Two new interviews with Takahashi.
GameSpot interview:
Gamekult interview (translated):
Two new interviews with Takahashi.
GameSpot interview:
Gamekult interview (translated):
lol weeb garbage
>He's clearly hot-blooded (nekketsu) like a character in a shônen manga but he's also older than he looks
> he's been a Salvager for many years, helping the lost souls in the universe of Arst
so that's why he sounds like he's thirty in the dub
shut the fuck up and go back to your retarded circlejerk website
> characters had more facial expressions. Masatsugu Saito's character design is a way to make the protagonists more expressive
>About the amount of places you will be able to discover and explore, I think we will go far beyond what Xenoblade X proposed
>the Titans. The player will traverse entire regions, towns and dungeons on the back of those gigantic monsters. The exploration on those creatures will be seamless. We could have made it so that going from one titan to another was seamless too
>you can count on a lot of Blades, and all have their own skill tree, their own traits and even their own personality which makes them unique. As a result, it's possible to customize your character to adapt to various situations and various playstyles
So better graphics, bigger world, more variety to the combat, have affinity system like always.
Wow it's almost like it's a xenoblade game and everyone was bitching for nothing.
Takahashi is saying that the game will be about how Rex is becoming an adult, so imo he's ~16
Can't wait for this game desu
>Have you spent much time playing virtual reality games, and if so have any in particular stood out to you?
>Yes, I have spent a little bit of time playing VR. I guess the most impressive is maybe adult entertainment, but that's not video games.
He's fucking based desu
I'm nowhere near as hyped as I was for XBC or X
>I think we will go far beyond what Xenoblade X proposed
O-oh my...takahashi senpai
Yes more blades, I like the alien guys shown
I really don't get what this image is trying to say. Also, it's "Xeno" games, not "Xenoblade".
Did they cover her legs?
And a more childish story for a bigger audience
PS2 model faces look better than every xenoblade iteration faces
What's so hard to understand? Are you blind?
God X had horrible faces
Fuck off.
you're on fucking Sup Forums, a board filled with sad neets and angry neck beards who complain about the lack of tiddies in a vidya game.
what did you fucking expect.
The story sounds pretty mature actually. The writing in Xeno games are always relatively mature. I don't mean "blood and guts", I just mean that the games are mature in that they're not insecure to have a younger looking protag. It's like Pikmin, the game looks vibrant and "childish", but are mature in that they're not pretentious in trying to be so edgy and "mature".
>hating reddit just because everyone else hates it
Go away newfag
Christ the Xenosaga art style was such a hot mess
You're not being serious, right?
Are you? Don't pretend you liked X's potato faces or XC's(the only good looking ones outta the bunch were reyn and sharia)
XC2 is nu animu style they have these days but still better than xc and x
everyone was whining about the anime style of XC2 but when you compare them, it honestly looks the best
Why don't you read the article and find out?
Alright I won't pretend I like them.
It said nothing about that
Gtfo, I hate reddit because the system of downvotes/upvotes bring no discussion to the table so everyone is just sucking each other.
Is that what you were told?
Maybe they could do a sequel of Xenoblade Chronicles X and be like a 3rd person shooter RPG ala Mass Effect
They could probably do a much better job on it
I actually don't mind the anime style of XC2. They might as well try to simplify and stylize more if it's easier for their modelers to handle.
I just wish the MC wasn't wearing chaps
>not trying to be edgy
Watch the e3 trailer
also bath scene wew very mature, come on dude from what we've seen it look like a typical garbage shonen series.
What the fuck is edgy about the E3 trailer?
No why would you say that?
Check r/anime for example, constant circlejerk and no discussion other than "haha so sexy" "best anime !!!".
When someone try to criticize a subject it instantly get downvoted.
>"haha so sexy" "best anime !!!"
So literally Sup Forums?
> characters had more facial expressions. Masatsugu Saito's character design is a way to make the protagonists more expressive
>About the amount of places you will be able to discover and explore, I think we will go far beyond what Xenoblade X proposed
>the Titans. The player will traverse entire regions, towns and dungeons on the back of those gigantic monsters. The exploration on those creatures will be seamless. We could have made it so that going from one titan to another was seamless too
>you can count on a lot of Blades, and all have their own skill tree, their own traits and even their own personality which makes them unique. As a result, it's possible to customize your character to adapt to various situations and various playstyles
This confirms the game is pretty much GOTY.
you're not wrong
But I want to play it now!
It's good that they're not making the cloud sea traversable since it's literally going to be filled with nothing but clouds. I'm guessing one of the devs played or worked on Skyward Sword, and exploring the sky must have left a bad taste in his mouth
>The bulge
Is pink panties transitioning?
well since Sup Forums is becoming more and more popular some redditors migrated to Sup Forums
just go check and see how many re zero threads are made everyday, Sup Forums and reddit are both garbage
Lets not ignore the fact that Sup Forums is also garbage.
Forget fucking Breath of the Wild. Xenoblade 2 has already got it beat. There's only so far a physics engine can take you.
i mean yh Sup Forums hate everything but it's still the best gaming forum out there
and i love you guys
No shit. Sup Forums is a hundred times worse than Sup Forums when it comes to average discussion quality. Which is sad as fuck, since videogame discussions can get way deeper than manga and anime ones.
>a newfag calling others me What
Listen kid, most newfags left for other imageboards during the first exodus. 8ch, endchan, wizchan, lainchan and so forth. Some of us only come back to see the sorry state of Sup Forums since we left. You're a perfect example of why this place is garbage. There's a reason you guys are called cuckchan by every other imageboard.
> Sup Forums is a hundred times worse than Sup Forums when it comes to average discussion quality
Wait what, in the latest xenoblade threads we discussed quite a lot about the game itself.
Sup Forums on the other hand lmao, you can't call "best girl XDD" discussion.
fuck you faggot
I love you too
Can we see a picture of Elma in a bikini?
>Check r/anime
>he checked an anime discussion area
Seriously where the fuck is it
>he's talking on a weeb imageboard
lmao get a life
I'm talking about the entire board. Half the threads here are shitposts, baiting, and waifushit. That's more waifushit that even Sup Forums has on average.
>Wow it's almost like it's a xenoblade game and everyone was bitching for nothing.
B-b-but muh weebshit character design!!!11!!11!
>mfw of all of these the first Xenoblade is the one that actually looks worse
On Rex.
You forgot your image
Wii hardware and huge openworld does that to a man
> Masatsugu Saito's character design is a way to make the protagonists more expressive
Oh boy I wonder what the "he's just a hentai artist" and the "pyra's boobs are too big for her age" faggots are saying right now.
I still don't see what's the point of this pic
>we want the kids audience
oh boy this is gonna be horrible
>he wants the kids audience
>so he hires an hentai artist
He does want to expand to new audiences but its certainly not the kids. It's the weebs who come for the tits, stay for the plot.
Why can't we have a badass female Nopon sidekick for once?
They already did with the first Xenoblade, it can only get better from hereon out
How about no mascots like xenosaga
It wouldn't sell and die just like Xenosaga
I hope Pyra becomes a regular in nintendo's girls.
I want weeb trash to burn and die but where is shulk and the monado
She's probably a one off. Elma is more of a regular because XCX ending is sequel bait.
>look up the character artist's lewds
>find out they did one with muh waifu
I am conflicted
I mean, Fire Emblem, ARMS, and BotW are still one-offs. That doesn't really change much.
he forgot to add "Hold the fuck up"
can confirm, i'm only here for the sword
>the world is bigger than xcx, it's just that they instanced the zones instead of putting them together like xcx
How the fuck did they make this game so quick?
Are there two teams at monolithsoft with Takahashi directing both of them at once?
They don't have to make a new engine from the ground up like they did with X, and Takahashi's said they started work on this when X was close to being done.
Fuck Konosuba for making it a Megumin fap fest.
>Are there two teams at monolithsoft with Takahashi directing both of them at once?
They got used to the XCX HD engine and started working on XC2 right away.
i seriously doubt anyone bought XC or XCX based off nopons
not in the party
>pyra's boobs are too big for her age
Someone actually said that? We don't even know her age, for one thing (though she looks like she could be anywhere from mid-teens to early 20s to me).
Though if she's old enough to have boobs in the first place, those are hardly an unbelievable size. They're definitely noticeable, but on the smaller end of "big".
>No Xenogears faces on this chart
They're all in-game faces. What would be the point of putting a bunch of sprites on there?
Fucking gross
Because he is cherrypicking. But good that it works for idiots like you.
It's not cherrypicking when it's a straight up shot of character's faces you dumb piece of shit
I'm going to post this everyday until you like it
>shota with zr and spandex bodysuit
Only a fool wouldn't like it.
>picks literally the worst faces with the worst expressions
>tries to make X2 look good
Bein this retarded lol.
>their own personality
what the fuck my weapon better not be a needy bitch in heat
what are you, gay?
So he literally cucks his fanbase by pandering to Japan.
>cherrypicking the image
every time.