ITT: we post the shittiest enemies in games.
fuck them
git gud fgt
If you put these fuckers in your map, fuck you. Worst Quake enemy.
Doom 2 Archviles.
Anyone who has a slaughter wad and places them in the middle of the room of Agitated Skeletons, fuck you.
Rabid Stalkers. Hate these assholes.
jump diagonally
Fuck these things
Casual spotted
>when you hear the thunder of their hooves and know that another challenging dank ass fight is about to go down
Dodging these motherfuckers without even looking at them is the greatest. Or using their projectiles to weaken other enemies.
Even with the tactic the game explains to you to fight these nigger they've stayed utterly unpredictable for me.
Don't /thread your own post you massive faggot.
the faggot is you, you triggered sperg
that is a nice city you have...
fuck these faggots
bullfangos too
The difference between Archvilles and Spawns is that Archvilles are actually cool and fun to fight.
Spawns hop around looking like a bad mod that isn't working properly, completely out of place in the game, and all they do is make you waste shit tons of ammo trying to hit them while occasionally getting slivers of life shaved off you and then the fuckers inevitable explode on you.
wot gaem
You can't even run by them w/ out getting fucked.
even with multiple fatman nukes he still eventually caught up to me and punched me to death
Those are nothing