So, how long until stormblood raid opens?

So, how long until stormblood raid opens?
Also typical lalafag

July 4th for Normal
July 18th for Savage

Learn to google you fucks.

2 weeks for normal.
4 weeks for savage.

Fork is the only correct answer.


>would rather all die than actually fight
>footnote in the main story
>only get a single shitty bubble town and the worst dungeon in the expansion

>awesome nomadic warriors
>so badass the empire won't fuck with them
>an entire arc of the main story revolves around them
>have an entire zone, piles of sidequests, tons if lore, and one of the best dungeons ever
>even have custom NPC dialog

Must feel bad to be an aquatic slut right now.

We have now seen an entire expansion without seeing a single Ascian except for a short stinger towards the end.

What are they up to? Every notable ascian we've met so far is stone dead with the exception of Elidibus, but there's more of them out there and they must have been planning something while we were busy beating up the garleans.

Xaela players are getting to Lala player levels of obnoxious
>every player character looks like an edgy cancer patient
>makes every effort to shit on "the opposition" every thread because of their own inferiority complex, further enabled by the fact that the game took you to azim steppe
None of the other fucking races even exhibits this kind of autistic behavior.

2 weeks
>there are people who already poopsocked all the content and asking "w-what do i do now?"
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>liberate huge city of ala mhigo
>can't even go inside it except by repeating the dungeon
makes liberating it just feel empty

I have a question regarding BRD for those who already got it to lvl 70 and feel like they have a good handle on how the class is played. I just got Refulgent Arrow, so do I use Refulgent Arrow everytime I get Straighter Shot proc? Or do I use regular Straight Shot with the proc when the timer with Critical Hit Rate buff is below 1-3 seconds? Also do you guys use Barrage with Refulgent Arrow or do you guys keep using it with Empyrael Arrow?

shit, I feel like I play too much and I'm barely gonna hit 70 today.

Dunno how poopsockers do it

quick question, if I do frontline roulette for the tomes, and then switch to a lower level character to get exp, will I still get tomes?

/ourguy/ only shows up for 2 scenes

>Must feel bad to be an aquatic slut right now.
Better than being a generic niggerscale.


>he doesn't play dragoon
>he missed out on the DOUBLE DRAGONFIRE DIVE

>Due to SB, the lizard waifushitters finally turn on each other

Why did we only get to summon Bahamut as a Summoner for 70?

It would have been far better if even if it was just vanity it would summon ANY of the primals to do their big attack.

How much do I need fishing for the Ixal tribe quests? I don't really want to pick up fishing if I don't have to, but if there's lots of fishing involved I will

>We have now seen an entire expansion without seeing a single Ascian except for a short stinger towards the end.
And thank fucking christ for that.
>What are they up to?
>they must have been planning something while we were busy beating up the garleans
Probably some half-assed story that be resolved quickly and with little fanfare, like every other Ascian subplot so far.

>can summon bahamut
>completely shits out damage, beaten only be SAM

typical SMN

Sea wolves or hellsguard femroe?
I need opinions

Grynewaht didn't deserve that

I want to visually use all summons though.

So, why don't ou raid tomb of sargeras right now?

You didn't even need SB for that. They have been bickering at each other for the longest time even though back then the only fucking difference was the scale color. The Xaela group is significantly more aggressive and mentally ill about it though. Literally all it takes is for a person (who isn't even necessarily a lizard player) to say "i like raen" and they erupt like a volcano.
Then again what do you expect from a clan that looks like a bunch of edgelords?

Why are people so shit at Susano EX?


So we're all in agreement that Magnai and Sadu are the best new characters?



You don't get to summon primals for lore reasons, end of story.


you need fishing lvl 1.

it's extremely trivial

>royal menagerie

It's like all my namedays are looking grim at Carteneau, don't they

You just need to be able to equip a fishing rod to do the two fishing quests (in different tiers), and you can ignore the quest and do some other one from a lower tier NPC if you want to. There is also four other quests for the other gatherer classes (two for botanist and two for miner).
If there is a level requirement, it is probably level 13 since it is the highest required for crafter classes (ixali quests have very low level requirements, unlike the other ARR tribes).

Probably players doing their first ex primal after hearing it was easy.


Is for guests only

Even after it's revealed that we can temper them?

Time to find a new god

>started botting pvp for that easy xp
>watching bot for a bit
>realizing all the other botters who are on my team too

I wouldn't have even known if I didn't start doing it too

I have the other gathering classes, but I don't really want to grab fishing at the moment unless there are multiple quests and require higher level fishing later on. I may just ignore the fishing quests and replace them with the delivery quest instead.

They didn't say because there is only one way steak should be cooked

I don't know if I've EVER seen a character death flag as hard as this motherfucker. It makes me glad he lives in the end.

Primals literally kill the world faster just by existing. You're never going to get to summon them yourself, end of story.

Primal-egis already exist as a lore-kosher alternative for summoning. There is literally zero reason to not make egis be capable of working in a similar fashion as Demi-Bahamut.

I don't have a static.

>Due to extreme server load, you were unable to leave this area. Please try again later.

That is in no way a death flag user.

After all the complaining you faggots have done, you didn't even deserve Bahamut. I hope they never give you any other summons.

Guys, I am going to get into this game with my brother, but some questions. I clicked on free demo for now, but how long is this demo usually for and will it be saved or will all my things be erased if I want to purchase it.

Also is it ok if i start off buying only the starter pack first and then buy heavensward/storm blood after i complete the starter pack or is it better to just buy the whole complete set?

Also which server should we start in.

>be a flamecuck
>old frontlines
>didn't do too badly, 50% first place/last place rate
>new frontlines
>1W5L on the first week
what the fuck happened

Dps rankings

I honestly wish the Ascians would fuck off, they're such shit villains. At least the Garleans have a little depth; they want to control the primal threat and control the savages, I get that.


is tanking in this game difficult? or am I just being anxious over nothing.

>japanese title is "crimson liberator", pretty clear reference to main story character
>english title is stormblood

>sam higher at lower ilvl

surely getting bahamut and being 2nd best dps in the game will keep SMN from bitching, right?

no, it's not. I tank constantly, and it's fucking easy. I don't get why people are so afraid to do it.

If mother crystal wins world will be destroyed by light
And unlike world that was destroyd by void/dark, light doesn't leave any life


When is new housing available for purchase?

What the fuck are these even based on? MCH always the had the lowest personal DPS in HW, but that's when not counting raid buff+mechanics, they were always showing up in the top of the charts for because creator favored their mobility.

Marry Hime
Fuck Fish
Kill Lyse

This show is so fucking good, do you know a similar one I could watch ? I especially loved the humour


Literally the best character in Stormblood. I hope it's not the last we see of him.

Truly the only solution is to kill Hydaelyn AND Zodiark, so that the world can be free from their bullshit.

Best girl.

Yes? It's not unusual for classes to use lower ilevel accessorizes that complement their stats better, higher ilevel isn't always better you idiot.

Susano ex

Can someone tell me why DRK is shit now? I liked them in heavensward and just resubbed

Could try Black Books or Spaced.

>meaningless numbers parsed on the A12S SSS dummy for 1:20 tops
Wow it's fucking nothing.
Source: JP twatter.

Blame NA, they kind of take offense to that title due to historic reasons.

>the game allows you to play as a cowboy
>awesome, I fucking love cowboys, sign me the fuck up
>"Sure thing pardner, here's your helmet and spear"
>wtf this isn't a cowboy, cowboys have ten-gallon hats and guns
>"Dude what's wrong you wanted to be a cowboy and now you're playing a cowboy, stop complaining"
>this isn't a fucking cowboy stop pretending it is one
>"Alright fine, geez, talk about entitled"
>guy takes back my helmet and gives me a ten-gallon hat
>still have my spear
>"The hat is nice and all but I still want my gun, cowboys use guns, not spears

>class plays like shit but its ok because they parse high

The free trial is forever till level 35, you can still play, but you can't go past level 35. You can use your free trial character after you sign up/purchase. As for the second half, I think that's up to you. I personally am waiting till I'm done with ARR before I get the other expansions.

>If mother crystal wins then..
Source; Literally the Ascians, which is exactly why the WoD story was so fucking retarded.

>mfw nin is second highest melee now

At least it isn't a food metaphor

they arent shit.

they're just way squishier overall than PLD, so why play them.

only fatties use those

No, this is more akin to you wanting to play a cowboy, getting your gun and hat, complaining that you want a rifle, them giving you a rifle, and then you saying "Yeah but I want a Gatling gun"

>switched to samurai
>figured every content would be better lore wise since it's samurai land and the main villain is a turbo weeboo
>turns out we have best boy having jumping action

now I want to go back to dragoon

Thanks for proving my point you whiny fuck.

>Source; Literally the Ascians

But it was the warrior of darkness who confirmed that shit and while they worked for them they weren't sucking darkness dick for no reason like they were.

>taking any parses seriously
>when the only content where it's relevant isn't even out yet

No seriously, why does every give a shit about these numbers? They'll never matter to you, play what you fucking want

>marrying a broken woman
marrying yugiri is probably the least shitty option out of those 3

>garleans leave the steppes alone because they are "harsh"
>but khangz mountains infected by giant grasshoppers are appealing to them

>mfw just found out Heir's Ear is le meme misspelling man's version for "Eorzea"


Couldn't you just rewatch the scene in your inn room while on Dragoon and get the same result?

Should I buy the 310 weapon to do Susano EX, or is the 290 enough? I dont wanna buy it if im just gonna replace it this soon

Its a tiny step in the right direction and at the cost of the job being clunkier and more focused on boring windows of DPS. They need to just gut ACN from the ground up.

Those are just PS4 players dummy.

>WoD confirmed it
Yea they literally just believed the Ascians lies, and lo and behold Hydlyn says she'll fix everything and they blindly believe that too.

WoD's where fucking retarded and got played for fools
>Hey guise we beat the ascians
>Oh shit ascians say that us beating them doomed out world
>Welp, better go do their bidding and fuck shit up in some other world
>Oh hey a light crystal says she'll fix the issue of there being too much of her influence in one place, I guess fixing light with more light makes sense.... right?
>What were we doing here again?

>been a ao ra as soon as possible because I always loved being a lizard in every game
>ao ra exist for no reason
>SB comes
>there's just some underwater tribe

so ao ra exists just for scalie waifus, there's no other reason?

Estinien is part of the 60-70 DRG questline, doofus.

Source being the fucking people who came from a world without Darkness and is being consumed by Light just like the fourteenth was consumed by Darkness. It's literally just the plot from FF3 where the world needs a balance of Light and Dark.