Party members leaving mid dungeon edition
FFXIV : Stormblood
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I just did that.
Kill yourself.
woah look at that
>fucking no one is running Alexander
Am I gonna be stuck on burden of the father forever.
Is Gosestsu a Roe or not?
Ask your free company!
Goddamn Lakshmi's theme is incredible.
So how did your class turn out
>/xivg/ tier start to the thread
It's happening lads
I passed SSS tests pretty handily on my first try using rotations I pulled out of my own ass
I didn't like nu-DRK at first, but I've grown to enjoy it quite a bit. Blackest Night saved it for me.
>/xivg/ tier
Just because of a screenshot?
WHM main here, couldn't be happier, after all those fucking WHM cuck jokes.
>Hour long queue for DPS
Whats the point of an MMO you cant even play?
What did they do to PvP?
I forgot the g
>Dumbass cats
Yeah you are turning it into /xivg/
Find friends brother, your FC should have some kind tank or healer to get you to the front of the line.
If you're on Balmung, you've got my assistance.
I think you browse /vg/ too much user.
>Start Amalj'aa beast tribe quest
>A half naked cat hanging out with a bunch of big, muscular lizards
Well, I wonder why she is with them
>no topic or question to actually discuss
>cat screenshot
fuck off cunt
Boosted my character to level 60 PLD and did the full story skip on Omega. Can someone please help me out and tell me how to tank? Did a duty roulette leveling, got Cutter's Cry, and complete blew it. Couldn't keep aggro on the first mob pull so I dropped out of embarrassment.
>____ edition
>posting your character and friends instead of slapping literally anything else
Go do the Novice Network quests and think about the choices you have made.
You people are pretty autistic.
Make a new character and start out at level 1
I did them and it was very easy but as soon as I pulled the first few trash mobs, I froze up and didn't know how to keep the aggro of like 5 - 6 mobs. Please help!!
>t. c@ playing avatarfag
Hyur are the master race and the removal of all potatoes and cats is coming.
I want yoshidas fucking head for what he did.
>multiple people call me out on my gay shit
>ur just autistic
The reason people want to avoid all /xivg/ bullshit is because it's nothing but autism. /xivg/ might as well be katawa shoujo general since both have little to do with the game now but are left up to contain spergs.
Fucking SCHucks need to chill out. Your class was OP for like the entirety of ARR and HW. You're finally on a level playing field, chill the f out, baby.
>have to experience casting basic heal spells by themselves and MP management for fucking once
Truly the most cancerous lot of the playerbase.
>Mateus, Goblin, Zalera, and Coeurl
Which one? I'm tired of 4000 people queues.
While I agree that SCH was OP as fuck, its not just a question of feeling undertuned but losing skills, having skills reworked into uselessness, added MP costs, and having their new skills feel lackluster as fuck.
I like you
yes going from the best mp management to the worst is totally fine. Their shields costing more than AST shields while shielding for less is also fine at least they have that sick dps which is worse than the other healers too.
The only class that got fucked harder than SCH is MCH.
Didn't think it could get any more brain dead, then the mad lads went along and managed to do it. Not OP anymore but we needed the balance.
Going into a Fell Cleave storm is fun as fuck though
>Really want a paladin as my first tank
>Don't get anything cool until 50+
>123 repeat for 50 levels
How do you guys stomach levelling a tank? I really don't want to boost potion either.
First they came for the Warriors, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Warrior.
Then they came for the Machinists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Machinist.
Then they came for the Scholars, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Scholar.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Flash flash flash, halone combo on whatever the dps is attacking
Always check for shield oath, it drops when you level sync
The fuck is this meme bullshit?
MCH are at the top of the DPS charts, and absolutely destroy SAM in single target damage.
Fuck off and stop spouting disinfo.
every job is boring to play early
why are people saying scholar has mana issues?
mana is much better than in 60
so what do tanks meld on the left side?
>source: my ass
The actual parsing done on the Susano SSS dummy have MCH parsing lower than BRD - literally bottom of the barrel.
I-it's not fair!! My mana isn't supposed to sink below 90%!!! You wouldn't understand, ast or whm pleb.
Because they no longer have infinite mp.
they forget lucid dreaming exists
it's the only thing i can think of.
I haven't played in a long time, I just want a game to play dungeosn in, worth getting back into?
all of the dungeons are top tier but if you are dps you wait like an hour to do them
You'd love POTD. It's an incredible deep dungeon experience that changes every time you go in.
tenacity brah
I never Mained a class but the class I played the most (mch) is completely trash now and I switched to drk which plays like a more fun 3.0 pld.
what do you mean? scholar has a lot more mana now than they ever did
>Playing Wow clones
>Playing MMOs at all
>the best
you mean "i literally have infinite mp and don't need to care about a single thing in the world"
>to the worst
"have to experience MP management for once". You're now living the life of pre-SB WHM and pre-buff AST, there's nothing unfair about it.
>Their shields costing more than AST shields while shielding for less
Adlo + Deploy is still more than Nocturnal Helios
Just did the level 65 dungeon and man was it bizarre. So far the first couple dungeons have been boring. I did enjoy Susano and am enjoying the new cities
I was a white mage and a paladin up to 50 before I just stopped playing.
getting my relics really killed the fun.
>if [class] doesn't have infinite mp it has mana issues!
SCHbabbies everybody
only the dmg is trash. Mch class itself feels really good right now
The second boss was pretty cool, we need more unique fights like that
>this is high level dungeon gear
Fuck you SE are you even trying
As someone WoW Clean for two years, is Stormblood good at all or should I just go buy Prey
aldo and broil mp costs were increased more than the equivalent spells for other healers and aetherflow regen was cut in half. Lucid doesn't make up for that.
>another susano "clear" group that wipes to enrage because the dps is shit
fourth time today
only get the relics you like otherwise you kill yourself on this game
Kugane theme at night, It feels extremely familiar. I've heard the tune before I just cant figure out where.
A lot of the music feels like I've heard it before. I think it's rhalgars reach at day has a near identical tune to ronfaure from ff11. Help!
Yea was just different. Guess just programmed from prior dungeons
how many sam/rdm
Have a pld on 35 and drk on 61. what should i lvl? feeling pretty boring with the drk so far.
So you're telling me it's possible to run out of mp on scholar, now?
Since other scholars have no idea how to use something like lucid dreaming, the trick is to use it early so it comes back early so you can use it more often. Tell your friends.
>that level 70 ninja duty where Karasu is joins and refuses to take the doton when you get targered but runs towards you when he gets targeted.
GOAT character
he's explicitly called a roe a few times during the story, and confirmed by the devs to be one
level whatever feels good bruh
>tfw became lactose intolerant last year
A lot of songs follow the same thematic motif, with the Ala Mhigan theme being actually a musical inverse of the Ul'dah main motif.
>OP for like the entirety of ARR
I fucking hate it when people parrot this bullshit. WHM and SCH were equals in ARR. Both had unique things and complemented each other well.
Same thing with PLD and WAR. HW was a fucking mistake and instead of fixing that mistake, they're just randomly hammering everything down, removing fun in the process.
What should I level up after getting gladiator to 30?
I'm having fun especially in the dungeons atm but I'm finding tanking very difficult and confusing especially when I don't really know what happens in the dungeon.
meanwhile whm now has zero mp management at all and can spam whatever the fuck they want. But that's ok because you're not asspained about white mages being too good before this expansion.
>tfw logged off right at that dungeon because I had to go
Dissapointing to hear. Also this msq so far has been strange too. Nothing really happened while in Hw lvl 55-56 the biggest plot twists are dropped on you.
So for Susan EX what do you do if you get churned and also have a marker on you? You get pushed back so you'll either die from the churning or die from the prey marker because you stopped moving
surprisingly, no rdm. every party had a sam/drg/nin though. fourth slot was usually brd or smn
I need a good group for ex primals. Everytime I do Susanoo the tank dies due to shitty healers or the healers just die.
Gilgamesh Red Mage here, everyone just memes when I ask for help. Please help.
>meanwhile whm now has zero mp management at all and can spam whatever the fuck they want. But that's ok
If you want to go into that reply chain and find where i said that, please screenshot it and post it.
>bad dmg
What's the point?
maybe not so surprising, I've heard RDM has really good damage
You get pushed back way, way before Churn effect goes off.
god dammit you fucks
AST turned out fine. No real nerfs per say, only the fact that you cannot discard spreads anymore or royal roads which is a huge pain in the ass, but compared to WHM and SCH that's fucking nothing. AF3 looks like shit (at least on Lala)[/spoilers] but that goes down to subjective opinions.
I sincerely hope they fix that you cannot see other ASTs' held cards in the party. They specifically said in the damn liveletter that some information is still in the buff bar specifically because other party members need to know the information. If what cards an AST is holding isn't vital information I don't know what is. I guess they did it to make shit ASTs look less shit by not showing they have an expanded spire spread to the side like a fucking retard.
Fun you fucking mongoloid.
You retards are the reason everything went to shit in this expansion. Muh logs, muh meta. Kindly kill yourselves and free this game from the cancer that is your presence, you're fucking killing it.
so whats the hot meme way to level, i haven't played at all since 3.1 and i only played that very briefly
Why the fuck do people want SCH to be shit? Why the fuck do they want there to be less healers?
Does anyone know what SCH are meant to meld at the moment? Is it still mostly crit/spell speed like in HW?
i'm surprised that there weren't any in the parties i was in. figured there would be more 70 rdms around