. Also seeing 1-3 with crosses would be rad

Princess Pride is a cutie

6>3>2>POWER GAP>5try to prove me wrong, you can't

>1 above 5
5, for all its flaws, still played better than 1

Agreed, the battle system in 6 was by far my favorite. Shame it just lacked the postgame and content of 3.

>Want to replay MMBN
>BombMan Scenario
>Want to replay MMBN2
>FreezeMan Scenario
>Want to replay MMBN3
>DrillMan Scenario
>Want to replay MMBN4
>Want to replay MMBN5
>Liberation Missions
>Want to replay MMBN6
>Soul Weapons

Gregar's forms were overall superior to Falzar's, so that one

Why do people hate the lib missions?

No idea, I loved them. Changed things up a little so you had a Fire Emblem-esque mission once in a while, and the rewards were great if you did good.

*blubs your path*

Did they not go a bit overboard making 6 games which are very similar in such a short time?

What made BN3 so popular with everyone? Almost everyone cites it as the best of the battle network games

was there any real unique scenario for drillman? form what i remember you just go track him down in the undernet and that's it. plantman and heatman were much worse. you have to spend fucking chips to burn up the plants or put out the fires and you have to rearrange your navicustom to do it, shit was cumbersome as fuck.

For me it was being surrounded sometimes and the domino enemies which only take one hp damage unless they're attacking, which is cancer in battles where time is against you and you can't just wait until one of those fuckers attacks. You just don't draw that gun sol ex every first turn.

>Being forced to constantly have press in your navicust
Thanks for reminding me about the worst part of 3

That FlamMan though.

for one thing, it was the last BN game to have full sized sprites for the overworld areas.

the gameplay was a refinement of the past 2 games, it had great bosses, an interesting plot, great chips, etc etc. the ending was really good, Honestly, if BN had ended at 3, it would have been fine. it seemed very climactic.

posted wrong image..

Yes, changing the cust for press and that program that makes alpha visible is one of the two things that really piss me off about the game, the other being not be able to keep styles and colours and switch them freely once you've unlocked them.

>We could've gotten badass homage-to-the-classic FlameMan.EXE
>instead we got dumb and forgettable quadruped because mist man was wearing a turban already

Thanks a lot, kid who created Mist Man!

That early draft of FlamMan is way better. They probably didn't want him to be too similar to FireMan, though

But we ended up with a retard who couldn't speak


Best guess was that the inclusion of the pointed beard made him look menacing, and this would've come out shortly after 9/11.

Yeah, you may be right.

It came out like a year after 9/11.

Shame because that pre-design was amazing.

That design was the whole reason I sought out the English scans of the Complete Works book for so long.
I've got all the scans, but the rest is a little disappointing.

Spoke too soon.
"Old exe" would've been rad


Freezeman and Drillman were fine. Bubbleman was more annoying.

I don't even remember the problem with Soul Weapons.

user covered the voice acting, so I won't bring that up.
They added a few bonuses that make the game easier. For instance, you can choose some of the Navis on your version to accompany you as data. They'll randomly drop in during battle to do things, though I can't remember the specifics. I think you can also tap on one of them and you'll swap Megaman with that Navi, which is pretty fun.
If you have a GBA version in the bottom slot, you can use Bass Cross, which is pretty nasty. I'm more fond of Sol Cross, which is what you get for having Boktai 2 in the bottom slot. Oh, and if you have any of the GBA BN games in that bottom slot, the virus battle music will be a remix of that game's music.
As you play through the game, you'll unlock these...things. I can't remember what they are, but each Liberation Mission, for each of the things you have, you can exchange a Navi on your team for the equivalent Navi from the other version, like switching Gyroman for Shadowman or Knightman for Magnetman. It's dope.
I think there's a couple more neat things I've forgotten about, but there is one extreme flaw with the DS version:
Save time.
It takes an eternity to save your game. Hope you don't use the chip trader much, because it's a big hassle now.

I dunno, the music was pretty on point



MMBN2 came out like a month after 9/11 and it featured a plane hijacking by Gospel near the end of the game, remember? They don't give a fuck.

The Mistman answer is a bit misleading because Blue has Bowlman in his place.
The actual thing White gets instead of Punk is good giga chips that aren't Folderback.

Didn't BN1 get a 3DS remake? What ever happend to that; were the sales so bad that it was the final nail in the coffin for the series?

Not gonna lie, liberation missions pissed me the fuck off. Although I was already pretty disgruntled back in the day coming fresh of of BN4. The DS port fixed a lot and while I'm still not crazy about BN5, I'd say I enjoyed it on the DS.

You mean operation shooting star? All i remember is that you could use Starforce megaman, but he was ridiculously broken


Ever avoid playing a game because you know it's just gonna ruin your head canon and porn?

No, get help retard.

did he ever fuck the loli?

Japan-only remake that inserted a middle chapter with a Star Force crossover. Star Force probably didn't do well enough here to justify an overseas release but I have no idea.

wow rude


Daily reminder one of the official character artists behind legends drew porn of the characters, including bondage of yuna whose about 8-9 years old

Star Force is better.

I'm sorry what.

One of the guys drew porn. They asked him to stop and he did. That image of roll casket about to take a shit from below the toilet bowl angle? That's the guy

>First Megaman Battle network game I play is 5
>Loved it
>After some time passed I buy Starforce 2 when it comes out
>Like it but codes were annoying
>Sup Forums shits on both

Why does Sup Forums hate my childhood favorites? I wanted to pick up Starforce 3 Black Ace but by the time I considered it the games cost over a 100 fucking bucks each!

yeah but that's normal in Japan

fuck you

it could be worse. you could like BN 4
