100% Orange Juice Summer Update 1.19.1

Orange_Juice are jews! JEWS!

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>The summer heat is making Poppo multiply - expect more Poppo sightings.


What the fuck is this game? Looks weeb as fuck.
Should I buy it?

no this game sucks, don't buy it

Oh yeah, this game exists.
I haven't played in years.

Newfag/summerfag ,fuck off.

It is really rare that devs care for their games
I wish them luck, they are good people

But they still haven't released AoS2

You got my interest.
I love weebshit, I don't see the problem.


It stops gold chest from spawning!

Going by the plushie votes, Red Barrel characters are unpopular as fuck. Not even Marc can crack the top 10 and she's one of the main characters.

Watching anime doesn't make you weeb. Speaking japanese everyday while saying that you want to become asian does.

Wait what?

The field event.

I don't understand why you are calling me a newfag/summerfag when you don't seem to know that everyone here uses "weeb" for anything anime or even japanese related.
Who cares, just tell me what's the appeal of this game?

Why am i not surprised that you are an ironic weeb

It's old as fuck and only has one game to its franchise. Barely anyone has actually played it.

I don't get why you're being so defensive, but sure mate.

So whatever happened to the threads of people playing this game?

because most OJ players are ironic nuweebs and only like nuweeb characters

Rocking_Android are fucking cunts for not releasing Red Barrel on Steam.

There is now a 1 minute timer on the deck creation in public lobbies. If the timer runs out, remaining decks are filled at random and game starts.

>Faggot ends the game before getting the chest

What is this game? Should I buy it? I always thought it was just a mario party ripoff with cute girls.

>Play this game for the first time in like 50 years
>Join a public room after finding one with a name that didn't make me cringe to death
>Literally everyone using that new NoName guy

that's exactly what it is, but it also doesn't even have minigames

>dumb weebs can't even explain their dumb weeb games
color me not surprised


>CPU get a golden chest.
What's the deal with the new update anyway?

>850 KB update
>Won't download
>Every time it does, it processes for ~1 minute and then returns to waiting to download

So it's just an online board game? Interesting. Does it move faster than mario party at least?

Marc is the cutest out of all of them though.
Also the most skilled despite the lack of physical strength.

By a lot.

Restart your computer. If that doesn't work, uninstall the game and download it again.

Who'd you vote for in the plushie poll?
>Star Breaker

Honestly sounds good to me. Does it have chat?

I verified integrity, it found nothing wrong, but afterward, the update downloaded just fine. Thanks tho.

Yes. It's also only $2 so you don't got much to lose by trying it.

a lot faster, yeah. games are usually like 10-15 minuted unless faggots are being slow and not paying attention

>lack of physical strength
say that to my rocket when I'm raining down megatons of freedom on your cities

>tfw this is the only game in my steam account and I only made an account to play this game
>last time I played it was last year in early winter
What happened since


Summer Salt
1 more

She personally is just a little girl.
Compared to superhuman killing machines like Suguri, she is very weak. Her power comes from external weaponry like her plane or bombs.


And I forget my last vote, it was either Sugu or Sora IIRC.

Let's fix that.
Here's Flying Red Barrel with my save file that I didn't even bother deleting. Please don't judge.
Also it's got Japanese but the gameplay is all there, please enjoy.

I'm working on it.

this isn't true

>Fernet stuck in last place only beating the male characters

a lot of gay shit like dailies, premium currency, and loot crates. some shitty new characters as dlc

oj has changed

We TF2 now.

But I'm not not for just playing anime games sometimes ,you goddamn autistic fucktard.
Then why Dak souls threads never get the same treatment for being a jap game?

why is the menu theme so fucking comfy?

Sounds gay, nevermind I guess I quit at a good time.


I'm not a weeb and I fucking love it
It's unironically fun as fuck if you actually have friends to play it with


because dark souls is accepted by the Sup Forumseddit hivemeind

It's not as bad as it sounds.
You have daily challenges. Doing them nets you oranges. You use oranges to buy crates which give you special cosmetics like extra colours or lobby poses, or other cosmetics. You can't buy oranges with real money either.
The only real gay thing is that they changed the store interface and it looks real shitty now.

Official Saki Fanclub

Sounds to me like the most plausible answer, most people have the mindset
Watching half episode of dragon ball for the first time = full blown weeb that wants to become Japanese and hates his country

Needs 1

Sorry Space Jam, maybe later.

menu is in english though

Dragon Ball (Z) is also very widely accepted by "normalfags". they don't consider it weeb because they watched it on toonami as a kid

Idk. I remember wanting to buy Star Breaker and Sweet Breaker but I forgot about the game after the Christmas event.

This all sounds terrible. Why change a simple but perfectly fine thing?

It didn't really change a whole lot though. It's just sorta there.

Do you hate your friends? If so buy a 4 pack and play with them for a couple of rounds and they won't be friends anymore.

What are some games by OJ worth picking up?

The Suguri games and Sora
QP Dangerous and X-mas Scramble
200% is ok, although you'd be getting it for the multiverse shenanigans.

Fruitbat Factory only publishes things, but if you like catgirls like Yuki they recently put out a game called Neko Navy that has an an unlockable catgirl

is there a weeb game that lets me just be cute ?

go bad to reddit fag

>Didn't read the announcement
>Can't check the group page because summer sale is fucking up the steam servers

you'll never be cute
but there are some where you can play as a cute girl, yeah

Most glasses are kinda lame but some of them look okay I guess

Try checking the news page for the game, that works for me.

b-b-b-b-but I have feminine dick ;)

Friendly reminder that you can win games without cheap and/or overpowered DLC characters in a 100% RNG based game if you are skilled enough.

Newfriend to OJ, are these threads the only place to look when it comes to Sup Forums lobbies or is there anywhere else people use?

New lobby

Sup Forums juice steam group is where most of the consistent action takes place. these threads are much less frequent than the posts there

1 more

can I have a link to the group? Steam changed its group browser and it's cancer now


holy fuck whats up with all this weeb garbage on Sup Forums lately

>threads have been on and off for years

Also you are on a japanese image board, reddit is down the hall.


Lurk more. OJ threads have been an on/off thing for years.

Fernet is best girl

Reddit is that way, you opened the wrong website to whine about anime stuff.

Blame steam for porting all the VN and comiket games.

this is a Sup Forums site, anime fags should stay in their containment board Sup Forums, also if you like anime you are a redditor


>Hating weeb games
Seems like Sup Forums doesn't like good games.


epic reaction images, sure summer is here

hell yeah nigger get used to

well, duh, june is usually when summer starts