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>Yup, this was a misquote. We’re running sub 60 FPS at 4K and we’ll probably always be unless we drop livetrack and a host of other things… We’ll probably upscale from something very reasonable.
>We won't give a 1080p60fps locked option because we want 4K dynamic rendering meme
surely no one expected this!
No pc is doing 4k 60 fp for 500 dollars either.
>console game developers are moving right on to 4K when most of them still can't maintain 60fps at 1080p
The future is looking grim.
>"Actually, that was a misquote, we can't get the game running at 4k60 on this machine."
do you really think they would be allowed to release the game on xbonex, ps4, and pc and have only the ps4 version be the only one running at 30fps? of course they would sacrifice the xbox version too just to make them see like equal products. you should be playing it on pc anyway
>D-Destiny isn't 4k60 because PS4 Pro
>P-Project Cars 2 isn't 4k60 because PS4 Pro
>A-Anthem won't be 4k60 because PS4 Pro
Jesus christ, at some point you're just going to have to admit that maybe the console just isn't powerful enough to pull off 4k60 without nuking the visuals.
This release reminds me of Windows vista on OEM computers with 512gb of ram and a shitty pentium processor
Spencer did mention that the X has ability to do it. Hes will not be forcing devs to do the same.
Why don't they just focus on 1440p ultra settings 60fps 2xmsaa 16x AF.
I feel like this is the obvious target for these """powerful"""" consoles. Not just jacking up resolution as high as they can.
Every single modern console and PC has the ability to output at 4k60, it's not a question of whether it can do it, it's a question of whether it can do it in demanding games.
No one brags about playing Minecraft at 4k60 because a laptop with an Iris Pro could do that.
Oh wait...
4k is a meme both PC fags and console fags are responsible for
He also said that all first party games (not third party games) will be native 4K, something everyone always seems to miss.
i advocated the pc version numbnuts
What does that have to do with what I said?
They want people to buy 4k televisions.
They tried to push 3Dtv and virtual reality as the next big thing and it didn't work. 4k is the next meme technology they're hoping will catch on.
Well, pretty much every micr tv is 4k anyway. And you'd still need 4k support to run 1440p, it's not like they sell in between TVs.
The fuck is even 4K?
A display resolution.
Moar pixels.
4x 1080p
4K=4,000 times the amount of pixels per square millimeter per second
why the fuck would you want to play a movie game anyway? the worst pixar movie at that.
I can't tell if this is bait or a bad joke.
it's superfluous as fuck to me, like 3D
consoles should stop struggling to maintain the next meme res
even 720p is still fine
I'm running 5K downscaled to 2K
Why the fuck would you buy a second 1080ti before a nice 4k display?
because this isn't out yet dummy
>buying overpriced Asus shit from the same chinese factory as Acer
I'm still pretty impressed by the 1080 Ti.
We've hit a point where GPU tech is progressing so much faster than display tech that you have to downsample from 8k to make 2 1080 Tis drop to 30 FPS or below in most games.
Because practically nobody hooks their console up to a 1440p monitor, and TVs only come in 1080p or 4k, no in between. IMO this whole console.5 bullshit is too early. Sony and Microsoft should have just made their consoles more powerful from the start so that they could handle 1080p better (say, between 2 and 3 teraflops) and then put out 4k consoles as actual next gen systems when the time was right.
>Some Drumpfkin actually compiled a list of all the micro aggressions against their snowflake in chief
The only games that are going to run 4K60FPS on the Xbone X are first party microsoft titles Forza 7 being the only one we have seen so far. 3rd party devs aren't going to waste time on it for what is going to end up being a very small market.
Can you fuck off and take your autistic shit to a different thread?
Thank you.
damn Trump look like *THAT*?
Are you Retared? I'm talking render resolution.
1080p tvs can downsampke and 4k tvs can either natively display 1440p or upsample to 4k.
Also pretty sure Xbox is gonna be iterative from here on out.
Honestly, I doubt most first party games will run at 4k60.
Unless they fucked up Crackdown 3's destruction just so they could get better performance on the XB1X.
IIRC 1440p doesn't actually downsample all that well to 1080p
It does. It's the same aspect ratio.
it's a good joke
>$499 for nogaems and not even 4k
I thought it was funny. Took me a moment though.
I don't k ow why they are pushing this meme so hard.
It's like last generation where games ran at """1080p""" but off the top of my head I can only name one game that did so Ridge Racer 7 (if anyone can get me list that'd be cool).
Instead if just doing actual 1080p this time we are chasing the next memesolution and falling short, again.
>(if anyone can get me list that'd be cool)
There are maybe 30 last gen games that ran at 1080p on PS3/360.
Many of which are PS2/XBOG remasters or indie games.
Pro also has the ability to do 4K. Guess what? Because of fidelity and framerate it'll be very rare.
Admit you got cucked by Uncle Phil again.
4K is actually being pushed primarily by the TV industry, not consoles. And I say this as a PCfag without any particular attachment to consoles
It's a perfect storm of shit
>Paying the extra money for a G-Suck monitor
Its like you are an extra pleb with more money than sense and taste.
>Falling for M$ shills bullshit
Surely no one here expected this crap to pull off 4k or even 60 FPS in demanding games.
Well shit, you got me
both groups are innocent, its the TV panel manufacturers with stock to move
they dont give a shit about the lack of content or the bandwidth required to render it