I am not really into mmo games but this seems more open world sandbox rather than the linear progression style of other games. ESO never interested me because the combat looked terrible but Black Desert looks much more fun. How is the grind and learning curve though?
Is this game any good
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It's shit, it's the blandest shit. Feels like a Korean MMO through and through. Anyone who tells you otherwise is playing for their waifu rather than their own enjoyment
Learning curve is steep, they don't fully explain alot, but there are some good youtube guides out there.
Combat is enjoyable but the enemies are pretty braindead until you get to ~50+ and start facing elites and doing the boss summons.
So is it worth 8 bucks
If any aspect of it interests you, grab it. I bought it a long time ago but didn't start playing it until the end of last year, it's great.
It's a one-time purchase, no need to buy expansions and shit.
It literally installs some telemetry or bitminer, can't remember which, with it's official installer. And getting rid of that malware is a huge bitch.
It's not a sandbox in the slightest. It's largely a themepark with no real end game and no holy trinity.
It's worth $8, but not any more since there's a cash shop with p2w elements.
I like your attitude user
I think I spent a total of $120, including the $30 it cost back when I bought it. There was a bunch of sales over christmas, so I got 2 pets, some maids and a two outfits that were seasonal and some other minor things.
I have multiple outfits I got off the auction house and 2 more pets (plus the free penguin they give away for events).
It's pretty chill. Alot of people complain about a lack of end-game, but I don't have a problem with that, I did the whole hardcore raiding thing back in WoW, I'm not attached to it, I really enjoy having a game where I can wander around doing whatever and still be making progress in some form or another, seeing people running around in the cities, everyone's always trying to do something, but still being able to find quiet areas out in the wilderness.
>I really enjoy having a game where I can wander around doing whatever and still be making progress in some form or another, seeing people running around in the cities, everyone's always trying to do something, but still being able to find quiet areas out in the wilderness.
This alone sounds fantastic. I'm so sick of playing WoW and trying to get into raiding, realizing both the guilds I run with and the raids bore me, and quitting.
Can you explain?
I had fun because I played this MMO as a single-player game.
They need more single player games with this amount of shit to do at this low a price point. Seriously.
Give me $10 Dragon's Dogma 2, featuring constant online multiplayer and free expansions including zones and character classes.
With my loss of the appeal towards end-game stuff for MMO]s because of the time commitment, would the gameplay hold up for short bursts for casual play? I.e, just play for 1-2 hours, improve on your character and then bugger off?
It's great, although very repetitive after a while. But they constantly add new features. Tons of shit to do, unlock, explore etc.
It's a different mindset than other MMOs. There's no gear treadmill, no dungeons. Most retards just grind for xp but there's no real goal to that. You can just enjoy catching horses, decoring your house, making dosh, whale hunting on boats, etc.
It depends on what you want to do. You will never be competitive or get into a good guild with only an hour or two a day and end game is stacked whales and no lifers bullying all the smaller guilds in node wars.
The best way of making money is grinding your life away on mobs, so you'll be making very very slow progress especially after you hit level cap.
I got bored of it at level 57 when I realized I couldn't ever be competitive without dedicating my life to it, but there just wasn't enough content for a casual player to have fun with. The economy is too heavily regulated and segregated to be a merchant or anything but a grinder honestly.
Either way it's definitely worth $8 and you'll enjoy it for a few months at least I think.
It's lterally the best way to play BDO. There's no gear treadmill, you can just stop whenever the fuck you want. You can just quit when bored and come back a few months later to try all the new shit. There's no subscription either so you don't care.
Only thing that takes time commitment would be your guild and doing node siege pvp.
Yeah, they actually endorse that, you get a daily XP bonus that lasts either 30m of +200% or 1h of +100%, so you can make that your grinding hour, then fuck off to cut trees or whatever, or just log in/grind/log off like I do some days.
Some of the events they do are korean style "stay logged in for rewards", but you can minimize the game to tray which is helpful for when you're doing mass production/cooking tasks.
Or you can log in, get the reward, fuck off and come back in an hour, but they're going to change that specific event soon.
It doesn't require your attention all the time, if you don't want it to.
Great to know guys, hope y'all have a good day
Is it better than Guild Wars 2?
It's fun but it's still a korean mmo.
In terms of stuff to do and see, it's pretty great. The crafting/housing system is great and it really feels like a sandbox game. (No where close to EvE, but you get what you get)
Unfortunatly the grind is outstandingly bad and why I dropped it. You need to grind for months to become viable for most things.
But in all honesty, pick it up and play it to level 50, it's a semi-fresh take on the MMO genre and the combat is just fun. Hell, you might even feel like grinding for the months if you really like it.
the netcode for bdo is extremely shit so if you are looking for decent pvp i wouldn't recommend bdo
I don't think I'd recommend any korean mmo for pvp honestly
it installs a weird anti cheat program that reads your files. Is this true /v?
I dunno about weird, it's an anti cheat program yeah. It's kinda supposed to read your files, I don't see how it would work otherwise
i was told its fishy as
I haven't noticed anything "fishy" about it.
It's not more fishy than Windows 10 itself is.
Yeah. It's pretty intrusive and logs itself permanently into your registry and pings some weird chinese server IP. Up to you if you want to take the risk.
He's referring to the Xigncode anti-cheat tool. Here's the Dev's response: steamcommunity.com
>When Black Desert Online is not running, Xigncode will remain offline
At least it's better than Punkbuster.
source? I don't want any chink shit on my pc
how much is this game like dynasty warriors? I really like dynasty warriors.
It's better than hirezpatcher, fucking had to root that shit out, thought I got it the first time when I noticed it in my tasks last week. People put some jank shit in those downloads.
The combat feels heavier in a good way.
The combat mechanics are better, the enemy density is less.
Graphics are better as well. Not many challenges while grinding though.
Interesting but you can turn your brain off once you get your combos down.
I'm looking forward to the xbone version.
How much PVE is in this game? Just played for line an hour and liked the gameplay but i'm not about pvping or grouping up even
As soon as I put together my newest machine I vowed to never install a single game from Hi-Rez. Anything to keep that cancerous near-malware off my system.
when? Will my save carry over?
Early next year. Don't know the details. I would be surprised if it had any form of cross platform functionality.
99.9% PvE. It's the best way to gain money and how you earn skill points.
If you neglect certain other things, it's a serious detriment, but you can get to a comfortable place and just focus on grinding mobs, which alot of people do.
It fills time nicely since you spend 5-10 minutes running everywhere and there's plenty of mindless tasks to do including "kill 120 catfishmen" and "talk to this NPC that's 15 minutes away". It's also shit as an MMO since there's literally nothing to do with your party except grind and summon bosses (that I know of).
Might be worth 8 bucks just for the character creator and the sightseeing though, since the game's real pretty.
When I uninstall BDO will it take this Xigncode shit off too?
nope, read the post.
You have to fuck with registry files to get it off
>spend 5-10 minutes running everywhere
sounds like the perfect excuse to give you time to stare at your waifu simulations butt
One question ,does it have player housing?
It's heavily PVP based. So at end game it mainly revolves around grinding mobs for money to upgrade shit to kill shit faster so you can grind faster to make money faster to fail upgrades faster.
And unless you have a good PVP guild that participates actively in wars, it's pointless.
>see 1 BDO thread every blue moon
>E3 approaches
>BDO threads happen on daily basis or almost on daily basis
>multiple BDO threads a day literally few days before microsoft's E3
>now 1-2 BDO threads are the norm all over again following the same patterns
Call me tinfoil hat but fuck, something's fishy as fuck
Yes. Have to look around for one that suits you, there's alot of little hovels, but you can find nice big ones in certain locations.
It's on Steam. More visible than whatever ads they were using before.
It's shills, it's always shills. Nobody likes video games anymore, people only come here to shill. Hell, I'm also here for shilling.
sweet, buying.
not sure why it's not 50% off though since it was like a few weeks ago. w/e though it's only 3 more dollars
Is it worth buying the explorer package for 29.99(down from 49.99) or is the game playable/enjoyable with just the base 7.99 game?
I've played since launch and spent probably over $650 on it and it's pure shit. Awful awful game that has barely any redeeming values, requires you to be an autist 100% of the time to be competitive, the community is one of the worst I've ever seen in a MMO and they don't like PVP and they'd rather RP in town all day while sittin gin their big siege guild that doesn't do any sort of PVP outside of 1v1 arenas. The devs are complete shit and they hate open world PVP, they make it worse and worse every patch. The classes are completely unbalanced and Wizards/witches rule all group PVP and they have no intentions of nerfing them or the multitude of unbalanced shit every other class is. The servers are the worst I've ever fucking seen for any MMO and there's constant lag, disconnects, errors, and a myriad of other problems that amaze me more and more each day. The forums are a hugbox and the community treats it like a safe space and its filled with paid shills and do it for free mods. Game is fucking awful and I still play it because I fucking hate myself and want to die.
I am level 61 and just so you know that takes hundreds of hours of grinding. I think I am qualified to talk about the game.
No, it's a bad game. In short, it is a typical korean MMO; there is endless grinding and no end-game content. The PvE is a joke and there are no raids, dungeons, or anything of the like. PvP is a fantastic fuck right now because of server overload. You will die when someone 8 feet away from you does a grab animation. Everything in the game is needlessly complex and the game does not explain much to you. The Black Spirit is the most annoying shit head in any video game and there is no option to mute his "voice."
I only play it to tide me over and wait for Ashes of Creation to come out. I have high hopes for that game.
I would not play BDO except I have a lot invested in it at this time. If I were you, I would try Stormblood, it's probably a better game.
I remember it coming to steam but I don't recall seeing ads for it, I guess I'm out of the loop
I think you should add the word "NEET", considering how much time and dedication you need in this game if you want to see or unlock everything
Is there a support class? I'm craving to play support on a MMO, but ff14 gave me multiple layers of cancer, RO and WoW are, well, it's 2017.
I wouldn't really call Black Desert a sandbox. All the non-combat activities in the game are just a way to gain money or resources to support combat.
The game is a korean grinder with classic korean dick measuring pvp (guy who grinded longer wins) first and foremost
Ignore the literal retards who are somehow entertained by doing extremely simple, repetitive actions for hours on end that will tell you otherwise
8.5/10 t. IGN
There was a guy on Reddit that did nothing but farm grapes for like 6 months in order to make like 1,000,000,000 Silver.
The game can seriously be MMO farmville if you let it turn into that.
I personally do a lot of fishing and trading between cities in my cart.
There's a 7 day free trial you can do to see if you like it, the value pack(s) you get from the other packages are $15 value in themselves.
The problem would be if you didn't like the game and spent more than the minimum, you know.
But honestly the Explorer pack has alot of nice little perks, and with 2 value packs it's actually a really good deal going in.
Whatever you decide, do not claim the extras/use the value packs until you decide on what class you enjoy, you can easily play without them and it'll save you some hassle by holding onto them for a while, at least until you figure things out.
I've played around 10 hours but I just stayed at level 1 and spent most of my time exploring the world, taming horses and taking screenshots. It was fun if I ignored the MMO grinding part of an MMO. I guess I'll go back to Dragon's Dogma.
The grind is hilariously tedious and every enemy is a punching bag that does nothing while you spam the same 3 or 4 skills on it in order to hit 60 to be competitive, then when you do try to finally kill people after RNG dicks you for hours and wastes millions of silver to get all TET upgrades and full best in slot gear, you get gangbanged by 20 people after trying to fight 1. Everything in this game is a grind and the retards who say it's not P2W are fucking amazing and so wrong it hurts. If you don't pay, you don't get 30% more on market sales, 16 less inventory slots, no pets to pick up drops, no free dyes, and no free storage slots. Costumes and other pearl items can be bought in game but good luck beating out the botters and thousands of players bidding on them all at once. Lifeskills are all the exact same thing besides fishing (which is done AFK) and trading (which is done by rolling like a retard in the grass for 100 hours until you hit master 2 so you can make actual money from it by accepting a teleport to the desert with 2000 crates on your character and the nleaving immediately) all the others consist of press R on an object in your house and watching a bar go up after collecting the obligatory materials.
What is a value pack? Some kind of character buff? Is it not just cosmetic stuff?
No. There are two classes that do everything better than every other class and that is Wizard/Witch.
Was this the game where you could make thicc waifus?
Fuck, the search continues
There's not really a "support" class, everyone is and will be combat capable and self-sufficient to varying degrees, but Witch/Wizard and Valkyrie have group heals and buffs that are nice.
>Ignore the literal retards who are somehow entertained by doing extremely simple, repetitive actions for hours on end that will tell you otherwise
I see a Valkyrie, I laugh at a Valkyrie.
No but it has good waifu creation.
It's a whole bunch of extra stuff shoved into a package, +16 inventory space, extra weight limit, free character re-customization. A bunch of conveniences for a month.
You can buy more off the marketplace, people sell them all the time, just need to get lucky and grab them. Some people will claim it's a necessity, but it's just convenient.
no. its pretty much only a face simulator.
not really much you can do with modifying the rest of the body.
It's required to make any progress in this game in any amount of decent time, otherwise you are severely gimped without one.
>Some people will claim it's a necessity, but it's just convenient.
HAHAHAHAHA How far have you gotten without a value pack? Come on, tell me.
Well, it was a nice thread while it lasted, here come all the "P2W" criers.
Oh well shit. Would you or anyone here for that matter happen to remember which character creator allowed you to do that? It was free for a while and then got taken down if I recall correctly.
All it gives you is dyes and inventory space.
Dyes are meaningless and you get plenty of inventory space slots from questing.
Explain to me how this game isn't P2W. I'll wait all day because I'm a NEET who does nothing but play this piece of shit game.
no one is really saying that though you dumb autist.
The biggest problem with this game is that if you don't intend on competing and keeping up with end game there's literally nothing to do. Since there's no direct trading, the market is heavily regulated, and crafted items have lost value BDO is basically a single player game. There's never a need to directly interact with others; you can't even get other people on your wagon.
8 characters to awakening, sitting on a couple hundred million silver, just grinding more skill points nowadays.
I buy value packs off of the market if I can win the bid, but I don't cry about not having one running. I don't know what you think the value pack does, but it doesn't stop me from doing anything by not having it.
>All it gives you is dyes and inventory space.
and 16 storage slots in every city, and a 30% buff on selling marketplace items, have fun selling a 4+million item and missing 30% of that profit while everyone who pays for the value pack gets it. Stop lying, you apologist.
No, you're thinking of Blade and Soul
I made my archer chick thicc as fuck and she didnt start that way by default, dunno what you're talking about.
>8 characters at 56 with only a few million silver
Oh god user, thanks for the laugh. tell me how you enjoy this game when you have two characters at 60 with over 2 billion in liquid assets + many more in crates. The game is rigged for autists and you will get nowhere if you don't dedicate yourself to it and buy every little thing to get ahead.
I've never missed that tiny amount in the sea of millions, perhaps you should work harder to sell more profitable items instead of trying to pinch every penny.
but you can in this one too
... There's a height, tits slider, ass slider, you can control the length of each limb individually, there is a hips sliders, there is a muscularity slider, and you can pose your character.
But I don't care about that, and what does the value pack have to do with me grinding to level 60 and earning billions?
Is it you who you're referring to? Are you saying you played that much and are upset that you wasted your life on these nonexistent achievements?
I'm saying you're a child that knows nothing about this game because you've played it for two months max while I've played since launch and think you have the right to tell anyone about its quality.