I fucking miss this game so much. I've been reinstalling it for years, trying all kinds of servers...

I fucking miss this game so much. I've been reinstalling it for years, trying all kinds of servers, but it's never the same as it was back then.

Let it go, user. It's probably just nostalgia anyway, the game wasn't that good.

;_; IT WAS

Please stop reminding me RO will never be a thing again.

All these remakes and successors are just spitting on its shallow grave


Which character did you mained the most.
Agi AssassinX here, card combo, 2 platinum shotels with the paper+ hydra, 310+ flee, infil with the paper, 2 grimtooths... I love that character...

Will we ever get another non-themepark MMO?

The original build of RO2 was the closest thing to a real successor, everything else is an abomination and yes, that includes the chink android game.

It's feels like a ritual for me. Every couple of years I feel the urge to play it again. I fight it but always cave in. I go find a private server. Play it for like a week, and them move on.

It happened again last week.

I often ended up running a WoE High Priest, decked with as highly upgraded gear as I could get my hands on. Feels good to be a centerpiece in WoE and virtually immortal.

It happens the same to me, sad thing is pvp is crowded with Paladins, Creators, Hp's and fucking Champions all over the place, boring to fight against as fuck, and since you can't snap asuras anymore the champs isn't fun either....

Well, standing on the backlines with land protect 24/7 on top of you doesn't make it hard to stay alive. Running through enemy frontlines as an Ax or an LK to reach the empe is a different kind of shit.

If we want an actual successor in our lifetimes, we're going to have to make it ourselves.

You mean, an actual RO private server, or a whole new pixel art, dope, no braindead, no ptw, action mmorpg?

What made grinding on RO so fucking comfy?

the music

It was plain out entertaining and satisfying, and you actually felt like you where reaching somewhere doing it, maybe 97-99 was a little bit harsh but that was just it.
PLus if you where playing something like a combo monk/champ or a taekwon/SG things got a lot funnier even while grinding.
Ah.. and thinking about all the new stuff you could get rebirthing made it more regarding.

Whole new game.

I guess loot was more interesting than most MMOs, gear were mori unique and each monster usually dropped an unique piece of gear, even if it was just a weapon with an extra card slot compared to NPC variants. Plus, there was always a chance you'd drop a card.

Also this.

This is why ToS kinda sucked, loot was generally uninteresting.

Without budget we're fucked, it's so sad that all companies do today is prey for money, they have the technology to do amazing stuff yet we only get one shit after another, it's not fucking nostaliga, objectively games where better back then.

Super Novice, bitch. Get on my level.

And class progresion doesn't make any fucking sense.

I actually like ToS's branching system, obvious balance issues but let's not pretend RO was remotely balanced either.

Yes but none of them will get it right

>RO is a shell of its former self
>RO2 was a fucking WoW clone
>Tree of Savior is a linear, buggy pile of shit

I miss the good years

Not from a game balancing standpoint but from a conceptual one.

It's good in theory, but in practice it just means you have a lot of redundant skills.

Forget about this game, you will just try to force nostalgia.
It's not the same people, not the same atmosphere, everyone is a foreigner, you will never live this period again, and MMO are not like before.

Just do something else with your life.

Eh, it goes deeper than that. ToS's problems are many.

>Extremely linear progression
>Terrible, repetitive quests which don't vary at all outside of the first 10 or so you are given.
>Daily bullshit
>Locking new players out of the market place and trading with one another in a terrible attempt to combat chinese money farmers
>Encouraging AFK Necrofarming by not banning it, and almost making it a necessity for players to catch up with the economy, since there's a constant inflation on prices

At least the first two problems are kind of fixed, since you can just completely skip quests now and do dungeons since exp from those were buffed so much, but it doesn't really "fix" the issue as much as it does ignore it. They should've tried to make questing more interesting or provided some more non-linear progression along that path. As it stands now, you can practically dungeon grind into your late 200s without doing most of the quests, and, considering the PvP is a gigantic shit-fest, what else is there to do in the game? You grind dungeons and farm money so you can... grind dungeons and farm more money? There's just no options here.

And don't get me started on the retarded Yes-men Community Managers, and the moronic GMs who can't manage their game worth a shit. Or the huge incentives on buying TP just so you can get a token and now have to deal with attribute bullshit or walking around like a slow turd.

Is there at least a MMO with a similar artstyle? The sprites were beautiful and all these WoW clones come with the inevitable shitty third person camera with shitty models.

Where are the isometric/top down MMOs with sprites?

grinding for 400 bat wings to make a hat.
If i could go back in time i'd go learn guitar or something. Soo many hours...

>farming Zherlthsh Mask
the worst

>you will never warp-hop to random as fuck places again
My first one was GH dungeon. Great music, but assrape for a level 6 char.

>there are nostalgia tards who havent actually played ro 2003-2005

jesus fucking christ. what did you even see in yhe game after it lost 90% of the community and went into balance hell

2003 was my start. kRO, English patched on Sakrai. 1.4GB client + patch, all downloaded on dial-up. Great times.

Building with cards was fantastic.
>mfw nigh-unbeatable Sniper with Ghostring in armor and Lvl.1 Cloak from another card I forgot

>TalonRO has imbalanced MVP cards for real money, broken custom items
>NovaRO is renewal
>ToS sucks


Wasn't Tree of Savior the spiritual successor?

It's a problem with MMORPGs. You have to pay for server maintenance, and MMOs like RO can't do well with a small population.

Yes, and while the art-style, music, and classes are good or interesting, everything else is pretty bad/mediocre.

it kinda copied yhe art style.

thats as far as it goes.

Stop it please, you are making me remember all those humble years as a merchant selling red pots in front of Izlude to aide the adventurers.

I miss the game too not for the game itself but because the wonderful experience i had with it, the community was great, everyone was so nice, game felt like an adventure in a happy but competitive world.

Probably because the innocence of the players back then, we had so much fun, internet and gaming online changed forever when it became popular.

It has nothing to do with RO apart from how the player character looks. That's it.

Was part of an eAthena-based P-server back in the day. Did lots of scripting, custom items, sprites.
Kill me.

Maybe but they all will be riddled with founders packs and pay2win shit so it doesn't matter.

being p2w is the least of my worries in terms of mmo

When will we be able to play that Ragnarok mobile in english?

RO can never, ever happen again in this market and with the current "cummunity", if you can call it that.

This is the harsh truth. We've had countless examples of devs backing out, changing things, felling prey to bullshit, breaking promises, or outright not understanding what an MMO is.

It's over folks.

Only way you can make this happen is if you're a millionaire and hire a team for a small-scale MMO with little wrinkles but focused on the core just like RO was back then.

No investor chasing his own interests will ever want to make a real RO successor or a similar themepark MMO.

So does TOS have siege events now? Is grinding 25% as fluid as RO? How is the classe balance with so many?

>it's a ro successor without the thing that made ro

>Corridor MMO

Here's the thing. RO was, in part, carried by the novelty of MMOs. The game was even back then pretty fucking hardcore, but because the concept was still fresh and the aesthetics so good a ton of regular people got into it which is why the game had such a huge and diverse community and that's really part of what made it so great and why it couldn't be recreated now.

Something that's usually understated is how fucking good the RO world and lore was.

You had so much stuff, from the fall of Glast Heim to the ongoing political tension of Arunafeltz vs Rune Midgard and the war that was about to come, to the legend of Satan Morroc being locked below the city (Which eventually happened ingame).

I was part of the RolePlaying community in my country, and we once organized a major undertaking in exloring every map of the game and other source material (As well as datamining) and we find some really cool stuff.

I love how it's part of the lore that the majority of the population is unaware of what is going on.

How come Sup Forums never mentions OriginsRO? It seems like a solid idea and even has a budding playerbase. Is it just because /rog/ people aren't playing there?
>Players/Autotraders: 58+123
>Total: 181
>Online Today: 551


I'd play it, but the latency is abysmal for me.

It is in a lot of ways like ungodly low drop rates for many items but the game gives you the option of doing quests instead to level and most people opt for that.

I learned to accept it, there are tons of games, online or not, that I would love to see getting sequels or spiritual successors, but I know it will never happen, for reasons already explained in this thread (in RO's case). I don't miss RO as much as I used to, I try to find new shit to enjoy instead.

That would be me. To this day, I have no idea what the game was even about. My English was shit back then, but at least better than my Korean. And I just explored and explored and exlored the shit out of the world. Hopped blindly into every teleport. Fun times.

Its more of a diablo clone than a MMO.

>siege events now
Said it is coming.
>Is grinding 25% as fluid as RO
Fluid? Wut?
>How is the classe balance with so many
They are still balancing hard everything even though it is nearing 2 years old. Some are really balanced, some only good in pve, some awesome everywhere, some really imbalanced in pvp, some shit everywhere.

However everything is easy to level because of buff shops.


I believe the "Major" plot before the whole Satam Morroc + Ash Vacuum stuff was the political itnrigue of Aruna vs RM.

Basically: Prontera had a Heart of Ymir below te city, and Aruna was collecting those. They believed they could revive Freya. These artifacts were secret to the vast majority of the populatio.

This + religious tensions were boiling to the point a war was about to blow at any time. You see this in various quests in Aruna.

Artfag here, I'm in user

I can build the lore/world/characters and do whatever writing its needed.

Stopped playing RO in 2011 after years of server hopping and never looked back since. Those times have passed.

I tried, I really did, but I can't force myself to choke down renewal changes. The stats, the monster locations, the quest board system being the ideal way of leveling, the op third classes.

Just can't do it man. Just gotta cope with low pop pre-re.

It wont be the same because the mmo market is different now. WoW destroyed any chance of anything new or different ever happening in the genre. Most mmo just are wow rip offs. Not to say that grinding in ro was ever that great anyways. But what really saved it was the community. People helped each other, and werent total assholes. I got pretty far with the guys and girls I quested with from starter towns. Communities arent like that anymore.

How's the ping for Europeans?

I'm kinda moving past the point of where I need a server with a 500+ population, just want to comfy grind until I die alone. Like how some people just pick that game that they'll always play at least a couple of times a week.

Anyone playing on a nice, comfortable server that isn't Talon or Nova?

The ping is pretty high for SEA but it's stable and doesn't have much ping spike or packet loss so I'd say it'd be reasonable to play from EU.

You only had this community thing because RO forced you to idle for long periods so you had nothing to do besides shitpost with friends. Micro transactions and p2w killed this mmo idea.

Looking back, I could have accomplished so much with the time I sunk into ro.

Nigga the people who idled were casuals

I joined a guild and carried my weight, grinding gear to arm myself and my guildmates for the war.

Like playing Runescape instead?

Yo, where are the screenshots.

What servers did you guys play the most?

EtherealRO low rate back in mid-2000s here
As well as ParadiseRO in the late 2000s

I miss those servers and the community.

Go to Ragnarok Philippines they are using the oldest version of the game and jas a strong security so no bots are playing.

baps po?

>tfw 2003 Im 13 years old
>play iro on Sakrai i think it was
>be a knight, meet a healer
>she is actually a she and is in her mid 20s
>see my first pair of breasts out of it

Life was so simple back then.

Move on dude, RO was great but the community that made it so fun back in those days is long gone. There are still fun mmos and other online games out there you just have to give them a chance.

it's a east coast canadian server so unless youre pinoy trash youre good.


>Armored hips

Everytime I feel like starting a new server its not the same since I lack the tools I have on my primary server, tools like a second account for warping, buffing and OC/DC. Also lacking the awesome shit I acquired over the years.

What is the "best" pre-renewal private server? I really miss playing Priest.

Which server is the best to play this now?

Stalker was stupid fun in WoE. You go down like a house of cards against the slightest breeze but full stripping a class that relies on gear was the best feeling. Plus plagiarizing flying side kick and kicking to the emp, only to e-call your whole guild on top of it is awesome.

That and using chasewalk to stalk new players. I would just pick a novice and stalk them as they levelled. If they got killed I'd appear and use a ygg leaf before disappearing again to stalk someone else.

Logged the most wars on Paladin, most time overall would be Lord Knight

>our guild was called The Knights Of 420

I was too young to even get the reference.

The debate continues to this day, except Renewal made both options equally shit.

Sword Knight or Spear Knight?

Bothers me a lot that the one-handed passive is rendered useless once you got knight, if i remember correctly.
I just wish every skill synergized with other skills so as not to waste skill points.

>start playing on OriginsRO
>there's no autoloot
>there's no dungeon warping
>there's no class changer
oh baby

>there's no players after 1 week

There's no fun

>there's no autoloot
how is that a bad thing jesus, do you really want the inflated playtime or clicking on everything individually after every single monster kill

>there's no dungeon warping
this is only fun if the server has over 1000 online people and you actually find people in every route, otherwise it's just walking aimlessly

>there's no class changer
I guess that's okay

Me two

Also I'm sure that the only way we can have a good RO2 is RO HD Remastered, plus memory wipe of entire population.

private ro server without trans classes and pk system when?

I can understand no renewal, but no trans PvP sounds boring.

>threads mostly comprised of private server players
You fucks realize that you have not experienced the true "RO experience" right? Talk about private servers in the early 2000s. Nostalgic about multiplied loot chance and multiplied EXP with some shit added in just because the people that runs it wants to. GMs giving loot away to people they like. Shit added jobs like jedis and some shit.

You fucks are not really nostalgic about the game. You're nostalgic about ERPing in RO.