Do you play your 3DS in public, Sup Forums?
Do you play your 3DS in public, Sup Forums?
Yes ,i do ,because strangers generally don't give a shit about me unless i directly disturb them in some way.
I don't play my 3DS at all.
>whip out 3DS on train
>5 girls instantly rush up to me and try to suck my dick
wow thanks for lying to me, quentin
Who are the diamond dogs?
>tfw you actually miss Quentin
Sup Forums was never particularly good but the fact that I actually miss a tripfag shows how much worse this board has gotten.
>I beat up kids
how brave
>strangers generally don't give a shit about me
as far as you know
I'm 6'4" and jacked. I dare anyone to criticize me for playing my 3DS in public. I would humiliate them and leave them to a die in a pool of their own blood, I almost hate people who judge others as much as I hate my dad.
>No Bing Bing WAHOO
I feel a little offended, to be honest.
Quentin of Doxx'd'erino > Quentin Tarentino
pic related?
Ive been doing Bodybuilding for 10 years and can get away with anything. When you are hot/shredded you could take a shit in public and people would applaud you
yeah that's kinda what it's designed for
>I'm 6'4" and jacked
>still harbors resentment against others and his father like a teenage girl
They're from MLP
I haven't got 3ds but I have NOKIA and I also play a Nokia's game in public,so people's reaction is also..for example like those girls at lunch or in bus..This is consequences of being geek.
Why does Quentin get so butthurt over the 3DS but not the PSP/Vita?
I'm literally a 9/10
I can get away with anything, even vomiting in public, I once threw up inside a bus and ended up getting a girl's number.
Quentin was a loser, and his projections laughably sad.
Bullshit they made Francine darker.
Because nobody owns or plays either.
i used to. but before Quentin was framed, i told him i had a problem with playing my vidya in public. he recommended me some philosophy to read in public, and made me an honorary member of the Diamond Dogs.
the organization may now be defunct, but Quentin changed my life. rather than play with children's toys in public, i read philosophy. i suggest other Sup Forumsirgins try it. you may even meet a woman.
You'd think he'd mention handhelds in general and not just a specific system.
>Giving a solitary fuck about strangers opinions
As long as you don't play at max volume, they shouldn't care.
I'm 25, 72 kilograms for 178 cms., i wash everyday, i'm pretty confident but quiet and wear casual stuff, i play the 3ds sometimes on the train on the way to work and back home and i don't think older people care enough about what i do, thay have problems of their own to stop and judge a stranger when they don't even know him. Try going out sometimes.
Nobody owns a PS vita
Now imagine what a 10/10 can do.That's actually Quentin being.
Daily Reminder smoking weed and playing video games is a real drag on every one who has to play with you.
>implying Quentin was butthurt
The reason he chose the 3DS as a target was because it had the easiest fanbase to target. Nintenbabbies get incredibly defensive whenever someone questions them and it guaranteed him replies. Quentin was a master of shitposting, an art that has become lost over these past few years.
Meant to reply to this guy
Yes. First year in Uni and was suprised at how many qt asian girls also played 3DS. Street passed with one constantly for two weeks before finally meeting her on a train back to the dorm. before that we exchanged personal messages via Streetpass that involved heavy flirting. We talked about how funny it was to actaully meet eacother after two weeks. She was playing SMTIV and just started small talking. Too keep the story short. We ended up hooking up and had sex pretty regularly that whole semester. She was an out of towner though so I haven't seen her in a month.
Even chad warden was a better troll than Quentin, the CLT wannabe.
handhelds were created for the sole purpose of being comfy in bed
How come he's playing his 3DS and eating lunch in the bottom left panel after he was fired, so peacefully?
>she's been avoiding me ever since
This. Sony fags just jealous girls don't play their shitty systems. I don't even like Nintendo but I got a 3DS just so it would be easier for me to hit on girls.
I'm a stonerfag and this is true. Your reflexes and timing is all fucked so you're 100% useless for online twitch shooters. Best stick to chill single player games like Kirby
I don't own a 3DS as I'm not a child or japanese.
Well, i hope you enjoy the life of an insecure faggot too scared to do anything and that cannot stand for himself.
We are in the same major program. So we go to the same school and take the same classes. I'll see her come fall.
OP is just jealous he never had any bros to play Monster Hunter with.
>replying to a sad shitposter that cares about what others do
I'm not really out in public all that much. I don't really get a chance too. I don't use public transit, it's not like I'm always waiting in line at the MVD. The only time I'm in line is when I'm making the deposits for work but the bank is pretty quick.
I do play my 3DS at work when I have downtime which is 90% of my day but any time I have a customer come in a clap it shut and set it aside until the customer leaves or goes into the arcade or theater.
The fact that Quentin still triggers Nintenbros to this day despite not posting here for a long time is proof of his legacy. Chad was a glorified e-celeb.
>Your reflexes and timing is all fucked so you're 100% useless for online twitch shooters
That's why you drink when you play FPS. Just the right amount relaxes you enough to keep your aim steady and your reflexes tight.
Why did Quentin hate the 3DS so much?
>Sup Forums
People who make fun of people playing vidoe games in public are sad lonley losers who haven't left their house in 20 years. Everyone at school has a 3DS and everyone on Train or Bus rides have a 3DS, and no they aren't fat neckbeards or children. They are mostly hipster looking or DUDE WEED folk.
Nobody gets triggered by some loser that cares too much about what others do, but his dickriders love to pretend that ever happens.
You are dickriding the tripfag wannabe of a tripfag, you're less than nothing.
Did someone say Barneyfag?
>tfw try to get all my friends into Monster Hunter
>No one is interested
>Only manage to get one to sit down and play it
>He powers through for a bit than falls in love with it
>He gets so crazy about it his girlfriend starts to hunt too and she fucking loves it
>4U gets announced for the 3DS
>They get all hype
>4U release comes around
>They simply aren't interested in MonHun anymore
>tfw LoneHunta
>People who make fun of people playing vidoe games in public are sad lonley losers who haven't left their house in 20 years
You're partly right. Quentin was a confirmed friendless loser that barely spoke but he was still in high school.
>High white socks with ratty ass sneakers and shorts
I dont fucking get it. Why is this the cornerstone of every autist wardrobe. Its so fucking prevalent but they cant be doing it on purpose right?
You know how I know you don't read philosophy? Because you somehow think women will come to you if you're reading philosophy in public. Playing the most autistic weeb shit possible in a Kingdom Hearts 3DS has a bigger chance of landing you at least a otaku fat whale than I don't know, Critique of Pure Reason.
>laski z polskich busów
When watchmen came out it brought out the best in Sup Forums. I miss it
>being this mad
>Quentin can still get (You)'s in 2017