*kills Paladins and Overwatch*

*kills Paladins and Overwatch*

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I know faggot that worked on this game. Kept trying to tell e how good it is. I dont believe it

That's never gonna happen since Overwatch has the marketing budget of a small country to keep it alive and Paladins fills in the niche of being a free Overwatch.
Just be happy it's finally getting some attention and not being memed to death like Battleborn.

>game gets compared to a blizzard game

welp its doomed now

I'm glad it will be on Steam July 20. This game needs more spotlight, it has far more depth than Overwatch or Paladins.

>no boobs
>no ass
>not even gay furries would play this
who is this for?

what's with the graphics
no, even the ui and text fonts looks like something a one-man indie made

Wasn't this a Windows 10 exclusive? Whatever happened to that?

>mostly boring sjw pandering female character design
>not even a single white male character
nah. that one isnĀ“t gonna do shit

>not even gay furries would play this
try again, mate

>>not even a single white male character
There's literally one in OP's pic

>>not even a single white male character

>Gameplay even more terrible than every other hero shooter

>graphic straight from tumblr

This is even worse than Battleborn. Give it 2 weeks before its completely dead.

But does it have sluts?

>not even a single white male character
jesus fucking christ, Sup Forums, youre just getting pathetic at this point


post you're mains

People who actually play games and aren't memeing faggots like you.

you can already download the open beta if you want , its on some service for MMOs nobody plays Arc

where are the waifus. you know it's dead without them

>Naruto/sonic running style
Why? It just looks stupid.

>Windows 10 exclusive

Didn't this game already fail once?

From what I remember, they made a deal with Microsoft to secure funding, but part of this deal was the game is Windows 10 exclusive. It got released last year and pretty much died on the spot because no one gives a fuck about Windows 10 only games.

Now Microsoft have also dropped all support for it so the developers can release it on all versions of Windows.

it's on Windows 7 and 8 now

do not make fun of tyto

I haven't been playing very long but so far Charnok and Margrave are my niggas.

It hasnt been for a while now.

Can the fucking class-based team-based meme die please?

Why does everyone competitive online game have to be class-based and team-based.
Bitch I want to use *my skill* to overcome enemeis, not some rock-paper-scissors bullshit based on class selection, and not relying on some gay teens to carry me.

The entire class-based team-based meme-based sub-genre is trash and not worth playing.

well , nobody uses windows 10 now at least they have a chance.

That's a nice gun user.

is that billy hatcher?

This looks like Battleborn 2.0. They're going to need some serious waifu pandering for this to be a success.

I can't wit for the steam version.


Agreed. I want to go back to simpler days of deathmatches and arena shooters. Team gameplay is the new WW2 fps of gaming.

>That's never gonna happen since Overwatch has the marketing budget of a small country

I love how some people assume OW got as popular as it is because of the marketing. Shows how clueless they are

>tumblr artstyle

>SJW quotes everywhere


How did it get popular then, Mr. Blizzdrone?

*kills your third quarter fiscal projections

eh, I got on the Xbone, and I only got to play it for around 1-2 hours, it's pretty fun, and as much as Sup Forums says "muh tumblr art style" it does look ok, or at least better than battleborn but thats not really saying much i'll keep playing it, and i'll see if i enjoy it

It's a mishmash arena shooter with creeps and control points and other random LoL things. I'd rather just play a competent FPS.

>Mr. Blizzdrone
try losing your prejudice, it might help you see the world better

the game got popular due to its design and colorful cast of characters
people fell in love with them as soon as the CGI trailer felt and the fan-art and cosplay quickly started pouring in
this is much better than any sort of marketing as it's an organic process and people end up doing most of the marketing for you

>not even a single white male character
can you imagine being so boring that THIS is a dealbreaker for you?

>people fell in love with them as soon as the CGI trailer
So... Blizz's marketing made the game popular?

>plays nothing like either of these

>tfw you got an invite to the closed beta forever ago but your computer is too shitty to run it


>tumblr artstyle
define that

>check it out
>windows store
>not available in your country
>disappears from memory
They aren't doing too hot at garnering interest.

>your computer is too shitty to run it
but it has n64 tier graphics

All it would take to fix their playerbase problem would be to put it on steam
Sure it'll be full of BRs but at least it'll have people playing it


>graphics like an indie kikestarter meme of the month game

Yeah I have a 3 year old $400 laptop that doesn't even have enough RAM to run Diablo 3 anymore.

news flash, faggot: trailers are made to make people like the product. it's called marketing.

it was not the trailer per-se, every game has trailers, it was about the characters and the world they built in there

take the same trailer, put it in a call of duty world and it would hardly have the same effect

yeah, if it was made by sledgehammer or infinity ward, nobody would care. 90% of this game's success is Blizzard's reputation; it could seriously be two piles of shit being thrown at one another by overweight dwarves and still get praised for being a Blizzard game.

how is it going to do that when the devs wont even add chat functionality

also it gets old quick with only 4 abilities to choose from and no real other capabilities

full release of the game is next month, that includes a steam release

Paladins has potential to be a serious rival to Overwatch but it would have to change fairly significantly.

The first thing they need to do is axe their mount system. They made pointlessly large maps with extremely short match times then gave you mounts to get into the action quicker, just cut it out entirely and shrink the maps.

The next biggest issue I saw with the game was how imbalanced the ultimate abilities were. Some ults are insanely good, others are insanely useless in comparison. There isn't alot of meshing with these abilities, either; people talk about Overwatch being the "lol press Q and win" game but Paladins easily takes the cake in that department.

The other thing thar Overwatch did really well was the character design especially with their immediately recognizable silhouettes. Paladins sort of suffers here because many characters are roughly the same size and do not really have markers that make them stand out from eachother at a glance which is important in the type of game that it is, both for friendly and enemy recognition.

The final thing that really holds back Paladins is their card/item system. The pseudo inventory/RPG aspect of the game is fairly off-putting especially for the typical FPS player. It's like they tried way too hard to appeal to a small niche audience here.

Overwatch has insane amounts of marketing behind it but Paladins could honestly easily pull ahead if they fixed some of this shit IMO

if it was made by sledgehammer or infinity ward it would show
it would be generic as shit (from characters to the world)
Overwatch meanwhile looked like nothing else on the market

>white people are boring
wow racist much

>Team Fortress 2 with girls
>organic process
>colorful cast of characters
>looked like nothing else on the market


White people are vanilla as fuck and you know it.

Blizzard has strong artists and strong marketing. They played to their strengths and it shows. Overwatch essentially has no story and doesn't even need it, and since all the creative writing in their company has been spent or quit they really made a smart move with this game.

An ultra simple team based FPS with moba-like abilities and easily palatable cast of memorable characters with lots of cosmetic unlockables. Say what you will about the game itself, Blizzard knows how to print money.

um sweety youre being incredibly racist right now I'm going to need you to stop

He's not wrong though.

>shitting on your own race
I'm ok with that


>employing you arent a shitskin
heh lol

>Sup Forums
>against racism
at last I truly see

>those legs
>those arms
lol no, unfapable

Back to >>>/reddit/ you go, Blizzdrone. Your kind isn't welcome here.

Mount system is a great idea to balance spawn/action time with offense progress, its like teleporters in TF2 except everyone has them instead of relying on someone to be on tele duty.

And all the ults are tame compared to OW ON top of the fact that 95% of the characters have an escape skill. The only ults with 0 counterplay are the ones that do something like a 2 sec fear to get you off a point temporarily.

What's the highest efficiency you have got?

I think my highest is like 55 as Beckett

so wait,when it will come out on steam will i have to unistall it from arc and then reinstall it from steam ?

Why does it look so fucking weird.

I'm not shilling overwatch you retard I'm talking about what made it successful you stupid fuck.

Cause its a single artstyle pigeonholded into a dozen distinct character archtype and races. Kinda the oppersite problem kf Paladins, ( OWs are very safe sterotypes) but at least you will never confuse one champion for another with the latter

I dunno man, I feel pretty white.

that leg hair says no, mongrel :^)

why has there been so little coverage of this game? honestly never seen anyone taking about it outside beta announcements... battleborn 2.0?

>grasping for straws

>gets all giddy that he was gonna btfo someone
>only hurts himself
cry about it bitchboy


never mind this game seems like a complete fuck up


Overwatch borrows heavily from TF2, there's no denying that, but it's way more colorful and diverse than TF2, not just in terms of characters but locations as well.

First off the characters: OW has more and it's normal it would have more diversity (in terms nationality, body type, mechanics etc) but it also has way more variety in colors. TF2 relies on the characters' colors to distinguish between teams, so there is a lot red and blue on their characters. Overwatch on the other hand relies on an UI element (red outlines) so it's free to have way more colors and diversity in there.

In addition to that OW has quite a few female characters. I don't need a lot of diversity in games (some of my favorite games like STALKER or Gothic were mostly sausage fests) but you can't deny the appeal or waifus or the fact that they appeal to a female audience that might be un-catered to otherwise. A lot of those women are artists, or cosplayers and they loved the game and helped in increasing its popularity.

Then there's the maps. Put OW and TF2 maps side by side and you can't help but notice the huge difference in colors palette, locations and architecture.

OW also is a bit less cartoonish than TF2 in terms of characters design. Not much, but just a bit.

Put all those together and it's hard to mistake OW with TF2, as they look very different despite TF2's obvious influence on OW's design

I mean, at this point it's just a shit flinging contest to see who can get the last (You).


I give it to (you) because I'll never make it to the gym if I don't crash pronto. I hope that was a phonepost you silly nignog.

Remove voden from game

shit useless character that is a garuenteed loss when picked

Why can't any of these fucking games into good character design?

This is the one Moba that actually has good and unique designs