Mfw i can't play xcom2 because i'm disabled

>mfw i can't play xcom2 because i'm disabled
i have SMA (spinal muscular atrophy), i move only my right hand but now it's fucked too. i can't press RMB soo i can't move in xcom2. all i need to play xcom2 is change key bind:
RMB -> 2x LMB
but i can't change this in settings

i use on screen keyboard to write

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shit game anyway OP, consider it a blessing in disguise

I don't know what to tell you.
Maybe grab an MMO mouse with a bunch of buttons on the left side or something?

Some external settings can help you

i tryied but my fingers are fucked too

tell me more

There has to be some program for that. In fact, I'm positive there is

Do you really have spinal muscular atrophy?

yes, sma type 1.

Shit sucks bro. Other than a double LMB click, is there anything else you can bind instead?

in game i can bind keyboard buttons but i use onscreen keyboard and xcom2 is unplayeable with it.

also divinity:os or civV is full enjoyable with LMB + on screen keyboard

So other than RMB, can you:
1. Use the scroll wheel?
2. Click the scroll wheel?
3. Can you use your thumbs?

I'm wondering if something like would work.

How the fuck did you post the image then huh?

1. 2. 3. - no
my fingers are fucked

How is your left hand? I know you said it isn't great, but could you press say the control key or the space bar?

that sounds awful op, I honestly think I would kill myself if I couldn't play games.

aren't there any programs that hook directly into the operating system to remap keys like that? although remapping double click to rmb sounds pretty exotic, no idea if anyone would implement that

my left hand is totally fucked
i'cant move it

How is he going to kill himself when he can't even right click?

I'm not near a PC right now, maybe there is some other user who feels doing a solid for OP and installing autohotkey and trying this as a script (rename Xcom2 to whatever the Xcom window is called):

#ifWinActive,ahk_class Xcom2
click 2::RButton

He only needs to left click to shoot

I'm not on Windows right now so can't test it either, but the answer to this question here mentions Autohotkey as well, plus another application called X-Mouse Button Control that might also do the trick:

>euthanasia is a bad thing they say
There comes a point when the will to live changes from a benefit into a curse.

But from the way that looks it's probably worse than Autohotkey. OP should go with Autohotkey.

Yes, but being depressed or dumb enough to setup a simple macro on your LMB is not one of those cases

You never cease to amaze me.

I'm a supporter of people's right to choose whether they live or die, but OP sounds like he ain't done with life. He isn't expecting someone else to click for him, he wants to make his own way.

If Xcom makes him happy then that is a fucking great reason to live - you should consider your own options though.

i will try X-Mouse Button Control
it looks it could solve my problem

Agreed. He's not a benefit to society, and will only hold us back.

Im confused you can left click but cant right click? you cant move your fingers 2 inches? if not how do you move the mouse?

No you fucktard, I just said Autohotkey will work better. I'm the one who suggested X Mouse Button Control, but just from the screenshot it's obvious it doesn't have double click remaps.

By this standard everyone on Sup Forums must die.

i will try AutoHotkey too
thx bro

Good, it's a shit board

>check these dubs

make an AHK script maybe?

Now that we have a few spectators, anyone feeling helpful and sitting in front of a windows PC?

And? is that a problemt?

buy the steam controller
you can play anything just using one hand, and the configuration options are endless
you can map anything to anything

Not particularly.

That one guy beat Dark Souls with voice commands, maybe try setting that up for XCom.

That's a fucking good idea OP. Can totally double click by talking.

>spinal muscular atrophy
it sounds so sinister

this ? it's all turn based you can't just move an inch for the extra click ?

you can click on tap
double click on tap
use the gyro

Ben said his fingers were rooted, he might not be able to hold the controller.

Buy random USB buttons and bind them to things, (or full on macros and scripts) using AutoHotkey. If you're actually fucked it will be well worth the effort to learn the basic scripting language.

you dont have to
the thing about the steam controller is that the software layer is amazing

How are you typing this bitch
Fuck off

so i create ahk script file with

#ifWinActive,ahk_class Xcom2
click 2::RButton

and thats it? i can't in2 script

I think so, bawsed on the online documentation. I've never used it before.

Hence why I'm asking someone to test it.

To test it I'd omit the first line - the first line is saying " only do this if a window called Xcom2 is active". But Xcom might call its window something stupid like XCom2 xcom2 Xcom 2 all of which will fuck it.

In theory, the second line is saying "bind a double click to RMB", which is what you want, but I don't know if it works.

thank you user. i'm instaling xcom2 right now ani if it's work i will be wery happy

Check back in and let me know how you go.


Bump, I wanna know if it works.

Is OP dead?

now all he needs is a handgun with voice commands

Nah, downloading and installing Xcom, testing the script might take a while.

it dosen't work


move the mouse an inch to the left and click you idiot

Did you try just the second line?

There are external programs for binding your voice commands to key combinations etc.

Zdrowia życzę, kolego.

Stupid question, can you rebind the move button to a virtual keyboard key?

>shout BANG to shoot, have to say you're reloading for reload.
I would watch this

He said he can use lmb
What kind of fucked up settings do you have to need to press rmb to post a pic

I'm sorry it didn't work. When I'm back at a PC tomorrow I'll fuck around and see if I can get something going.

I can email you something if I find it.

Send me an email at [email protected] and I'll get back to you tomorrow.

how do you move the cursor, then? it's a turn-based game so its not like you're in a hurry to execute any function.

surely there's some hardware available that can help people with your condition, right? I've seen Xbox360 controllers for people with only one arm for example.

how would stephen hawking play video games?

yes, not working


yes but when i move pointer on one screen keyboard it change position in game too
it's fucked

ok, i will contact you tomorrow

didn't even read your post past your first sentence. if you're disabled and can't play game the game, how come you can post on v? it's not like xcom is a twitch shooter. calling bullshit right here

This thread made me really depressed
I feel really bad for op now

nigga he can't right click, if your hand is fucked, I can imagine trying to move between lmb and rmb would be tedious and/or painful

I'm only waiting for somebody to figure it out and do the deed for me
Too much of a coward to kill myself

even blind people and paralysed people can use computers, like op in this case if you actually read the very next sentence. they're just limited in what they can do and what interfaces they can use.

Cheers, guy. I'm sure there is a way. We will find it. Send me a mail tomorrow (throwaway, can't trust any fuckers here) and I'll let you know what I got.

I'm in Australia so we are a few hours ahead of you.

Hope it will work out for you OP

maybe you should kill yourself

have you considered watching animes

Don't know the costs or anything, but not sure if it matters. Sounds like it might be an option for you though.

Good luck breh.

>I have a disease that kills almost everyone within the first 2 years of their life
Bruh how are you even alive?

Melancholy yet slightly comfy thread. Good luck, OP. Hope you get to shoot aliens soon.

damn dude

Underage banned confirmed

Are you american? Is that why you don't believe in health care?

Am I missing something? It says "Affected children are not able to sit up or stand, and the vast majority do not survive past 2 years of age due to respiratory failure" and the definition of type 1 is that they're diagnosed at or before birth

Maybe get a script which looks at your input and if you press lb 2 times fast it will input it as rb

good thread

Sorry user.

If you haven't gotten into grand strategy games they are pretty easily played with just a mouse and left click. They could be enjoyable for you.

Shit man don't know what to tell you. There's some macro programs you can use.
Something like this
should work

Can you move your feet?

OP, not sure about how to solve this issue, but as another user said, strategy games are easy to play with simple clicks. Maybe try your hand (no pun intended) at banished? It's a good game, becomes great with Colonial Charter mod.

you must be a god in runescape

Hope you get to have fun OP, beign disabled you must get really bored, right?

Someone better help him and make it work for him or you're all in trouble.

i don't need this, maby in futere

till 6lvl was ewerything ok with me. now im 29


i will try out

rhanks for all good words
i love you Sup Forums

>I'm a supporter of people's right to choose whether they live or die, but OP sounds like he ain't done with life. He isn't expecting someone else to click for him, he wants to make his own way.

That was strangely inspirational

>He isn't expecting someone else to click for him, he wants to make his own way.

Do you think there are vidya guide dogs out there? Like, that can click your mouse for you on command and type words into the computer with a keyboard?

Just asking.