These three come out today

These three come out today
Do you even care about Amiibo anymore?
If you do, will you be buying any of them?

Other urls found in this thread:

Why would you care for plastic toys at your age in the first place?

These are the only amiibo I care about right now.

Even as a massive amiibo fag, I'm not spending $15 on a 4th link just to get the fierce diety costume in BOTW.

God damn right I'll be getting the Majora's Mask one.

/toy/ may give some reasons

This is Sup Forums though

I wanna see hotglue of that young link

I'll be getting the SS one.
Say what you want about but that tunic is fucking Stylish.
Already have the Twilight one from Smash.

>If you do, will you be buying any of them?

I would have got TP Link and MM Link if they weren't completely sold out within seconds of going up so if I wanted it now I would have to pay a scalper. Instead I bought a Codejunkies NFC chip thing and now pirate all Amiibos, I've had that MM gear in BoTW for months. If Nintendo aren't going to give a fuck then neither am I.

videogames are toys

I bought a lot of amiibo, some that I didn't even cared about. Now that they are releasing good ones I want I just see them but don't want to buy them.

I desperately want the SS one because it looks the best out of all three
I guess I'm gonna buy the MM one too for the sake of the Fierce Deity costume
That Twilight Princess one though, it can eat a dick

Why do people scalp vidya so much? This is fucking insufferable, I just want to order a $12 figure on Amazon.

Surprisingly, my FUCKING GAMESTOP has been really good about having pre-orders available. I plan to try and get at least the Metroid and FE ones, maybe the Champions and Odyssey amiibo if they're also available.

grow up

>store exclusive amiibo

they still do this shit?

If you didn't pre-order the MM one you're already out of luck. That's exclusive to Best Buy and most places had very few or no extras for people that didn't pre-order.

GameStops absolutely had no extra TP Links, pre-orders only. Each store only fucking got 1-3 for pre-order. It's the rarest so far. And finally, fucking Amazon doesn't even tell us when the SS one will go up today.

Exclusives are absolute cancer.

Just ordered Majora Link. I wish he didn't have the fucking Goron Mask in his hand. The Mask of Truth would've suited him better

your main (and probably only) hobby is playing video games
don't you dare talk down to anyone

It's based on original Majora's Mask artwork.

There is an Ultra Detail Figure coming out like this from MM3D though.

If the champion amiibo are retailer exclusive I'm gonna be so fucking mad

Yeah like all the others. But they should've made an exception

>caring about amiibo ever
jesus, you know you can get decent scales of half these characters, right? there's no need to buy overpriced happy meal toys to sate nintendo's endless greed.

>No CDI Link.


None of those are, and no future amiibo announced at E3 are. They Champions are already out for pre-order everywhere, and have sold out most places. Wal-Mart still has them. I just placed an order there today just in case I can't pick them up at Best Buy for that 20% off discount day one.

Do they really lock vidya content behind these toys? How is nobody complaining on Sup Forums about that ?

where do you buy these? walmart or some shit?

Because anybody who only wants the content can easily and cheaply get everything by buying bulk NFC chips for like a dollar, and an android phone that supports NFC writing, and making their own bootleg amiibos that have 0 differences in function. I certainly hope nobody buys these things for the functionality alone. I buy them for the figures.

TP Link is exclusive to GameStop. They only fulfilled pre-orders and only had 1-3 orders per store, and he is completely sold out now.
MM Link is exclusive to Best Buy. You might have a chance of getting him today if you look, but he's probably sold out too.
SS Link is exclusive to Amazon. They have been completely silent since it was announced and we have no idea what time it will go online. It could sell out in minutes or hours as soon as it does go up, we just don't know.

Why do they produce only like 100 of these things a year when they fly off the fucking shelves in nanoseconds

I don't care for amiibo and these look good. I especially like the one in the middle but what the fuck, Link is getting more amiibo?

Because they can and desperate neckbeards will buy them.

CEMU tho

Lucario was "exclusive" to Toys R Us for a while, but eventually I saw Best Buy's loaded with them after a few months. If these are popular enough Nintendo will inevitably make more until every place is full of them.

But I have the NFC stickers for 50 cents for about 3 months now.

why would I want a 15 dollar toy that does the same thing as this 50 cent sticker?

>If these are popular enough Nintendo will inevitably make more until every place is full of them.
Good joke, user.

I would give Nintendo their asking amount for the Skyward sword amiibo, but its gonna sell out before I get the chance.

Yeah but that took like a year. I'm sure it'll come eventually.

I'm waiting on this and Cloud.

This, just make your own NFC cards with a phone and some NFC stickers, or buy them for a buck a piece on ebay or someshit.

Had Fierce Diety gear since like week 2

TP, SS and Smash4 all look alike. Why didn't they make one based on pic related instead?


Does this actually do anything in BOTW?

Classic Outfit and classic Sword.

This one then
I would've pre-ordered it right away

It's exactly the same other than the shield

>implying my small hick town will even have these at my Walmart
>implying I'll find these period
>implying I won't have to resort to paying a scalper to get any of the good ones.

Amiibos are the worst Nintendo thing ever.


Forgot link.

>exclusive retailer
>no supply
>sold out

I was an asshole and bought someone else's pre-ordered TP Link at GameStop.

Can't find any older Zelda amiibos under $20 so probs

Get the Amazon Skyward Sword one now while you still can, then.


Thanks a ton user. Say what you want about Skyward Sword, but I love the outfit. Probably my favorite of all time

what should I be seeing?

Glad to help. It looks like they're being back-ordered now though, you might get it shipped later than the first group if you just got yours in now.

Mine should arrive by Tuesday by the looks of it

So this is how Amiibos die.

Of course it was going to go down this road, 2 Kirby amiibos, 2 Samus amiibos, 8 different Link amiibos.

You fucked up Ninty, if i buy a Samus amiibo THAT'S IT, why would you release the same fucking amiibo on a different pose.

I'm so glad i never bought one.

>8 different Link amiibos

To be fair the Link Amiibo's have an excuse, each Link being a different character and all so make one of each and rake in the scalper cash.

i just got it too! thanks! i hope its legit. feels too good to true desu

I agree with you on all the fucking Links, but not the Samus. The original Samus amiibo was made for the Super Smash Bros. line. It was modeled from her character art in Smash. It's good to have a version of Samus that's a "generic" version that's tied to the series as a whole, not just one game. If they do a Prime 4 amiibo, that would be too much.


I hate being a collector.

these arent exclusive as well are they? are preorders up?/done? i fucking hate how scarce Nnty makes these things

These are not exclusive, just the player 2 variants of Bayo, Cloud and Corrin. The 3 Links are exclusive as well.

ok. thats a little better. so no word on preordering them just yet?

I saw them up on Japanese sites and I think Gamestop.

In Canada, no one has them yet.

Subtle, heh

>Skyward Sword Link
It's a stretch enough to think I will buy a toy, even of two games in my top 10 like MM and TP, but to think that I would buy a toy of a video game I wouldn't even take for free. And one that dopey-looking at that.


>Do you even care about Amiibo anymore?
>If you do, will you be buying any of them?
I don't hate the idea. They'd be fine if they ever actually sold for the "retail" price. Maybe if they ever make enough of them to meet demand? As it is, no, I'm not paying more than the price of a new game to get what is essentially a display fig + some minor dlc.

Right handed Link was a mistake.

And here I thought the Amiibo craze was over.

The good news is store exclusives are like Sony games from third parties. They always come to other places after enough time.