How does this make you feel?
How does this make you feel?
No one plays with the 3D. That things fucks your eyes.
I literally only used the 3D during the initial setup of my original 3DS. Now it's like who cares.
> Not enjoying the advantages of modern technology.
3D is fucking dope. It adds a tasteful sense of depth
I just don't care for it, dude.
I do. I always keep it on for almost everything.
However I don't think it's necessary for Mario & Luigi since it's a 2D artstyle.
Honestly I forget that I have turned the 3d myself off sometimes.
it's not though, it's 3d now.
>it's 3D now
Here comes the memer.
For what purpose?
Oh well, Paper Jam was the only time it was going to look good anyway since the Paper Characters pop out more
Who knows maybe keeping it 2D only means they are practicing for eventual Switch release.
seriously though, as much of a shit game as it was, Paper Mario Sticker Star was the absolute BEST 3D usage the system ever saw
Except it's not. It's high res 2D artwork.
It literally wasn't. Go play Dark Moon or one of the Sega classics.
it's not even good 3D and it's not impressive anymore
no game I've ever played benefited from the 3D whatsoever
only one game i've played had used the 3D gimmick as part of the game and it was Mario 3D world and even then it was for like only a couple of rooms
I got a 2DS, so I won't even notice.
>We aren't getting the 3D Version of Bowser hitting the DS screen
God Fucking damn it
Oh well, no real loss, M&L's 3D was only ever good for dreamy Luigi attacks and Paper jam's Paper characters
Besides I'm looking forward to the remakes overall improvement on the current artstyle, the shadings are absolutely gorgeous
Fucking lifeless 3D renders ruin everything, now i get what /vp/ autists mean, it simply doesn't fit this kind of games.
The only time I was really impressed with the 3D was Ocarina of Time 3D because it had incredible depth. Almost everything else has had really shallow depth since then.
>3D renders
figures a Monster Hunter autist would be retarded
This is Paper Jam which is 100% 3D outside of the characters. Do these look anything alike?
>caring this much
Literally don't care
It is a port of a gba game
This meme is getting old faster than Atari posters
cute marios belly
>every remake is a port
Love this meme
I'm more worried about some of the lifeless nsmb-esque enemies.
Sounds like you didn't play Dream Team nor Paper Jam
Fucking idiot
I don't think it's different enough to qualify for remake status. This is Super Mario Advance tier.
Regardless it doesn't matter because the game plays the same
I don't play with the 3D on because it makes the games feel too real. Sometimes I forget I'm playing a game and I truly believe I am the cooking mama.
>Lifeless NSMB
Oh boy this meme
They still act the same way as SSS did you fucking mongoloid
God Fucking damn it you fucking brats always have something to bitch about
SSS GBA was the only time a fucking Koopa was on all 4's
They added a completely new game mode that takes place alongside the main story.
But sure, okay.
>SSS GBA was the only time a fucking Koopa was on all 4's
t. retard
3D gives me eye cancer anyways so literally don't care
Super Mario Advance added new game modes too so what's your point?
He was clearly talking about Mario and Luigi series
Me too.
>original SS
>Bowser's koopas stood on two legs, wild koopas stood on all fours
>all koopas stand on two legs
Not to mention the Lakipeas are just recolors of existing Lakitus with shitty vines scribbled on their cloud instead of always hiding the cloud like in the original.
only game I really played in 3D all the time was pilotwings. It felt cheap or actively worsened the gameplay in most other instances I tried it. Like pokemon. Good fucking sweet christ pokemon with 3D on is like that one scene in dead space, you know the one.
Eye sight degenerating via activities is a meme.
All eyesight degeneration is genetic.
>modern technology
No TV manufacturer makes 3D TVs anymore and 3D movies are dying.
Why would i play nu-nintendo garbage? M&L died with Bowser Inside Story
3D models are simply lifeless, enjoy you charm lacking, korean looking tier "jrpgs"
What I dont get is why they arent using a similar palette for the environment.
Because it was the only one to take place outside of the Mushroom Kingdom, barring Dream Team.
Bowser's Koopa Troopas still stood on all fours. It's meant to show that the Beanbean Kingdom was a different kingdom with different species of Koopa and other creatures living there than the ones you're familiar with.
to be fair your judging on single frames
The Lakitu can still be hiding inside the cloud in it's full animation
They had Lakipea in the Bowser's Minions mode on Treehouse live and I didn't see it do that. Granted I'll save my judgement for when the game is out but I hope they don't get rid of the personality the enemies had.
>He didn't play
Of course you would talk garbage out of your mouth
They aren't 3D
They are still sprites and are very well animated
You would know if you actually played the fucking games
Good, the 3D was a fucking mistake.
Seriously, how he went from this..
Are they gonna keep the 3D thing going forever?
to this?
3D is worthless. I said it when the 3DS came out and I say it now. If you can't play a game for more than an hour without issues there's something wrong there.
It's cheaper and Nu-nintendo fans can't tell the difference since their autism doesn't allow them to understand how a sprite can be a lot more expressive than lifeless 3D robotic, plastic models so yeah.
It shouldn't really make a difference. No one really plays in 3d, it's nearly impossible to keep it straight enough while playing. It's really only useful for cutscenes, and even then it's a burden to use.
We aren't arguing tnat sprites aren't expressive
It's your Fucking dumbass that keeps thinking these are sprites
>it's nearly impossible to keep it straight enough while playing
Not only have I never had a problem keeping it straight, but the new 3DS fixed that problem years ago.