Are there any actually decent games in this Steam "sale?"

Are there any actually decent games in this Steam "sale?"

Don't suggest buying singleplayer games either, I'm not a retard.

I'm not a fucking mind reader, I don't know what kinds of games you like. I don't know what games you already have.
Nearly every noteworthy game is on sale.
Go fuck yourself.

No, just go ahead and kill yourself now.

Do not reply unless you're going to fucking contribute to my thread

Eat shit.

Do not make a thread unless you're going to fucking contribute to the board.
It's time to reconsider living.

I answered your question user
Feel free to die at any time

god mode

>Don't suggest buying singleplayer games
>I'm not a retard.

Deponia series is good point and click
Legend of Grimrock 2 is cheap
Arx Fatalis is like 2 dollars

>Steamfags go crazy when there's a sale
>90% is shit
>100% is piratable
Is it even possible for there to BE a more retarded community?

you're a faggot

>Arx Fatalis
Sorry I don't support turboSJWs.

Why are people not capable of basic research to figure out what games are good.

the sale is fine, you've just already played/bought everything that's on sale that you would've wanted

you're a retard

Nobody asked for your opinion, Harvey. Go shove some niggers in your other games

>playing multi
>not a retard

this guy gave you the best response and you dismissed his wisdom because your feelings got hurt.
Only you know what you really want.

>Is it even possible for there to BE a more retarded community?
CEMU fags.
>paying 40K per month to a faggot dev for the sole purpose of slowing down development and milking the Patreon money for as long as possible.

Fuck off both of you. And stop calling me a retard because I'm not, alrigh?

>Nearly every noteworthy game is on sale.
but not every game on sale has a good price

>Sold backpacks from tf2 and dota
>Bought games
>Have $8.20 left

Anything near the $10 mark I should pick up? Was thinking rocket league but I've played that a lot on my friends ps4.

Fucking retard.

lol retard

dumb fucking retard


'Don't suggest single player games, I'm not a retard'

Au contraire, user. It seems as though you've reached peak levels of retardation

Why don't you whine and bitch to someone who cares, or at least can pretend to care

>I'm not a retard.
you're a retard, i hope you kill yourself in a few years

Don't call me that! Why is Sup Forums so toxic? I just wanted people to suggest me some good games, no multishit, FUCK!

ok retard

trying way too hard, retard


you must have many friends.

>buying singleplayer PC games when all singleplayer PC games are free

>pirating retard

who exactly is the retard here when you're spending $60 on a videogame normal people get for free?

Killl yourself, cheap pirate faggot cancer, you are the reason why devs only bother making multiplayer shit nowadays.

Pretty much, the worst kind of fucking pleb.

>Don't suggest buying singleplayer games either
>I'm not a retard

I bought Redout. It's pretty sweet. Doesn't seem like many people are playing it though.

>i only pay for games that require having the attention span of a 5 year old kid
>HURR DURR Who's the retard nao


>plays online multiplayer
>on Steam
>asks others about decent games

Please just fucking die.


Die, retard.


Multi players fags are the worst of human garbage.

>ms paint comic where the guy is pirating and really cool but then it's revealed he's actually fat and downloading Mass Effect 2 and he looks at the anarchist poster on his wall and makes the metal sign.jpg